Satisfying customer is the priority of any business, offline and online. If we talk about offline business, it is up to a point easier to have a feeling of that factor, since it is possible to ask customers live and direct about their shopping experience.
However, when it comes to websites, the measurement becomes a bit more complicated. This is due to the fact that in order to obtain the views of the clients, it is necessary, first of all, to generate a survey that helps us determine the level of satisfaction in an easy and comfortable way for the users, and secondly we must convince them to answer said survey. , which is complicated.
This is no reason for us to abandon our goals; On the contrary, it is a reason to find a solution to the problem, which is simpler than you imagine.
Any web page focused on online business must have a web analytics software, not only because of the importance of measuring the most important indicators, but also because it is free and its installation is very simple.
Having said the above, we must say that within the web analytics programs there are hundreds of indicators that can be analysed: it is a science and at first it can be a bit frustrating if we do not know how to interpret the figures.
At Website Connection we truly believe that nowadays it is essential to have excellent digital marketing strategies. We will work towards helping you achieve your goals in the shortest time possible. Contact us today! Boost your sales consistently by improving your users’ experience on your website.
Among the many indicators that we can take as a reference is the famous conversion analysis, which represents those visits that arrived at our site and bought our product or service. This analysis alone is not the best indicator of satisfaction or quality of the website, since although it tells us that we had sales and gives us a percentage of visitors who became customers, it does not tell us why, and also we It gives more notion of the successful part of our business than the unsuccessful part.
That is why if we want to know what parts of our website we can improve to offer a better experience to the user or potential customer, we must look at the following three indicators in conjunction with the conversions of our site:
- Bounce rate: Percentage of people who only saw one page on your site and left later. A high bounce rate means dissatisfaction on the part of the user, or that the website is not the solution he was looking for.
- Page views per session: the pages a user visits per session.
- Website time: measured in seconds, represents the time each visitor spent on your website.
As you can see, these indicators are almost self-explanatory and are quite significant if we consider that we can apply them at the page or url level, that is, you can analyze each page of your site by applying these metrics.
As we mentioned earlier, web analytics programs offer a large amount of data and figures. For this reason, it is relatively easy to get lost in the world of numbers, but it is also very easy to perform a comprehensive and comprehensive analysis if we know what to look at.
By all this we mean that the three metrics explained here are not enough by themselves, and one of the best ways to complement them is to analyze them together with the conversions of our website, since these data are correlated as follows:
Conversions and bounce rate
As we have explained, a high percentage of bounce rate usually implies a failure in our website or discontent on the part of the users. Think about it this way: if you have a high bounce rate it means that your page is not relevant to visitors, which can affect your online reputation, reflected for example, in the authority of your domain. Obviously, the lower your bounce rate, the greater the chance that your visitors will become customers.
Conversions, page views per visit and visit duration
The number of pages viewed per visit is an indicator of customer satisfaction, since it generally reflects that visitors find the content of the website interesting and at the same time is related to the duration of the visit.
In this sense we can say that the more pages are visited per session and the more time visitors spend on a website, the greater the possibility of conversion; however, we must take care and determine the appropriate number of page views per conversion.
Mainly, we must avoid confusing a long stay with visitor satisfaction, since very long visits can also mean that users are confused or do not find what they are looking for. This indicator can help us know on which pages we can implement contact formats, customer service chats or other tools that help us push the conversion.
Finally, a factor that we must consider is to include in our analysis the keywords and search terms with which users came to our website. In this way we will know what terms are those that users relate to our website, and we will know if there are discrepancies between the terms we associate with our business and those conceived by our visitors.
And remember you should also include a way to receive your customers’ feedback. Offer your business real context in the surveys to measure customer satisfaction is the best way to obtain concrete and higher quality responses. Companies must be able to get feedback from their customers at the right time and place about their shopping experiences. As the real-time execution of the measurements allows to know the comments of these on the conflicting points during the process.
If you want to improve all these aspects in a website, select our services. That is why we recommend you entrust this task to professionals specialised in the sector that offer you the best results. Professionals like the ones you will find here at Website Connection.