Selling is a complicated mission that requires patience, dynamism and a number of other important skills. But does that mean that some kind of gift is necessary to be a successful seller?
On the contrary! The characteristics of which we speak can (and should) be developed over time, and even those who do not naturally possess some of these qualities can acquire them.
The most demanded job position is clearly the commercial one. Too many companies and workers think that selling is something that anyone can do and that there is no need to have specific training. But they are wrong. Therefore, some sellers get good results and others do not. Some enjoy their work and others do not.
All businesses must have an important commercial force that is the key to success for the growth of a company. What skills should, then, develop a person who really knows how to sell?
Sales are the business engine of 100% of the economy: if a company does not sell, there is no way to sustain it, which means that it has to lay off employees without skills and that those people cannot buy either, turning everything into a cycle.
And, even if you are not part of the commercial area, it is important to develop qualities that allow you to “sell” as a personal brand, show yourself as one of the right candidates and know that you can respond to the needs of a company.
In itself, in any environment, when you have a business or venture, having those commercial skills or the right personnel is something that must be analyzed and decided very carefully, because it will not only be about the image of the company, but also about how to build customer loyalty and achieve that “voice to voice” that can reach more people.
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Beyond a good personal presentation and being charismatic, a good seller is also characterised by communication, empathy and trying to recognise what a customer really wants.
- Interest: This goes hand in hand with good customer service and if you really do not appear but really show interest in the needs of your client, you will have a first step won.
This also relates to the ability to be “inquisitive” and reach depth (even emotional issues that may or may not encourage a purchase) of why a specific product or service is required. Of course, this does not mean “stalking” the person but it does have the tact to get more information about those needs.
- “Be a bee”: as it is said in Colombian colloquial terms or, the simple fact, of trying to be more intelligent and identify where it is that the client wants to go with what he is saying or proposing.
According to the experts “good salesmen can make inferences and logical deductions, reading between the lines to understand the true meanings and desires of their potential customers and be able to obtain important points strategically.” This involves a lot the ability to understand the type of adjectives that clients use as well as their body language.
- Talk about losses: in this regard, experts explain that, psychologically, it is more difficult for the person to cope with the feeling of loss than to consider one of profit, because it is a more emotional than rational issue when it comes to take decisions.
Then, when you can talk and quantify those kinds of losses compared to the profits, you will have more points in your favor. Of course, this does not mean just talking about a negative outlook, but insisting once in a while on it.
- Emotional intelligence: identifying emotions of frustration, anxiety or fear is essential to be able to engage in an appropriate dialogue. This implies having to find a way to calm those tempers and direct them towards an adequate solution.
But this also follows the fact of controlling their own emotions and that, before a person who feels angry, respond appropriately.
- Smart interaction: Just as a person who has good business skills must read everything to his client, you also have to be aware of how they are reading it: this involves putting yourself in the shoes of the person with whom you are talking and considering, Depending on your company, lifestyle or the little you can know, what can you expect from that business person.
Remember that personal presentation and first greeting is what causes a first impact that may or may not be the gateway to a long business relationship.
- Offer less: the most used strategy will always be to offer or give different alternatives, but sales are not based on giving more in exchange for less. According to the American Express Open Forum, when you decrease the options that a person can choose from, it will increase the level of indecision.
- Disqualify: well, be careful. Neither misunderstand it and it does not mean that you will treat your client badly. In fact, it only applies when you want to have a totally sincere relationship, once you know your needs and ability to pay. Present affordable options, because many times by saying “I don’t show you this because your money is not enough”, it can trigger the person to really want to take his place and prove that he can.
It is not about manipulating or persuading, since sometimes an economic effort can be much more profitable over time.
The sale is one of the most controversial activities in the business world. It is necessary and at the same time hated. In fact, many people hate selling and see all sellers as scammers.
With CX Training on your team, offering second to none conflict resolution training in Brisbane, we can help you achieve your goals and build a cohesive team to maximise your efficiency in the workplace and boost your salesmen’s potential.