Having a top product catalogue and some tips to create it

The product catalogue is something like the heart of any business, since it is the way you can let customers know the products available in their store. For this reason, it is vital to have it always ready, optimised and well-organised so that the user can easily navigate through it, as well as prepare it […]

The product catalogue is something like the heart of any business, since it is the way you can let customers know the products available in their store. For this reason, it is vital to have it always ready, optimised and well-organised so that the user can easily navigate through it, as well as prepare it to attract attention.

For a catalogue to function as an effective marketing and sales tool, it must show an attractive and professional image. A professional catalogue usually costs effort and represents an important economic investment. That’s why the solution is to use a quality template, which allows you to adapt the image and content in a few simple steps. Also, as you can save the catalogue in your private area you can change the contents without having to make a new one. In this way you will always have it updated. It is important to keep your catalogue being constantly renewed with any new products and other important additions.

Here at Morning Star Press we take pride in helping Australian businesses have top catalogue printing with vivid colours that call the attention of customers and new-comers while providing a professional and reliable image.

Creating a top-quality catalogue

Before starting to publish your catalogue, it is convenient that you have meditated some previous questions: who your main clients are, what kind of products you are going to include, how are you going to organise it … This will help you to make the edition faster and easier.

  • Take a look at different catalogues and write down those ideas that you like to include them in yours. On our website you can see some publications that can inspire you.
  • Make a sketch of how you want your catalogue to be.
  • Start with a presentation, in which you make a brief reference to the history of your company, values, philosophies, interests, etc.
  • Includes an index to make it easier to search for articles. Sort your products by categories, so it will be easier for your customer to find them.
  • The look is fundamental in a catalogue. You have to take good care of the global image. The typography, colours or photographs should be according to the company and its philosophy.

To introduce the products, it is convenient to use real photographs. Place a product in each photo, preferably on a white background. “A picture is worth a thousand words,” they say. If the image is good, people will want to buy the product. Remember to promote your website, social networks and contact numbers so that customers and people interested in your business so they can have more information about the products you offer.

  • Accompany the photo with a brief description. Indicate all those characteristics that you consider essential. It is about offering a detailed information of the article in order that it is sold.
  • You cannot miss the price of the product clearly visible, it is one of the main reasons for purchase. If you have promotions or discounts, use them in a different size or colour.
  • Do not forget to put the payment and shipping conditions and the return policy of the company.
  • It is important that you provide contact information: phone number, email, physical address, even hours of operation. In this way, the customer can choose the medium that he likes the most to request information or make a purchase.
  • Finally, check the catalogue a couple of times, to check that there are no errors of any kind.

Our statistics show that, over the course of a year, our clients have ten times more readers when using the multimedia catalogues in both offline and online media, than when using a traditional catalogue. In addition, the catalogue is visible on all the most popular computers, tablets and smartphones on the market. In short, it is available to everyone, everywhere and at all times.

Power related products

Sometimes the buyer goes alone for one thing, but if you show him more options he ends up choosing more than one. The articles or related products are a good way to attract attention and offer more variety to the customer. Other things you can try is, for example, searching for business partners

Sometimes it’s good to have a little help. For that, look for a group companies with complementary products. The idea is that you come to an agreement to promote yourself jointly and cross-sell. It’s a very smart way to get synergies.

For example, imagine you have a clothing store. Ideal business partners would be accessory companies, such as jewelry stores or shoe stores. Basically, the companies you collaborate with should have your own target audience, but different products. In this way you can expand the range of products that you offer to your customers.

Another option along with catalogues is to publish press releases. Hundreds of companies try to promote their products with press releases without success. How to avoid that this also happens to you? Publish only press releases if they can generate great interest.

The first thing you have to do is reflect on whether your press release is really news is or just advertising. Do not expect a big reaction if your press release does not have much hook for your audience. In addition, a press release must be written in a concise and professional manner.

If you want a leading provider of printing services helping you establish your brand, here at Morning Star Press you will find more than 50 years of combine experiences ensuring you have the best and most solid image in your area of business.



To learn how to make a good press release it is good to learn from the great ones. For example when Samsung launched the Galaxy S in Mexico. Here you can see exactly what this press release was like. As you can see it is a very complete and very well written text. This generates interest on the part of journalists to write about this product.