According to a scientific study, drinking alkaline water offers health benefits, helps decrease the aging process, regulates the body’s pH levels and prevents various chronic diseases.
Alkaline water is one of the healthiest trends of recent times. According to scientific studies, drinking alkaline water helps decrease the aging process, regulates the body’s pH levels and could prevent chronic diseases.
But what is alkaline water? It is water that has been ionised which means that its pH level has increased. For example, if the level is 1, it means that the substance is very acidic and if it is 13, it is very alkaline. The alkaline water has a pH level of approximately 8 or 9 and the normal water pH level of the tap is 7, which is neutral. It is believed that alkaline water helps people with excessive acidity to neutralise the acid in the body.
Currently there are ways to increase the alkaline properties of water through the use of special filters, accessories for faucets and additives that raise pH levels by making tap water from neutral to alkaline pH.
Scientists point out that alkaline water has a powerful antioxidant effect and delays aging.
Don’t forget to visit our catalogue if you want to learn more about our products, visit Dr. Willard and take a look at our alkaline water.
Benefits of alkaline water
The research also found that alkalinity as a whole could benefit bone health. The study examined the general diet of the population and concluded that a more alkaline diet could protect the bones. In that sense, the investigations revealed that subjects who consumed alkaline water experienced less bone degradation and a significant reduction in bone loss through urine.
Among the benefits, the fact of regulating blood pressure stands out. Although several studies have been carried out to prove this thesis, there is still more research.
The scientists who worked on this publication say that alkaline water has ultra-moisturising properties compared to normal water. This can be a beneficial drink for people who exercise daily and require more water in their body. Scientifically speaking, the water molecules in alkaline water are smaller and more easily absorbed by their cells, which helps your body to rehydrate quickly.
These waters generally contain electrolytes or have been ionised to increase their pH. Water with a higher pH, or alkaline water, can improve cardiovascular function and help people retain more fluids in the body, leading to more efficient rehydration than regular water.
An acidified body is a cause of health problems. Keep the organism with a. Low pH increases the chance that an acute illness will end up being chronic.
According to the researchers, it has several minerals such as magnesium and calcium, which are important for maintaining healthy bones, it also has many antioxidants that help prevent the growth of free radicals that damage cells in the body, which can accelerate the aging process. This type of water could also be a great ally to lower high cholesterol.
To make their water, companies employ a three-step process. First, purify the tap water to remove any chemical and heavy metal. Then, infuse the water with electrolytes such as calcium chloride and sodium bicarbonate. Finally, it uses a patented ionisation process to bring the pH of the water to 9.5.
The pH (hydrogen potential) is a measure of acidity or alkalinity of water. The lower the pH value, the more acidic the water and the higher the value, the more alkaline.
Although the scientific benefits of ionised pH water have not yet been corroborated by research studies, many reviews of the water have mentioned that it has improved its acid reflux and morning sickness. It is also supposed to taste better and hydrate better than traditional waters.
- It facilitates the elimination of toxins and acid residues and prevents them from accumulating again, promoting the elimination of waste from our body and preventing other diseases.
- It is a powerful natural antacid and improves our intestinal health. It is highly recommended for cases of chronic diarrhea, constipation, indigestion and diseases of the stomach or intestine.
- Help prevent diseases such as diabetes, asthma, osteoporosis, hepatitis, cholesterol, hypertension, dermatitis and even back pain.
- It also prevents premature aging, contributing to better oxygenation of cells and effectively fighting free radicals.
- Avoid fluid retention: due to its ability to maintain the pH balance in our body, so that it does not have to retain fluids to fight acidosis.
- Provides better hydration than mineral water, being a more permeable water.
In search of balance
In short, our body works best when it maintains an adequate balance of its pH, neither too acid nor too alkaline. The current pace of life (stress, pollution, poor diet, lack of exercise) fills our body with toxins and unbalances this balance towards the acid side, and this is the origin of many diseases and pathologies. As we have seen, one of the most effective tools to recover this lost balance is alkaline water.
A powerful natural antioxidant
One of the main benefits of alkaline water is a great ability to help our body eliminate waste and neutralise acidity levels, thus preventing the development of many diseases and combating common problems such as acid reflux. Therefore, in our day to day, and more when a purification with a detox plan is performed, it is essential to increase the consumption of alkaline water to increase the purifying effect of detox juices.
Bonus for athletes:
Alkaline water is especially recommended for athletes. Among other benefits, it improves the damping capacity of the body, reducing fatigue, and regulates the acidity that occurs when performing intense exercise. When the body is in an overstressed situation, in addition to suffering from dehydration, acids increase in large quantities and this can make it difficult to eliminate lactic acid from the muscles, which greatly decreases energy production.
To avoid it, the most convenient is a light diet and hydrate with alkaline water before and after exercise. In addition, if the athlete is hydrated prior to the sports activity with alkaline water, his performance improves markedly, since lactic acid is what causes our muscles to tire more quickly and have a feeling of being cramp. In fact, many elite athletes have already implemented alkaline water hydration in their training plans.
In conclusion, when using alkaline water, you will be hype hydrated. And if you are thinking where to buy it, at Dr. Willard we have the best selection.