During the next year and the following, the approaches in online marketing for company management should be directed, above all, to the technological innovations that are appearing. The trends in online marketing in 2018 can already be seen, and we can talk about some of the most striking.
If you want to create your online store or website and need more information, contact us here.
Five proposals for online marketing in the future
Quality content, content marketing
Taking into account the contents of the websites for different advertising strategies is essential. But, also, for some time, the quality of these contents is an essential key.
If we limit ourselves only to create content “because we have to do it” since it is marked by the calendar, we may not be completely satisfied with the result. In 2018, the quality of the contents will be much more important.
Therefore, we must focus on the content and its quality. Quality before quantity. This will make the difference. If we focus on creating really useful information for interested readers, we will be able to stand out from the competition much more easily.
Searches by voice and audio online
Although voice searches have not yet been established as “the most used platform”, more and more people are searching for voice. The rise of systems such as Google Home or Amazon Echo has made it essential to focus our marketing strategies towards voice search.
Similarly, although video is still the king of content that includes audio, podcasts have advantages over video. The main advantage is that, the person who listens, can at the same time perform other tasks.
If we want to succeed in online marketing, pay close attention to the “auditory” part of the audience.
Influencer marketing
Influencers have more and more presence in the advertising world. These people who “influence” consumers are an excellent way to reach the potential customer in a subtle way. They are what we have always called “opinion leaders”.
Unlike a “prescriber” an influencer or opinion leader does not have to know anything of what they recommend. They are simply admired and, therefore, imitated.
Word of mouth, taken to the consumer through the influencers, can have very striking results in our sales. It is advisable to take into account this type of advertising when creating our communication strategies.
Mobile phones
The mobile phone has become the main device from which people seek information. Therefore, adapting to the small screen of the smartphone has become more important than ever.
How many times have we accessed a website from the mobile that is not seen correctly on our device? Most of the times this happens, we just close and look for another website that is responsive. Focusing the creation of our website and our content on the visualization on mobile devices will make a difference.
Whatever our strategy, if a user of our website does not have a good experience on his smartphone, we will be throwing time and money in the trash.
The visual experience
Following the line of the previous trend, each time the websites need to be more visual. Although a few years ago we found that most of the websites were based on text, and more text; currently the most visual websites are the ones that are gaining the advantage.
Offline vs Online
Definitely everything points to companies, small businesses and independent people increasingly have to integrate more with virtual media to increase their customers.
Younger people are the argument for this concept, although it may seem extreme, many of them only use the Internet for any circumstance of their lives, such as asking for an address, booking a ticket to the cinema, paying a university tuition, answering an exam, plan an exit, take a romantic relationship or just listen to music.
A useful element that is part of the trend and that helps take advantage of local businesses that kind of circumstances is the geolocation through search engine advertising, something that has been developing Google with great force and which is focused on showing results of agreement to the place where the user is.
If the client used to be right… now they have the power!
The interaction with the client is the pillar, sociability is the current route to gain the love of the user. There is no large or small company on the Internet, there are companies that respond to requests and provide better products and services to the user. It is no longer who follows the company, but the company that should follow their customers to know what they want and how to please them.
There is talk of a new way of doing business, very different from the traditional way, where the approach is 80% relational and 20% transactional.
The new leading segment
A website of great quality, design, speed and high conversion without format for mobile devices simply will not work! You will be losing more than half of the effective visits that you might get to interact, share or buy.
Having a site adapted for a Smartphone in some content managers such as wordpress is as simple as installing a plugin, which leaves no excuses to anyone!
Construction of digital assets
This is a concept that is already in fashion and is the Big Data, which aims to collect data, from digital marketing, focused on users.
A clear example of the subject is a company that creates a free application for smartphones in order to capture personal information of users and identify consumer trends, which can become an asset when these data are focused on a specific sector and then be offered.
These are some trends in which, as we said before, several people and blogs that talk about Digital Marketing agreed and where you can clearly see the arguments to predict that near future.
Consider each one of them will surely be the difference between the success and failure of many projects that are added daily on the Internet. Remember that here at Website Connection we can help you set up your online store and improve your sales volume considerably.