What are the advantages of wearing personalized clothing? We tell you how you can get it.
With Embroidered Clubwear you can promote the identity of your group, make a statement and look fresh and stylish for any type of event. We offer our custom-made clothes in Melbourne, made with rigorous quality so comfort and style will both be present in the final work.
Why create your custom-made clothing?
If you like the world of fashion and admire the great designers, there is a long road and preparation to become a master of customization in clothing.
The fact of preparing this degree gives you a knowledge of the history of fashion that will serve you well. By knowing perfectly, the fashion trends of all times, you will have the best basis to innovate. Get your own label and show off designing clothes and accessories.
The preparation of a professional clothing designer will cover such interesting topics as:
– Clothing from Prehistory to ancient Rome and Greece, reaching the Byzantine empire. In these sections the first accessories that were used, such as hats and jewelry, as well as footwear appear.
– The way of dressing in the Middle Ages, up to the ornate clothes of the Baroque and Rococo.
– The clothing of the XIX century and the icons that appear in the XX. Within music, cinema and society, ways of dressing begin to be copied. Designers emerge who will leave their names written to this day, signifying a great influence on fashion.
– Designers have an extensive review of the history of national and international fashion. They review the publications made in magazines during the last decades. They also learn notions of the trends of the most famous designers.
– They know how fashion has influenced people’s diet. Appearance is part of our society, but sometimes a bad perception can cause eating disorders. To become aware of it, they study the different disorders, in addition to the appropriate diets that we all must follow.
The technical part that interests you so much
While you know the history, essential as a basis for designing, you have to learn the technique:
– The public image says a lot about us. The appropriate size and weight, as well as taking the measurements of each individual, will be interesting to you.
– They will know the styling and the type of materials and fabrics that you can use in your designs.
– Learning fashion marketing, artistic drawing and figurine design will be very useful to surprise with your creations.
– The technique to use, putting the idea on paper, to make your first collection as a designer is essential. This topic will also be very interesting when you get down to work.
– It is time for accessories, among which footwear, bags, hats, jewelry and other accessories stand out. A great designer knows how to use every detail to achieve a unique set.
– Knowing how to be and knowing which accessory goes with clothes are essential things. Discover the suitable wardrobe bottoms for men and women and propose your own style.
Personalised clothing and its impact on the market
Today you can see how different brands or fashion stores invite their customers to customize certain clothes and accessories. From your home you can access a store database and give your personal touch to certain sets. This is the advancement of the new fashion, where the buyer is taken into account and greater economic benefit is obtained from it.
You must understand that everything that has to do with design, thanks to the Internet, moves in a dizzying way. In just a month, fashion trends can be reversed by the way celebrities dress. This keeps the designer always busy making modifications and making new collections in record time.
Without having to make a large investment you can advertise your own personalised clothing, with the help of social networks or contacting professionals like Embroidered Clubwear. What can start being an entertainment for you, allows you to advertise and even be hired by a well-known brand.
The influence of celebrities in fashion
Many celebrities have combined their work with design. Although in many cases it is known that some of them only lend their names, others do really cooperate. They may not take pencil and paper to make a sketch, but they intervene with their tastes in new trends.
Thus, many people manage to wear outfits designed by the popular Kardashian or the famous Victoria Beckham. The difference you will have with respect to these famous ones is that you will design from scratch, being able to show off your work.
If many strangers managed to become famous through social networks, contributing their knowledge, you can also choose this. By the end of the master’s degree that we offer you, you will have acquired greater knowledge that you can take advantage of in many ways.
Show off your collection in the different sites that the Internet offers you. Reach out, with your new understanding of marketing, to a massive audience. Above all, enjoy doing what you dreamed of doing so much, designing personalised clothing and accessories to your liking. Although dreaming never hurts, you can start for something. The important thing is to have fun practicing something that you really love.
The world of design is very wide. Big names fill the most important catwalks in the world, influenced by the history of fashion and new trends. If you want to design and create your own personalized clothing, made exclusively for you, you have a great opportunity. The master gives you the knowledge you need to achieve your dreams. Do not wait any longer and become a professional.
Select Embroidered Clubwear if you are searching for qualified professionals that are highly dedicated and committed to the image you want to project. Our delivery times are almost unbelievable since we put all our efforts to make sure your goals in this process are achieved.