Wine Barrels: A Visually Appealing Memorandum of Wine Health Benefits

Wine, especially red wine, has been widely studied for many years with very positive results that consuming it sparingly can protect against certain types of cancer, improve mental health and provide benefits for the heart, among other things. As you know, red wine is a natural treasure rich in polyphenols, one of them being the […]

Wine, especially red wine, has been widely studied for many years with very positive results that consuming it sparingly can protect against certain types of cancer, improve mental health and provide benefits for the heart, among other things.

As you know, red wine is a natural treasure rich in polyphenols, one of them being the beneficial resveratrol, chemical rich in antioxidants that, according to the Mayo Clinic, helps us to take care of our blood vessels, since it prevents the formation of clots and the reduction of the so-called cholesterol. This impressively antique drink is not only the most refined option to accompany a delicious pasta dish or a good beef but it is also a great option to start adding healthy habits in your routine.

Remember that if you want to add an elegant vibe to your building or need to decorate a space for a party, here at Wine Barrels Australia you can rent wine barrels that will serve as tables or just for decoration ang increase visual appeal.

But today, we will review some of the benefits it can provide adding moderate amount of wine to your routine:

It strengthens bones

A study by Tufts University in Boston (USA) with more than 2,400 participants, showed that women who drink wine are less likely to lose bone mass than women who do not drink, due to the positive effect on mineral density Bone, both in the case of wine and beer.

Wine reduces cardiac risk

A study by Harvard University (USA) clearly determined that people who consume wine in moderate doses are 30% less likely to suffer a heart attack.

It has antibacterial properties and kills germs

Both red wine and white wine have antibacterial properties. This was demonstrated by the study carried out by the expert Martin E. Weisse of West Virginia University (USA), which shows that wine has the ability to reduce bacteria in food, thus protecting the human body.

It can help prevents blindness

Red wine can stop the growth of blood vessels out of control in the eye (angiogenesis) that causes blindness, according to a study by a team of researchers at the Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis (USA).) and published in the American Journal of Pathology. Again, it is resveratrol, the compound that can be found in wine, which protects vision.

Against depression

A team of scientists from several Spanish universities concluded that drinking wine can reduce the risk of depression. The experiment was carried out with 2,683 men and 2,822 women between 55 and 80 years old over a period of seven years. They found that, in both sexes, if they drank between 6 or 7 glasses of wine per week they were less likely to be diagnosed with depression even taking into account lifestyle factors.

Lowers cholesterol

Several studies have shown that a glass of red wine a day (not white because its effectiveness is lower), decreases the concentration of atherogenic plaques in the arteries and increases the levels of HDL or good cholesterol, which improves cardiovascular health.

Protects against sunburn

Wine and grape derivatives can help reduce the harmful effects of UV (ultraviolet) rays according to an article by the University of Barcelona (Spain) and published in the Journal of Agricultural Food and Chemistry. The study explains that flavonoids in wine and grapes inhibit the formation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) that damage skin cells.

Decreases the chances of colon cancer

Scientists at the University of Leicester (United Kingdom), explained at the 2nd International Scientific Conference on resveratrol and health that, moderate consumption of red wine on a regular basis can reduce the rate of intestinal tumours by approximately 50%.

It can help prevent dementia

A team of scientists from the University of Loyola Medical Center (USA) found that moderate consumption of red wine can reduce the risk of developing dementia. In their study they analysed the data of academic works on red wine from 1977 to the present. The studies showed a significantly lower risk of dementia among regular and moderate red wine drinkers in 14 different countries. And is that resveratrol reduces the viscosity of blood platelets, which helps keep blood vessels open and flexible (without clots), which in turn helps maintain a good blood supply in the brain. The study was published in The Journal of Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment.

Red wine is rich in minerals

Red wine provides minerals such as: lithium (balancing the nervous system), magnesium (reduces stress), zinc (improves immune defences), potassium and calcium (ionic and electrical balance).

It delays aging

Consuming a glass of wine, a day helps us to delay the aging process due to its vasodilating properties that fight some diseases caused by the oxidation of the cells. It is also recommended for memory.

Prevents breast cancer

Drinking any type of alcoholic beverage increases the risk of breast cancer. However, consumption of red wine has the opposite effect, according to a study by Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles (USA), which was compiled by the Journal of Women’s Health. The reason is that the chemicals in the skin and seeds of red grapes reduce estrogen levels and increase testosterone levels in premenopausal women, which translates into a lower risk of developing breast cancer.

Drinking a glass of red wine, a day can do a lot for our overall health. But remember, always with moderation and balance. A daily glass of this natural tribute and bewitching flavour will accompany your dishes and greatly improve your well-being.

Remember: always in moderation to enjoy more of that healthy and delicious red wine. By taking it, we release endorphins, relaxing and enjoying more of the moment. This study was carried out at the University of California. Do not forget that wine combined with certain foods and dishes further enhances their flavour and enjoyment.

If you want a good old barrel for the decoration of your place, contact us today, our barrels will bring an elegant touch to your building.