This recipe for pizza dough is an excellent choice. You may have to work on it to make it fulfil your expectations and make sure the pizzas you prepare have the right amount of crust you like.Here at Romeo’s Woodfired Pizza you can enjoy the most delicious pizzas prepared by truly experienced professionals using only top quality ingredients.
The main characteristic of a traditional pizza and what makes it totally peculiar is:
- It is a spongy mass with a thickness between 1 and 2 cm or more.
- In the traditional pizzerias chefs usually have the precooked dough on which the ingredients are put.
- It is usually cooked in a pan that gets into the pizza oven.
- It usually has more proportion of water and more yeast.
- The dough has to rise twice. The first time when it is kneaded and expected to double its size and the second when it is put in the mild.
Ingredients to prepare the traditional pizza dough:
- 1kg of flour
- 15g of salt
- One teaspoon of sugar
- 600g of water
- 45g fresh yeast / 15g dry yeast
- 50ml extra virgin olive oil
Step 1
The first thing is to prepare the pre-ferment, for this we use one or two tablespoons of the flour, sugar and yeast together with a little of the water and mix well until a homogeneous mass is formed. Cover it with a cloth and leave it between 10 and 30 minutes until it doubles in size.
Step 2
Once our preferment has doubled in size and the “sponge-like” texture has been formed, we put it together with the rest of the flour, the extra virgin olive oil, the rest of the water that we have not used, and the salt. We knead everything until there is a smooth and elastic mass.
Step 3
Separate the dough we have obtained with a knife or spatula and form three balls. It may seem a lot, but it is necessary so that the pizza is then very fluffy and with a thickness of more than one centimetre.
Put one of the balls in a pizza pan that we have oiled slightly so that the dough does not stick, and let it rise for almost an hour or until it doubles its size. We cover the dough with some transparent plastic so that the dough does not dry out while we let it rise. A couple of times, during the levying of the dough, we spread the dough with my fingers so that it would take the right shape.
Step 4
Once we have the dough with the proper shape, we preheat the dough for a couple of minutes in the oven at 250 ° C to get the dough to be a little more crispy. In this case we have used the baking tray on which we have spread the dough.
For the pizza that we have prepared, we marked the dough with a little tomato sauce before putting it in the oven, mostly because it is like we have seen in the Argentine pizzerias, which usually have mashed pre-cooked and marked with sauce of tomato on which they put the rest of the ingredients.
Differences between Neapolitan pizza and classic NY pizza
Pizza Napoli falls within our definition of neighbourhood pizza restaurants, within the scope of pizzerias which is convenient to order pizza to pick up or to send it home.
In great pizza restaurants, the menu of pizzas is quite extensive, about 17 pizzas, which can be chosen in three sizes (20, 30, 7, 40cm) and priced around 9, 13 and 17, respectively. As two medium pizzas for two people is more than enough, we would even say that even a little excessive.
Also, the idea is to make known the different types of pizzas there, because, except for the Italians who have it in the DNA and the Americans, that despite what may seem, have a brutal pizza culture. In addition, in general, the term pizza includes types and recipes so wide and varied that it is very complicated to cover them all and compare them as if they were a single dish.
Really a Neapolitan style pizza and a NY style do not look alike. They are totally different dishes, therefore, the pizzerias that make them could not be compared, since we get into the world of tastes.
In this post we have summarised the main styles and some other Italian rarity, so keep the post short and concise, because if you go to the USA, there almost every state has a different style that has become fashionable pizzeria.
The idea is that this post is updated as you experiment and make more different pizzas.
The Neapolitan pizza could be considered as the precursor of pizza and is the one with the most tradition and, according to the entry of the wikipedia, there are references to this typical pizza from the Campania region since 1715.
The main keys of this pizza are that:
- The dough has to rise for at least 12 hours at room temperature and the kneading has to be done by hand.
- It must be prepared directly at the base of a wood oven at 450-500ºC, without using any type of metal support, for an estimated time of 60 seconds or less.
- It must not have a diameter greater than 35 cm. The edge should have a thickness of 1-2 cm and the centre a minimum of 0.4 cm.
As you can see there is a good range of differences of how the authentic Neapolitan pizza has to be and there is an organisation that watches over the fulfillment of this.
Eat a delicious and healthy pizza here at Romeo’s Woodfired Pizza and enjoy an excellent meal any day of the week with gourmet specialised people prepared to cook delicious pizzas with an unmatched flavour. Contact us today for more information about our pizzas and we’ll be happy to help you.