Steps to take care of your back if you work in an office
We tell you how to take care of your body posture if you work in front of a computer.
Programmers web writers, graphic designers, administrative workers, office workers… Many professions require spending a high number of hours a day in front of the computer. Are you sure to take proper care of your body posture?
Among the healthy habits that you should put into practice every day, taking care of your body posture is even more important for people who work sitting in front of an electronic device for eight or more hours a day.
With the flexibility, decentralisation of work and the rise in the demand for freelance professionals, the use of desktops and laptops as work tools that require us to sharpen the care of our body’s posture is increasingly proliferating in order not to suffer from health problems.
Today there are companies specialised in teaching corporate yoga such as Absolutely Corporate where we create tailored programs, according to the objectives and needs of each corporation. Contact us now for information about our services.
Key tips if to sit well on your desk
- By consistently applying the following tips on a daily basis, you will be able to have a good posture and not suffer from back problems in the medium term that reduce your quality of life and reduce your productivity when working.
- The computer screen should be at the level of your eyes and in a frontal position, since if you have to constantly turn your neck to look at the screen you can suffer short-term harmful effects. In addition, the ideal distance between you and the computer screen is approximately 40 centimeters.
- To rest your eyes, it is advisable to look away from the screen and look alternately at specific points, in addition to looking for a position where there are no reflections on the screen.
- The external lighting to the screen is essential to take care of your eyes. It is recommended that it be zenith – coming from above – and that, in addition, the screen is of good quality.
- Put your feet on the ground and don’t let them dangle. Ideally, your legs should be at a 90-degree angle to the ground or your knees are slightly above your hips. If your chair is not adjustable in height, we recommend the use of a footrest for proper posture.
- As for your legs, do not cross or sit on them and if you have the habit of crossing them, it is preferable that you alternate them. Relax your shoulders and put your arms at a right angle.
- When you write and use the mouse, your forearms should be supported. It is necessary to avoid having them floating or the wrists bending excessively. Also, the mouse and keyboard should be at the same height on your work table.
- Your back must have a good support, especially in the lower back. To do this, use the entire back of the chair or use cushions or lumbar reinforcements.
- In addition, it is advisable to change your posture often and do stretching or circular movements that relax the neck, wrists and back.
- Complete the care of your body posture with good sleeping habits and the regular practice of sports to avoid sedentary lifestyle.
- Keys to taking care of your body posture and not suffering pain
- We explain the nine keys that you should apply to counteract the hours you spend sitting at your workplace.
Many of the health problems generated by long working hours are a consequence of the use of inadequate equipment and work spaces in which the capacities and limitations of the workers are not considered, which has reflected an increase in biomechanical, musculoskeletal, discomfort and excessive physical and mental burden, which in the medium and long term influences the decrease in worker productivity, and which ultimately affects the economy of companies.
Most of the workers have unfavorable ergonomic conditions in their jobs. The main problems detected are: the lack of ergonomics in chairs and work tables, poor location of computer equipment and prolonged stay in the same position.
The fact of maintaining postures and making movements and efforts minimising the load on the spine is called postural hygiene. The benefits of practicing good postural hygiene are: reducing the risk of back pain, improving the mobility of your entire body and the independence to carry out your activities without physical limitations.
Healthy workspace
We provide you with some recommendations to promote postural hygiene and occupational well-being in the workplace:
- Alternate your position. Stand up every 2 hours to stretch, thanks to this, your circulation will improve and you will reduce stress on the back, neck, fatigue and general discomfort.
- Do different tasks during your day. Organise yourself so that you can spend an hour typing at the computer and the next hour stop to make copies, make a phone call, or do some other activity that involves standing up.
- Use the correct chair. You should use a chair that gives you good lumbar support (at the base of your back), with this you will increase your comfort and reduce fatigue throughout your body. If it is not so easy to change it, you can use an orthopedic cushion to adjust your position.
- Keep your knees level with your hips. Use an adjustable chair that allows you to raise or lower the chair until your thighs and buttocks are evenly supported. Your feet have to be well supported on the ground. If the chair cannot be adjusted, use an orthopedic cushion to elevate yourself, or else a footrest to support your feet on the floor.
- Keep your head and neck straight. To find your area of vision, position the monitor behind the keyboard, sit and face it in an upright position, close your eyes, open them and locate the point on the screen that you see first. This should be approximately 5 cm below the top edge of the screen (not the monitor).
- Adequate ambient light. Use white or blue light as it prevents fatigue. Natural light is good, but there must be tinted windows, curtains or filters that regulate the intensity to avoid large changes throughout the day or in the different seasons of the year.
- Keep your space clean and tidy. You will easily find your work material and avoid allergies caused by dust.
- Keep the noise level low, if your work allows it, play quiet music at a low volume or use headphones at a moderate volume.
- Make sure you have healthy food on hand. You can place a basket with fruit to snack mid-morning or mid-afternoon.
Today there are companies specialised in teaching corporate yoga such as Absolutely Corporate where we create tailored programs, according to the objectives and needs of each corporation.