Most of the companies are engaged in the commercial activity of selling services. In a globalised world it is fundamental to be able to distinguish our services from the rest of other professional companies in order to attract customers and improve our results accounts.
There are certain keys and tips that can help you so that the performance of your professional marketing messages can improve your commercial activity, the objective of the following article is to reveal the essential tools that can differentiate you from your top competitors.
However, keep in mind that here at Sydney Resumes we help you write and optimise your professional image.
- Create or improve the slogan of your company.
The whole essence of your professional company and / or service can and should be summarized in these 2 points:
- Be easy to memorise
- Serve to differentiate what you know best.
You must build a clear, impactful message that best reflects the values of your company as well as the best qualities of your services.
That phrase must be learned and internalised by all the staff of your company, it is your new mantra, the essence of the services you offer to your clients and the way you want them to feel with their experience with your brand.
Dedicate effort and enthusiasm to that message, it is what defines what you are and what you offer. Always remember that in the service sector, you must focus your message a lot on the emotional part of what your services cover and solve.
- Summarise the most relevant information to the maximum.
Do not create any PDF or catalogues loaded with irrelevant information or difficult to digest, but reduced files with essential information and that includes everything necessary to decide the purchase option.
Try to respond with your advertising and marketing information to all those important issues for your potential clients. Remember that you must become the company that goes hand in hand to solve your needs. Therefore, it includes everything that customers need and seek. When you include in your marketing all the essentials in a schematic but very professional way, you will capture the curiosity of your clients, who will undoubtedly ask you why they will need to know more, hire more, share with you more information of what they need and that you with all security you will know how to contribute.
- Design, design, design.
There is no use for good information or solution, in an inadequate “container”. Take care of the forms and the design of what is going to communicate what you offer. Think you live in the XXI century, do not try to sell service solutions with formulas of the last century. Services are a LIVE sector in constant evolution, so it is important that you use innovative and modern designs in your communications.
Who said that all advertising materials and / or marketing brochures should be square or rectangular? Be a transgressor, cross the lines that allow your company to differentiate itself from the rest. Explore the world of advertising from a different prism and a different angle.
The differentiating design is a marketing weapon that allows companies around the world to be remembered and revered at all times.
- Do not use Aramaic, speak clearly.
All the information that is included in your marketing messages must meet some essential requirements to not become a cost but your best investment.
Speak clearly in what you communicate,
- Uses a professional language, but easily understandable by all types of potential clients.
- Do not speak or write in a complex way. Nobody is going to hire something they do not understand, so express your communication neurons so that the description of what you sell is easy to understand so that later your own clients will recommend your services to others.
- Clients do not need complex information but creative solutions.
That should be the professional communication line of your business:
Speak clearly, communicate in a simple way.
- It provides simple solutions to complex problems.
Your messages are intended for professionals and companies that need simple solutions to many problems that are complex for them.
Professional Marketing must be focused on all the information that you provide your customers with that change for them, solutions … It is the simplest way to capture the attention of your interlocutors and the people who make the decision to hire your services.
Involve your customers in new products, the evolution of those that you already offer. Improvement, improvement or improvement, is the source of survival of any business.
- Aim and shoot, but to a specific target.
Marketing is not about sending messages without specific recipients.
Your first decision to get your messages to potential customers should be the choice of communication channels in which you will invest time and money to get the mantra of your company and your services to the maximum possible number of customers with the minimum investment. That would be the best scenario, do not discard any channel, but make decisions with intelligence.
- Look for microniches with potential, groups in which all the clients you are looking for are already gathered.
- Use social media and advertising efficiently, reduce risk and search for the best target audience.
- Look for alliances with companies that offer complementary services to yours or that have access to the clients you are looking for any reason. If you sell motorcycle insurance, team up with motorcycle manufacturers, leather jacket designers, motorcycle clubs or brewers, create promotions together.
- Go to events or make known what you do best, in the most appropriate environment.
- Track all your marketing actions.
After you have launched your campaign, make an exhaustive follow-up of the results.
Use a CRM (Customer Relationship Management) or internal forms of information about your marketing campaign, to collect the information of all the people who have known your services, learn from them, their tastes, their experience with your company and your communications.
Without reporting results, every marketing campaign is useless. It uses that information and experience to innovate continuously, because innovation is the only process that is itself a competitive advantage. Use reports and share with the rest of your colleagues and employees everything that each marketing campaign has taught you.
Sharing knowledge helps improve communication and the creation of new marketing campaigns.
At Sydney Resumes we will help you achieve your professionals goals starting with how you introduce your competencies to companies and businesses.