Household cleaners are not usually considered contaminants. They are used within the confines of the house to make the interior environment clean and safe for the human habitat. Many household cleaners are effective in ridding the home of dirt, germs and other harmful microscopic organisms. However, some of the cleaning products that are used to disinfect, degrease, bleach and wash clothes, surfaces, dishes and bedding are also damaging our water and air. The chemicals in many cleaning products are common pollutants that contribute to toxic fog, reduce the quality of drinking water and are toxic to animals.
For that reason, many people prefer to look for organic cleaning products, also there are excellent eco friendly cleaning products in Australia that can help anyone have a safer cleaning routine with the same results. Here at Herbon, we are proud providers of environmentally friendly cleaning products wholesale for all people willing to take care of the environment and non toxic cleaning products australia.
Relevant information to know about traditional cleaning products
The United States Environmental Protection Agency named phosphorus, nitrogen, ammonia and chemicals that are grouped under the term “volatile organic compounds,” as the worst environmental hazards in household cleaning products. According to the Environmental Work Alliance, dishwasher detergents are 30 to 40 percent phosphorus. Ammonia is a multi-purpose household cleaner that is found in many cleaning products as a degreaser for disinfection and elimination of allergens. VOCs are found in a wide range of cleaning products. They are used to whiten clothes, remove grease from dishes and disinfectants for bathing, among others. Nitrogen is found in surface and glass cleaning products; This chemical is found in floor cleaners as well. None of these chemicals are part of organic cleaning products.
Nitrogen, phosphorus and ammonia are dangerous contaminants of water in large quantities. They are rinsed in the drain and flushed down the toilets when families clean the house. Most of the pollutants are removed from the water by the waste treatment facilities before the water is returned to the rivers, streams, lakes and other water courses. However, these three household cleaning chemicals are not disposed of through waste treatment processes. Instead, they enter the water courses and accumulate causing an accelerated growth of some types of plant life.
Chemical effects in water: ammonia, nitrogen and phosphorus are the fertilisers used in agriculture to help plants grow in controlled environments. When those same chemicals enter a freshwater environment like household cleaning waste, their levels cannot be controlled. The result is the excessive nourishment of some types of plant life in habitats native to aquatic animals. This can lead to dense vegetation that obstructs the waterways, displacing animal life and other marine plants. The excess of certain types of vegetation in the tributaries also causes the reduction of the oxygen in the water since the plants in large quantity absorb a lot of it. Consequently, animal aquatic species die asphyxiated or are displaced to other areas. A problem that could easily be avoided using eco friendly cleaning products Australia
Air pollution: VOC can cause health problems by concentrating inside the home’s air. According to the EPA, VOCs contribute to smog and pollution is so serious in some areas that legislation to prohibit or restrict the amount of volatile organic compounds to prohibit certain cleaning products for the home. Undoubtedly cleaning is good for all of us and for the environment, but we must ensure that we have products free of harmful chemical agents in order to maintain our environment and our health in optimal conditions. Businesses can help the environment by contacting environmentally friendly cleaning products wholesale such as Herbon and acquiring top products for safe cleaning.
Changing mentality
Usually when we buy cleaning products for our home, we do it almost automatically, maybe the factor that determines the purchase of them is first the price and then the aroma. But we rarely stop to think about the impact that these products have, both for our planet and for our health.
The range of cleaning products existing today in the market is frankly to be scared. There are deodorants, flavourings, detergents, cleaners with chlorine, without chlorine, with bactericide, with insecticides, for glasses, for stainless steel, ceramic, foam, powder, liquids, even in wet wipes. The list is endless. And not many people take organic cleaning products into consideration.
The terrible thing is that if we turn the container and read the small letters that come there it says that the product is “slightly toxic to toxic and dangerous” and that it should not be in contact with hands, eyes or mouth and much less be swallowed or even inhaled. The common logic tells us that nothing that serves to clean should be toxic, right? Furthermore, as if that were not enough, they are not only toxic but also have a high environmental impact. This means that they pollute not only the air we breathe, but also contribute to environmental pollution and also to the rivers and wastewater where they are deposited. However, there are any eco friendly cleaning in Australia that can serve as a solution.
Once the “cleaning” bubbles disappear through the drain, they go directly to the drainage and municipal water treatment plants to be discharged. The vast majority of the ingredients of chemical cleaners are broken down into harmless substances by water treatment. But other ingredients never decompose, becoming a threat to wildlife and flora.
These are the aspects that as consumers we must take into account when consuming cleaning products, to avoid polluting them:
- Biodegradability: a cleaning product is considered “biodegradable” if the surfactant is no longer 90% of its property of decreasing the surface tension of the water 28 days after being poured into it.
- Whiteners: usually contain chlorine or oxygen. In particular, chlorine causes the appearance of organochlorinated substances, such as dioxins and furans, which generate many problems, such as: hormonal dysfunctions, malformations in the foetus and cancer, among many others. Because these substances cannot be metabolised, they accumulate in the tissues of living beings.
- Antibacterial: many conventional detergents that are on the market contain antibacterial. The problem is that they do not really have great practical use but they do cause problems for aquatic bacterial life.
For environmentally friendly cleaning products wholesale or eco friendly cleaning products in Australia in general, contact Herbon.