The present solid waste work and its implications in the environment show the life forms characteristic of our time that give rise to the production and accumulation of garbage. The garbage dumps cause environmental problems that affect the soil, water and air: the plant layer originating in the area disappears, there is soil erosion, it contaminates the atmosphere with inert materials and microorganisms. Over time, some part of them will be decomposing and will lead to new chemical components that will cause contamination of the environment and the soil will lose many of its original properties, therefore an optimal management of garbage must be taken into account in this way. We came to prevent global warming that is a public health problem and an achievement in prevention through proper management of these.
Processes should be optimised, and volumes of waste generated, recycling, waste reuse and waste exchange between factories minimised. Undoubtedly, the maintenance of an environment that allows the population to provide a decent and healthy quality of life has a high cost, but the expense that this entails will always be less than the cost of endangering the environment and health of the population. population. and minimise the environmental impacts of poor waste management in order to sensitise members of society about the importance of good waste management and its consequences. Know and manage concepts and strategies for the prevention of diseases and other health problems, caused by the mismanagement of solid waste.
Remember that with Recyclit you can dispose inorganic waste, organic waste and recyclables knowing that you are using an innovative solution made with the most reliable and durable items in the market.
Law of the three R: re-use, reduce, recycle
Every day more products are consumed that cause the generation of more and more garbage, and there are fewer and fewer places to put it. To help conserve our environment, we can start by reviewing our consumption habits.
What we buy, eat, grow, burn or throw away, can make the difference between a future with a healthy environment, or a destruction of nature with amazing speed. Everything we buy and consume has a direct relationship with what we throw and throw into the environment around us. Consuming rationally, avoiding waste and using the essential, we will be directly collaborating with the care of the environment.
Reuse a product or material several times. Give maximum utility to objects without the need to destroy them or get rid of them; saving the energy that would be used in the acquisition of a new product. Why destroy something that has cost us so much work to do?
Avoid everything that in one way or another generates unnecessary waste.
Use the same materials over and over again, reintegrate them into another natural or industrial process to make the same or new product, using fewer natural resources.
Garbage is basically constituted by: paper, cardboard, glass, metal, plastics, organic matter, various. If we separate them properly, we can control them and avoid further problems. We can use boats, containers, pipes, bags, different boxes, with a sign that identifies the type of material that will go in them.
- Don’t waste paper, reuse it to the fullest.
- Always use both sides of the sheets.
- Use re-use sheets (printed on one side), for drafts, tasks, fax, informal communication, internal communication, telephone message blocks, etc.
- Use dishcloths instead of paper rolls.
- Reject free brochures that you will not use.
- Buy products that are minimally wrapped.
- Use recycled paper whenever you can. This will increase its demand, and contribute to its greater production and thus to the preservation of natural resources.
- Plant a tree or a plant where you can.
- Take care of the green areas.
Paper is made from trees, and these are a vital part of our environment, and they certainly do not deserve the destiny we are giving them. Trees and forests protect the fragile layer of soil and maintain the proper balance of the atmosphere for all life forms. The more paper we use, the more trees we have to cut.
- Cans of juices, sodas, beers. DO NOT confuse these aluminium cans with cans of canned food, such as tuna or sardines; nor mix with aluminium foil, wires, or any other metal object.
- Preferably, you have to store them crushed, because they take up less space and their handling and weight is facilitated, they should be in large plastic bags, boxes or nets. He prefers drinks contained in returnable containers and family size and not canned ones.
- Before throwing a “six pack” holder (the plastic circles that hold canned drinks together) into the trash, cut each circle with scissors or razor, as this prevents animals and fish from being trapped with their beaks, necks or bodies in their rings.
- Don’t forget to pick up your cans every time you go on a picnic and convince your friends that they do it themselves. Encourage markets and stores near your home, to install aluminium recycling programs.
- Aluminium is a metal that is obtained from the earth; It is very light and difficult to oxidise. Producing cans with recycled aluminium reduces air pollution by 95%.
- Promote with your family, neighbours and friends the use of products that come in refillable containers.
- If you have children, use cloth diapers, the disposable ones take approximately 500 years to degrade.
- Avoid products that come packed with a lot of plastic, paper, etc.
- Reject the products, fruits, vegetables or meats that come in plastic trays, they do not need them! And also, if you select them naturally, it is better.
- When going to the market, large fruits and vegetables such as bananas, pineapples, watermelons, do not need bags to be weighed or taken home.
- Store food in the refrigerator or your lunchbox in reusable, non-disposable containers.
- Avoid disposable cups and plates and replace them with reusable glass or plastic.
- Plastic is made with one of the most valuable and non-renewable natural resources on earth: oil.
In addition, plastics can become high quality fuels, and this causes serious environmental risks due to the hazardous substances that can be emitted into the atmosphere when burned.
- For a more transparent world … Recycle your glass containers.
- Prefer and consume products in returnable containers.
- In the office, have your own glass or cup, and set aside some for visitors, to avoid using disposables.
- At parties or picnics, make an effort to use your glass or plastic dishes and not disposable utensils.
- To avoid contamination in landfills, it is best to separate your waste into recyclables and non-recyclables and take them to a collection centre.
With Recyclit, we simplify the entire recycle procedure and save you a lot of time and effort from collecting all organic and inorganic wastes by having you posting them and letting the self-closing stainless-steel doors prevent any smells from spreading outside the recycling bin.