They look so cute in the showcase, that our first impulse is to ask for our size, and go out to release them as soon as possible. However, what we often ignore is that the shoes we have just bought could end up causing serious health problems. This is because both the heels and our beloved flat sandals, if they are not chosen correctly for our foot type, have the potential to bring us more damage to our body than the comfort we so long for.
According to a recent study, carried out by Auburn University, wearing sandals without adequate arch support not only causes back, leg, ankle and foot pain, but can also alter the way a person walks. Similarly, additional research has revealed that uncomfortable shoes can contribute to foot disfigurement, dryness and the appearance of painful skin lesions in that area of the body.
In this post, we will review some of the key answers provided by experts with many years of experience and a lot of knowledge in the field. Remember that here at Happy Feet Pedorthics we can help you find the best option for you, we’ll assist you in the selection of shoes for your daily routine.
What characteristics should a shoe have to be considered a good and healthy option for our feet?
The healthiest shoes should have orthopedic support, cushioning, and should provide personalisation and adjustment. Shoes should be created with premium materials to help consumers feel good when standing.
What are the most common problems related to the feet that can affect general health?
The average adult walks around 5,000 to 8,000 steps a day. It involves more than 150,000 steps in a month, and 1.5 million steps per year. Most people take foot health for granted until they experience pain, swelling or other type of condition. From the deterioration of circulation to nutritional deficiency, all can affect the health of the foot, which ultimately affects their overall well-being.
- One of the most common vascular problems of the foot that can affect health is arterial circulation. Arterial blood is pumped from the heart to the end of our feet, bringing oxygen to our tissues. The build-up of plaque can narrow the arteries in the legs and feet, limiting oxygen to our tissues. A decrease in oxygen is painful, can delay wound healing and often limits ambulation.
- One of the most common dermatological problems with the feet is the fungal infection. Commonly known as athlete’s foot, fungal infections are a seemingly minor problem. If not treated, fungal infections can cause a break in the skin, allowing bacteria to enter leading to superinfection.
- One of the most common neurological problems related to the feet is neuropathy. Neuropathy is an alteration in nerve function that often leads to the sensation of tingling, numbness and weakness in the feet and legs. Often associated with nutritional deficiency or diabetes, neuropathy can lead to problems with balance and walking. Patients with neuropathy have up to five times more risk of falls.
- One of the most common biomechanical problems related to the feet is the excess of pronation. Since the feet are the basis of every step we take, any imbalance in the feet will travel to the knees and the lower back soon. This stress can lead to an increase in early osteoarthritis of the knee and pain in the sacroiliac joint.
What are the most common health problems that a shoe can create in your body?
Just as shoes are designed for protection and function (of the foot), they are also part of fashion. Sometimes, our love of fashion and style replaces the functional role of the shoe. A bad decision when choosing shoes can lead to health-related problems, such as lower back pain, fractures and bunions. Even though high heels get a lot of attention for being associated with high injury rates, they are not the only shoe that can affect your health.
Sandals offer minimal support for the arch and for shock absorption, which can increase the risk of plantar fasciitis (inflammation), as well as increase the risk of stress fractures. The minimalist footwear is another type of footwear that if not used correctly, can increase the risk of stress fractures. One of the most important tips for the prevention of health problems related to shoes is not to wear the same pair of shoes two days in a row. By using different shoes, you reduce the risk of repetitive stress of the foot and body.
How dangerous are high heels to the feet?
With heels of medium height that reach 5 inches high, there is an increase in tension placed on the head of the foot joint, big toe and the back of the ankle. Despite the health risks to the feet that have been associated with the use of high heels, many women refuse to stop wearing high-heeled shoes. The most important thing a woman can do if she wants to continue wearing high heels is to stretch her calves and fascia to plant daily, as well as vary the height of the heels to minimise stress on the joints of the foot and ankle.
Do you have any recommendations to keep your feet healthy and beautiful?
Women have four times more foot problems than men, and high-heeled shoes and incorrect shoe sizes are largely to blame. To keep your feet healthy throughout the year, it is important to buy shoes that fit your needs, and add orthotics to get the correct support for the arch.
It is important to remember that the health of the foot is more than just wearing shoes that are well sized. How you care for your feet at the end of the day is equally important. Stretching the calves and feet at night can help prevent common foot pain, such as plantar fasciitis or Achilles tendonitis. Also, a good moisturizer can prevent dry, cracked heels and calluses.
Here at Happy Feet Pedorthics we will help you with the top healthy shoes you need.