7 common mistakes that damage your furniture and you had not realized it

We have recently fallen into an excess of cleaning and your furniture may be suffering the consequences of this These cleaning mistakes can damage your furniture. We know that caring for furniture is complicated, and that with the current health crisis this activity has become indispensable. The problem is that it is not being done […]

We have recently fallen into an excess of cleaning and your furniture may be suffering the consequences of this

These cleaning mistakes can damage your furniture.

We know that caring for furniture is complicated, and that with the current health crisis this activity has become indispensable. The problem is that it is not being done in the proper way, either by cleaning the furniture very often, by not cleaning it with the right products or, even, by not knowing the ideal care for each material in the house.

It is likely that you have made one of these mistakes and so far your furniture is in good condition, but you could damage it in the future. Regardless of whether you have to clean wood, metal, fabric or glass, these mistakes can be very damaging.

Here at Brisbane Upholstery we pride ourselves in reupholstering well-made furniture and antiques. If you are looking for experts in upholstery in Brisbane you can be sure our team of professionals will repair, restore and recover your dining suites, wardrobes, chairs and all types of furniture as well.

  1. Improperly applied cleaning product

Applying the products directly can be detrimental to them. It is not advisable to apply the product directly on the surface, much less from a short distance. This will result in over-application and, in addition to being a waste of product, causes scratches and stains on your furniture. We recommend first applying the product on a cloth and then spreading it evenly on the furniture.

  1. Excessive use of products can damage surfaces. Using cleaning products constantly.

You don’t need to use a spray or polish every time you clean your furniture surfaces unless you have found a new stain or scratch that requires a specific cleaning product. It is advisable to remove dust only with a damp cloth and go to cleaning products in emergencies or in specific situations to keep your furniture in excellent condition for as long as possible.

  1. Placing your plants on your furniture can leave stains.

Indoor plants help clean the air in your home, but if you’re not careful they can be a big problem for your furniture and floors. Constant watering is necessary and this can lead to leaks, marks and stains. With more extreme damages, for example, in metallic materials that rust; or on the wood as mold forms. To prevent this from happening, try to buy leak-proof pots or leave your plants outside or in the sink while they absorb the water.

  1. Bottles without instructions.

It is essential to read the instructions for use of the products. Not reading the instructions of the products.

A common problem is not reading instructions before using cleaning products. It is essential that you do a complete reading of the manual before putting them into use so that you are aware of the damage that you can cause with excess or the wrong application of these.

Likewise, keep in mind that each product has a specific use, so it is important to avoid using the same one for all your furniture at all costs. It is also advisable to stay away from universal cleaners as they can often cause staining.

  1. Cleaning tools

Label your cleaning tools depending on the area in which you use them. Use the same duster or cloth.

Another big common mistake is using the same cleaning tools equally on all of your surfaces. This can damage your furniture as it transfers dirt and bacteria from one piece of furniture to another and can damage the finish, the enamel and even the color. It is understandable that it is a bit complicated to remember which cloth or duster was the right one for each product and surface, so we recommend labeling them or coordinating them by color to make cleaning a little easier.

  1. Homemade cleaning products

Home remedies can be counterproductive. Clean with home remedies. We have all heard of a home remedy to remove a difficult stain from an armchair or to restore the shine to a wooden furniture. However, it is advisable to stay away from these tips as much as possible because they can irreparably damage them. An example of these myths is that varsol can be used to remove stains from furniture and fabrics, but this is completely false. Other common rumors are that tiner and acetone can still remove tough stains, but all these two are going to do is leave a bigger stain and weaken your fabrics.

  1. Constant cleaning can damage the natural materials in your furniture.

Over-cleaning your furniture. It’s understandable wanting to keep your spaces as clean as possible, especially with this health crisis. But this excess cleaning can be the worst nightmare for your furniture, especially if it is natural materials such as wood, textiles and leather. You have to find a middle point in which the spaces are well disinfected but our furniture does not suffer, so you have to know well the materials you have in the home, for example leather can develop a shiny and natural protective layer as it ages, and cleaning will interrupt this process.

We must be aware of how we clean our homes to keep them in the best possible condition, especially now that we spend more time at home.

When a piece of furniture needs attention, it shows. Food stains and watermarks leave evidence on a table, the textiles on chairs and armchairs become discolored and dirty over the years, and so on.

Cleaning furniture is simple, but doing it the wrong way can damage the furniture in your home. The key is to start with the mildest cleaners, work with stronger solutions as needed, and test in inconspicuous areas, such as the inside of a table leg, before tackling large areas.

Try a simple cleaner first: moisten a cotton ball with water, add a drop of dishwashing liquid, and try. If the finish survives, prepare a solution of water and detergent and clean the entire piece. For wood, keep the sponge slightly damp and rinse frequently.

In general, cleaning your furniture can be done in the same way, but there are some that require specific cleaning.

Here at Brisbane Terminator we will provide you with the services you need to keep your building or house free from moths.