What is viral marketing? How it works and what benefits does it offer?

We hear very often about viral marketing, videos that have millions of plays or images that are shared at high speed because they have managed to play a magic key within the collective consciousness of the audience. They have that “something special” that they like and generates the uncontrollable need to spread among the acquaintances. […]
viral marketing

We hear very often about viral marketing, videos that have millions of plays or images that are shared at high speed because they have managed to play a magic key within the collective consciousness of the audience. They have that “something special” that they like and generates the uncontrollable need to spread among the acquaintances.

But are these contents random or are they well calculated viral advertising? Both. There are contents that have been created without an advertising or marketing purpose, simply for fun, to raise awareness and / or inform. While others, they do have a well-planned viral strategy behind them, with a piece of luck, and another one of great previous preparation and a very worked creativity.

At imab2b we have a highly qualified team that will help create an online space for your business that is reliable and efficient for all customers, all this supported by eye-catching images and photos.

What is viral marketing?

Viral marketing gets its name due by the diffusion capacity that some content or advertising messages get, just like a virus when it replicates and expands without control, from individual to individual quickly.

The magic of this technique is that viral content is shared by itself, being the consumers themselves who are responsible for carrying out the work of the marketing campaign with their likes, sharing, shipments or views. The advertiser brand almost does not have to do anything from the moment the viral content is launched, just wait and see how the benefits come.

All this sounds very beautiful! But like everything, it has a drawback. Rather said, a great fault. Getting a viral advertising strategy is very difficult. Less than 1% gets it. And the chance factor plays a key role.

Why do some types of content become viral and others don’t?

Of course, there are agencies and marketing experts who have tried to discover the formula of virality and some ingredient they have found during their empirical tests.

But going back to the question that many of us ask ourselves about our brand: why is my advertising not viral and that of the competition itself? The company BuzzSumo has tried to answer this question, which is dedicated to analysing what is successful in social networks. They have taken 100 million articles and have drawn very interesting conclusions about why one content becomes viral and others do not. Do you want to know?

Very long posts are more shared. How? It was not supposed to be short and concise in the era of mobile and content oversaturation. Well, no. Error. The extensive posts are more successful than the short ones, even though we read less each time and our attention jumps from one place to another in less than 15 seconds. Articles of 3000 to 10,000 words are shared on average more than those that contain fewer words (about 8,859 times). Why is this happening? It will be because there are 16 times more content with less than 1,000 words than content with more than 2,000. Another reason may be because the detailed contents provide more value and can better answer the doubts of consumers, a fact that will make them more viral.

Do not forget to put an image. Viral marketing does not exist without a photograph or video. Articles in a blog are shared on average 64.9 times if they have an associated image, while those that are only textual have a share average of 28. Crushing! Dedicate 10 minutes to the search of the perfect photo in the banks of images, the possible virality of your contents will thank you.

The social networks are to blame for your virality. Most users have some profile on social platforms. Thanks to them you will get your content can go from being a simple cold to a global pandemic. Showing thumbnails on Facebook (image, headline, personalized description) multiply the viralisation capacity, with thumbnail the average of sharing is 56 and without 17 times. And how not … the same thing happens on Twitter.

Put your brand heart in the contents. A neutral content does not transmit anything and will not awaken the user’s desire to share. You must put feeling and affection in the creation process. Better to be positive emotions such as surprise, laughter or entertainment, since negative emotions such as sadness or anger are unprofitable. Nobody wants to share the pessimism of other people, and less, that of a company.

The 10 is the most viral number. According to science, the number Pi (3.1416) is present in all creation of nature, but the magic number present in the viral content is 10. It is the best number to create listings. The rest of the numbers that work best, and in order, are 23, 16 and 24. And if someone wants to know why? Honestly, it’s irrational.

The influencers are cool. Contact one and you will triumph. If you share 5 influencers you can multiply by 3 the times they share in social media. If you share only 1, your virality also increases by 30%.

Share several times on social networks. The viral life of a post on social networks has the hours counted. If you know that your content generates a desire to be shared, post it several times, so you will start the chain of sharing again and you will reach new people each time.

Advantages of viral marketing

It never hurts to know the benefits that any discipline provides, as is the case of digital marketing.

  • Low cost. As already mentioned above. You just have to think about the big idea and translate it creatively and the rest of the work will be done by the consumers.
  • Enormous potential reach. Being viral means reaching far and quickly, thanks to the ability to spread viral marketing.
  • It is not invasive. Unlike. This type of advertising content is always welcome, because the audience likes it.
  • It helps to strengthen the brand. You will increase the ROI, but also the notoriety of the brand and its reputation. Because they will associate positive and viral values ​​to your company.

When looking for a team of professionals that can provide your business with a website that is second to none in terms of user-friendliness and intuitiveness, contact us