The office has become for many the place where they spend more hours a day. This necessarily implies having to take care of each element in detail to make this space as comfortable as possible and thus favour the performance of daily activities.
In an increasingly competitive business environment, we must also act at the office level and be designed as a global space and both common spaces and jobs must adapt to the needs of work and workers favouring communication, teamwork and the flow of ideas. In addition, thinking of office material as an investment and not as a cost is essential to think about the worker, improve their welfare and promote their productivity.
In this sense, within the elements of the office, undoubtedly the most attention must be paid to the work chair. This is responsible for your body can adopt a natural posture and can perform tasks more efficiently.
Some tips to make the right choice are:
The seat is important that it is adjustable in height and also that it is wide enough to allow the person who feels to have space around it. It is also important that the front of the seat is not tilted upwards as it would squeeze the back of the knees, making the legs uncomfortable.
The backrest should adjust to the back and offer support to the lower back. To adjust to the back it is necessary that it can be adjusted in inclination and fixed in any point, besides covering the back in its entirety. In any case, the important thing is to adopt a comfortable position for the needs.
Another important element is the armrest. It is responsible for allowing the user to maintain a comfortable position by supporting the elbows and forearms. Ideally, the arm supported forms an angle of 90 degrees, which is interesting that this is also an element that can adapt to each.
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The importance of choosing good office chairs
A good choice of material that we will use in the office is key to ensure good performance at work. The importance of choosing good office chairs. The importance of choosing good office chairs.
Sometimes we do not give the importance it deserves to choose a good office chair. The same could be said at the time of selecting the equipment for offices, although the office furniture or office screens to put two examples, will be part of your day to day professionally. How do we choose good office chairs? We will help you with some tips so you know what you have to fix.
A good choice of an office chair that is of quality and ergonomics is key for us to perform better at work. We must also choose one thinking that the chair is good for our health, but also comfort. The ergonomic chairs are the most suitable.
Although sometimes we do not think about it, it is important to choose a good office chair just like when we chose a good mattress thinking about our rest. We usually spend sitting in the office chair from 8 to 10 hours a day, a time longer than we spend sleeping usually 5 to 8 hours a day.
The role of ergonomics is so important that both aesthetics and price have to take a back seat. Although the price is high, it is an initial investment that we will make profitable in the long term, but where we will notice the results from the first minute.
What makes an office chair good?
There is no perfect office chair for all human beings. Although there are some that have some fame or that your family or friends recommend, it is risky to buy an office chair without testing guided only by the opinions of others.
We go with the most important points:
Ease of adjustment
The levers to adjust the height of the chair, arms, backrest or tilt have to be accessible and easy to handle when we are sitting. Remember that you will use this a lot.
The values more or less, is something very important. Those who need it, will want the movement to accompany the weight of the body in a balanced way. The best thing is to only tilt the backrest, because if the arms swing too, it can be very annoying. It is important to know if the tilt can be fixed, since not all chairs offer this.
It is a component that usually have as an extra accessory. It will be necessary for those who seek a tilting chair and thus do not suffer the neck and back. It will not be so much for those who want a position focused on forming a 90-degree angle.
Lumbar support
Many ergonomic office chairs include it to help maintain 90-degree posture. Despite this, there are people who a few hours can be bothered, using cushions that contaminate the essential end of the chair itself.
Support for the arms
The same as the support for the head, that of the arms is a complement that is marketed independently. They should be easy to regulate and be well fixed.
Depth and width of the seat
We have to be aware of the body measurements of each one when we choose office chairs to keep us from getting big or small. It is also important to pay attention to the depth of the seat so that it does not cause unnecessary discomfort in the thighs or knees after a few hours. There are some chairs that give you the possibility of regulating the depth of the seat.
The fabrics
Key aesthetic point of all. There are fabrics that deteriorate with the rubbing of clothes, others easier to clean. The goal is that we do not get carried away by the colour or texture and think of more practical factors, as if it is breathable or not in summer. Black chairs are less dirty and more saleable if you want to renew them.
Surely after these tips, you have more arguments to not fail when choosing the chair that suits you best. Choosing Davis Furniture as your provider of beautiful pieces of furniture such as our Australian made dining tables with unique colours and textures is a great choice that will surely exceed your expectations.