The content is the King, it is affirmed more and more without objection and with solid arguments. We come from times where quantity was everything, accumulate and accumulate. Many entries, many followers. This is no longer part of the success formula, now it’s all about creating valuable content.
Here at MLK Marketing we offer you second to none digital marketing services to boost your sales.
Create Value Content: 5 Steps You Must Follow
- Know your client
The first step in creating valuable content involves thinking: who do we produce for? That is, to know the will of our client or possible user. It is necessary to analyse it to understand that it can be highlighted or promoted to satisfy it in your search.
You must think what the customer wants to do, what he wants to sell or buy. This will help you identify the positive and negative aspects of your current content strategy. Another important point requires understanding why customers want what they want. This does not mean having to “guess” their will, but to study user behaviour.
- Set goals to attract customers with your content
The main objective to achieve visibility is to attract attention. Ideally, make your content viral. If your content is good and, in addition, it is everywhere, you will achieve a considerable increase in brand awareness.
Another point to consider when creating valuable content, refers to the possibility of educating through content. It involves building authority in the industry. It is about providing value and values to the audience. On the other hand, you should encourage actions, encourage sales. An effective method for this is to build an email list.
Following these steps will help in the generation of traffic. You can attract a new and large audience. New customers, without neglecting the old ones. Growth is based on the value of what you offer.
- Connect with the customer
An important part of the task is based on finding “hooks” to connect with the client and their interests. On the one hand, we can talk about the content in the educational sense, give useful information that brings value and knowledge about an important issue to solve.
You must link your content with the latest news. In addition, it is advisable to customise the information you provide. This brings us back to the first point, knowing the client to know what to offer him.
A widely used method to reach the client has to do with the analysis of case studies, that is, connecting the content with real life. In turn, the concepts you develop are linked to others and you should always look for surprise, originality, value.
- Wake up sensations
The idea, in this step, has to do with mobilising the reader’s feelings through the content. Yes, there are people behind the machines and although sometimes it is not noticeable, they have a heart.
- Create Value Content
You must make the reader fall in love with your content, make it so surprising that it leaves you shocked. Vulgar content, repetitive and little thought will not achieve even a yawn by the client.
The proposal implies that the content contributes value and also rupture. Surprise. Even get the user through feelings like fear (you realised that your content is not good, and today you do not sleep well), discomfort and even disgust (my specialty, of course). The important thing is to mobilise feelings through content.
Why are eBooks powerful content tools to generating leads and increasing engagement?
For all types of businesses, it’s more accessible and cheaper to prolong their relationship with an old customer than finding a new one. Keeping that loyalty among customers growing is what branding is for. An essential part of any branding strategy includes offering visitors something they consider valuable, increasing their engagement to your brand.
Businesses can use different options to create this type of engagement among their customer-base. These tools can also work efficiently when trying to impress a potential customer by offering something that may be useful for them, making them notice your products and services.
Some of these tools are:
- Discounts and special offers.
- Videos, tutorials, podcasts.
In the last years, eBooks especially have become very important tools to generate leads and get more leads, basically because they are interactive, portable and informative. eBooks have gained so much popularity in the latest years that 56,000 eBooks are self-published every month.
Long story short, the eBook market in a multi-billionaire massive market that businesses, no matter their size, can’t afford to miss.
Create value with well-written eBooks
It’s been a few years, since 2010 to be precise, when digital books started outselling their hard cover versions on websites like Amazon that the importance of eBooks was demonstrated. Digital marketing has evolved and eBooks have positioned as very effective vehicles for businesses or people that can author a piece of content that establishes all the experience expertise they have in a certain area.
However, quality is extremely important to make sure the results will be as expected. It’s important for an eBook as a vehicle to generate leads and increase engagement to fulfil the following requirements:
- The content the eBook conveys must be relevant and should stay relevant for at least a couple of years.
- Try to write an eBook about a problem or situation no experts in your industry has addressed yet. This will attract more traffic from the specific niche you are aiming to.
- Keep the writing of your eBook as simple as you can. The idea is to make sure your content is accessible to as many people as possible. An eBook must be educative but not too difficult to understand.
- Let the readers explore the entire industry. Don’t limit your content to the products and solutions you offer, you can also write about anything related to your area.
- Keep it updated. With the fast flow of information in these days, keeping your content updated is very important. Some times you won’t need to write an entire new eBook, but you may want to add a couple more chapters to it in a couple of years. Keep that in mind!
Make it compelling!
Remember that you’re trying to reach more people. This is usually free content you will offer to your customers or potential customers that are already interested in your area. For this reason, your eBook must be available in as many formats as possible.
An excellent way to spread your new eBook is through email marketing, if you are doing this then you must pay a lot of attention to the design on the cover. Use images and colours that represent your target audience.
Another good option is to offer your eBook in exchange for their email or request they complete a subscription form to your newsletter.
Bear in mind that if you’re giving away a good eBook to your customers, it will eventually pay for itself, providing you with something way more valuable and harder to find: loyal customers eager to know more about your services and products because they believe in your brand.
Remember that if you want to improve your website you can contact us today at MLK Marketing, we will be ready to assist you.