When are the roof windows the best choice?

  The attic spaces exude charm when we talk about decoration and interior design. They can wrap with a particular style that captivates. But not all are virtues in them. They usually have a big pending issue: how to make them brighter and better ventilated. The solution to your problems may be the roof windows. […]


The attic spaces exude charm when we talk about decoration and interior design. They can wrap with a particular style that captivates. But not all are virtues in them. They usually have a big pending issue: how to make them brighter and better ventilated. The solution to your problems may be the roof windows. Once placed, your environment will look like others. You want to know why?

With the roof windows there is a before and after in the spaces under cover. They become great allies to bring light to any room in the house, and we already know that decoration is one of the most precious assets. But the normal thing is that we get enough questions about them if we have never installed one in the house and we want to reform. And surely some are what options we can find, how they are opened and the most innovative materials.

Lee Meehan Roofing is where you will find top experts with a lot of experience in the field. We pride ourselves in being a reliable option for all building owners and families who want to hire experts that will take care of delivering top quality roofing. Call us now for more information about our services.

Roof windows: an explosion of natural light

Undoubtedly, the first of the advantages offered by roof windows is their alliance with natural light. That is, its ability to transform a sad and dark room into a space full of light. They optimise to the maximum the entrance of clarity in rooms under cover, where it is not possible to consider installing a conventional window. And that is the best news to enjoy in them environments bathed in the warmth of the sun much of the day.

The roof windows are perfect candidates to illuminate our kitchen with high and modern furniture. But also to provide natural light privileged to the main bathroom, invading all its space. Or so that the attic guest bedroom boasts a special atmosphere thanks to its enveloping clarity.

In addition, this advantage triggers another that we will also like to know. They allow to obtain a considerable saving of energy when guaranteeing a maximum use of the natural light. Especially during the winter months, they help to keep the rooms warm in a natural way, because through the roof windows there is an important external heat input. Great news to check that the receipt of the light falls pleasantly.

Unique viewpoints for the home

Maybe we have not fallen into it, but the roof windows are unique to let us contemplate from the inside of the house what has never been seen. Your presence in any room will make it possible to contemplate the horizon, enjoy difficult panoramas otherwise observed. Unless we have a terrace or a small balcony with pots. So, let’s start thinking of them as unique viewpoints that will give us enviable pictures without moving from the sofa, the bed, or the kitchen itself when we are preparing dinner. Infinite horizons, idyllic blue skies, starry firmaments and melancholy cloudy landscapes.

Therefore, we do not exaggerate if we say that the roof windows make our domestic interiors more cheerful and more connected to the exterior landscape. In addition to guaranteeing us the just and necessary ventilation that reclaims our domestic life in them.

A solution for each part of the house

The type of roof, or rather its inclination, influences when you have to choose the types of roof windows. The most normal thing is that we have not noticed this information, but it is important and determines which are the most suitable options. When we have a roof where the inclination is up to 15 degrees, we will be worth any manual or automatic opening system. And within the latter, we can consider that it is fixed or accessible through a skylight. It’s flat roof calls.

Perhaps the inclination of the roofs of the house is greater, from 15 to 90 degrees. If so, there is a large range of options. We may look for a simple, manual opening solution. Or maybe we are determined to install an automatic system to the latest in design and technological innovation. Rotating, lateral, full opening models, etc.

There is another key question when we decided to put roof windows at home. What space is left around him? The answer will give us the most valuable clues about the type of opening that suits us, inside the room or outside. Otherwise, we can choose a model that once installed it is not possible to open completely. Or little comfortable to access. In the market we can find designs with rotating opening, projecting, lateral and directly without opening.

Materials and crystals that give comfort

If the roof windows guarantee a high thermal insulation it is thanks to its manufacturing materials. The offer includes solutions of wood, polyurethane or PVC in different finishes. The latest developments are called high performance materials due to their efficiency as insulation. And its maintenance is minimal, so that they provide a high comfort to any interior in the form of attic.

Something similar happens with the windows of the roof windows. Depending on our needs, one type or another of glazing will be more convenient. The greater its thickness and the separation between them, the higher the insulation will be. But we can choose based on other factors. Double glazing is guaranteed when we talk about quality models. And from there, the usual thing is to discover other benefits. For example, they incorporate a thermal film to reduce heat losses. Or a very practical solar protection to attenuate the radiation. With all this data, there is no doubt about how many benefits roof windows can provide our environments.

At Lee Meehan Roofing, we want to recommend top material that will make you feel protected. Contact us today for more information and we will be glad to assist you.