Tricks to make sure that bugs never appear in your kitchen

Although at the moment it is early and the temperatures are still low, the truth is that we are already in the spring, which means that in the coming weeks the temperature will soften a lot. The temperature increase until the summer brings advantages and disadvantages. Some of the disadvantages are allergies, which emerge at […]

Although at the moment it is early and the temperatures are still low, the truth is that we are already in the spring, which means that in the coming weeks the temperature will soften a lot. The temperature increase until the summer brings advantages and disadvantages. Some of the disadvantages are allergies, which emerge at this time – never better said – or the arrival of large numbers of bugs, especially in rural areas.

Mosquitoes, flies, cockroaches, grasshoppers … If we are not careful all these bugs, and more, can come to our house. Of course, one of the most likely places to receive the unpleasant visit of these insects is the kitchen, attracted by the different foods that we keep in it. There are some tricks and recommendations that you can follow to prevent the kitchen from filling up with insects. Follow them so that your kitchen does not become a jungle.

Here at Brisbane Terminator we will provide you with the services you need to keep your building or house free from bugs.

Store food in containers

Although the food is in its cardboard containers, the truth is that it is best to use other types of containers. It is best to store foods such as flour, pasta, lentils or rice in plastic or glass containers with an airtight lid. In this way the pantry and food will not be infested.

The trash, closed

It is important that the containers we use for garbage, especially organic, are closed. In addition to using odours or scares of insects, we cannot leave the garbage lid open. It must be placed in a container that can be sealed, in order to attract much less insects.

Clean up spilled food

It may seem that it does not matter, or that if we leave some small crumbs on the kitchen it is not enough to worry. But beware, since cockroaches will find even the smallest food in your kitchen furniture. If you spill food or liquids, clean them and disinfect the area as soon as possible. Don’t leave it for later …

Review the pantry carefully

At the beginning of these dates it is important to make a good review of the pantry. You should look for those foods whose expiration date has been exceeded. It is possible that if you have expired food, its decomposition “calls” the insects. It is also possible that their containers may suffer some kind of mishap, attracting bugs. Remove these foods from your pantry, don’t wait any longer.

Eat fruits quickly

It is a time when fruits are very advisable, since most have a lot of water. But watch their ripening, since many insects are attracted to very ripe fruits. Either you eat the fruit pieces quickly or, without a doubt, it is best to store them in the fridge.Bugs, Flies, for example, lay their eggs on the surface of overripe fruits.

Clean the dishes well

Soap and dishwashing detergent are natural enemies of insects. Be sure not to leave dishes or kitchen utensils without scrubbing, on top of the kitchen, countertop or in the sink. Clean everything before your kitchen is filled with insects. A solution for flies is to leave a plate of vinegar with a little soap inside; attracts and kills them.

Pet food, outside the kitchen

Not only does your dog or cat love the food you buy. Pet foods, both grains and wet food, tend to have a great attraction from many insects. Be sure to seal the open packages properly or store them in an airtight container. You shouldn’t make the feeders dirty all day, and wash them every day.

To avoid that our kitchen and food are filled with insects to the minimum carelessness, it is necessary to take precautions. Often, open boats, uncovered remains or poorly sealed packages become the paradise of parasites that decide to appear in the kitchens of homes without any intention of leaving.

The garbage can or pantry are an excellent place for insects to find shelter and food without measure. But there are certain guidelines or preventive measures that we can follow in the kitchen to avoid the odious appearance of insects.

  1. Calculate the food that we will need in the short term and take advantage of what we have at home. Also taking into account the expiration dates of the products of our pantry.
  2. Look carefully at the containers and wrapping when purchasing any food, since we can be putting the enemy at home ourselves.
  3. Maintain good hygiene in the kitchen, avoiding leaving traces of food exposed, crumbs, utensils with remains, or stacked dirty dishes.
  4. Clean up when any kind of sauce or juice spills. This advice is especially important in the case of a sweet product or sugary drinks such as juice or soft drinks, since sugar attracts insects immediately.

Following good hygiene and control is necessary to avoid insects in the kitchen

Although they may seem simple gestures that we usually perform automatically, or we may consider them unimportant, these hygiene tips not only prevent the appearance of insects in the kitchen, but also the transmission of infinite diseases.

Risks of poor hygiene

Accustomed to the presence of ants or flies, it is usual not to pay attention to what it may mean to pose in our food.

In the case of flies, for example, they perch and feed on all types of food containing sugar. Impaired fruit, rotten meat and food scraps are some of the places that these insects frequent, as well as animal faecal remains.

This same case occurs with many other insects: their legs become carriers of diseases of bacterial and viral origin for humans present in damaged food or other remains.

Keep in mind that most of these conditions started with an uncontrollable pest that attacked a place. Avoid pests from being installed where you live and contact Brisbane Terminator today, we will know what to do.