If you have a sofa or a leather armchair, you have a treasure at home. And this type of pieces squander beauty and elegance, whatever their style. Today we leave you five tricks that will come in handy to keep your leather furniture as new for a long time.
Leather is a noble and resistant material, which can last a long time without losing even a hint of its natural beauty. Of course, it is important to take good care of it. With the recommendations that we tell you below you will get to have your leather furniture as new.
They only need minimal care to stay in perfect condition. One of the qualities of leather is the magnificent way in which it ages. Time passes and these pieces are more beautiful every day. Take note and, from now on, don’t forget to give your leather sofa the love and pampering it needs.
Leather armchairs are elegant and decorative and give a special touch to the environment where they are. Like wines, leather is a material that improves with the passage of time and with its use it acquires shine. To protect and extend the life of your chairs you have to take into account some basic care.
The leather naturally secretes a thin oily layer that covers its surface. This prevents it from deteriorating since without this protection it would get dry and cracked. But this lubrication is lost over time, so it is necessary to replace it from the outside. What other care should be considered?
If you want to let experts handle this, here at Brisbane Upholstery we pride ourselves in reupholstering well-made furniture and antiques. If you are looking for experts in upholstery in Brisbane you can be sure our team of professionals will repair, restore and recover your furniture.
- Pass the vacuum
Once a week clean them using the vacuum cleaner with a brush to remove traces of dust and other debris. It is the most practical way to remove skin scales, dust particles and other debris that accumulate on the leather.
Be sure to insist on the seams and crevices of the furniture, since that is where more dirt accumulates. In armchairs have to take special care and insist on the button area.
- Clean them with a barely damp cloth
Once a week, pass them a soft dry cloth or just moistened with warm water. If this becomes a basic routine to take care of the leather you will have armchairs for a while.
Water and soap are enemies of leather because they take away flexibility. That is why it is important that you use only specific products for leather, and if you have a substitute, that is suitable for this material.
- Apply leather conditioner
The leather conditioner is essential to maintain and care for this material. As with all household products, read the cleaning item label, and try it first in an inconspicuous area to verify that it does not fade. This job should be done in a ventilated environment and protecting your hands; Once all precautions have been taken, apply the product generously to the entire surface of the furniture.
If you do not have a conditioner for the leather of your furniture you can pass them a very fluid hand cream that has lanolin or jojoba oil. In short, leather is nothing but skin! In a few minutes you will see how it is absorbed and leaves it very soft.
- Remove the stains
In the event that the leather furniture is splashed or stained with drinks, ink or some other liquid, try to dry it as soon as possible with a damp cloth, but without rubbing the surface. Rubbing the leather can make you lose colour or leave it stained forever. If what was overturned left the chair in a mess, you will have to use a leather cleaner following the instructions on the package. Then apply a leather sealant to the treated surface.
- Keep them away from heat
Like human skin, excessive heat removes moisture from the leather, and it can dry out and even crack. That is why it is advisable to keep leather furniture more than 60 centimetres away from a heat source. The same is true for sunlight, which in addition to drying it can eat the colour.
- Hide the scratches
Sometimes the leather suffers attacks that cause small scratches. Treat them by first passing them a dry, soft cloth and then some natural wax or an indelible ink marker. If it is not in the area of the seat or the backrest, you can also apply wax of the colour of the leather, which can be even shoe ointment. In this case, let it dry well and then remove the excess with a soft brush or cloth.
- Leather with hair, other care
Hair leather furniture such as these of these cow leather BKF should be cleaned with a brush or vacuum cleaner. If it has spots, they are removed with a barely damp cloth, and if there are sticks, with a knife without an edge. It is not necessary to apply protective cream.
Now you know how to take care of your furniture and have them divine for years. It is such a noble material that it was chosen in many famous furniture designs.
Don’t you think about putting it under the air conditioning jet, if you don’t want the leather to dry out. Nor is it too close to a radiator or fireplace. And even if you like it by the window, try not to give it direct sunlight. That could not do with anything.
It may seem tedious, but if you follow these recommendations and put into practice the five tips that we have given you in this article, you will have leather furniture like new for a long, long time. Or even prettier than the first day.
Remember that regardless of your choice regarding the material of your furniture, whether leather or fabrics, keeping good care of your furniture will impact the way they look completely. Here at Brisbane Upholstery we can help you make your furniture look excellent.