How to know best strength and conditioning coach

The ability to execute a physical activity lies first in the previous state of the individual and the attributes that are related to the ability to execute physical activity in order to perfect this development through specific preparation. With the help of a professional strength and conditioning coach in Melbourne you can achieve the body […]

The ability to execute a physical activity lies first in the previous state of the individual and the attributes that are related to the ability to execute physical activity in order to perfect this development through specific preparation. With the help of a professional strength and conditioning coach in Melbourne you can achieve the body shape you have always wanted.

Physical conditioning is the development of physical qualities through exercise, to obtain a healthy general state. The qualities or physical capacities of the human being are among others the stamina, the strength, the flexibility and the speed, although all of them are interrelated, and their development leads to a better integral physical conditioning. Although maximising all these attributes is a process that can be done by yourself, with the help of a strength and conditioning coach in Melbourne, the entire process will be way easier.

Here at Push the Tempo you will find expert professionals that can work as your friendly and efficient strength and conditioning coach in Melbourne. Visit our website for more information.

Development of Physical Qualities

In order to achieve a development of physical qualities you can:

  • Increase physical activity levels, that is, any activity that supposes an energy cost higher than the basal metabolic rate.
  • Perform physical exercises, that is, structured, programmed, systematic and repetitive physical activity with the objective of improvement. From this concept is where conditioning is defined as the scientific and pedagogical process of guidance to raise physical capacity through physical exercise.
  • You need to practice sport, that is, practice a regulated physical activity, usually of a competitive nature.

Physical activity should not be confused with exercise.

Physical activity includes exercise, but also other activities that involve body movement and are carried out as part of the moments of play, work, active forms of transport, domestic tasks and recreational activities. With the help of a strength and conditioning coach in Melbourne you can create a healthy lifestyle plan that keeps you in optimal conditions.

Increasing the level of physical activity is a social need, not just an individual one, since physical inactivity is the fourth risk factor in terms of global mortality (6% of deaths registered worldwide).


What does training mean?

The training is the physical, technical and psychological preparation for the maximum development of the athlete’s abilities. The objectives of the training will be different depending on the sporting activity that is practiced and the person receiving the training, our strength and conditioning coach in Melbourne will personalise your training plans and make them accurate options according to your needs.

Unlike the specific training of the different sports disciplines, in the field of physical activity for health, the basic objectives of training coincide with those of physical conditioning: improving the physical and motor qualities with the aim of reducing the risk of developing problems of health and maintain a positive physical health base.

Objectives of Training in the field of Physical Activity for Health:

  • Reduce the risk of suffering from diseases, maintain healthy levels of cholesterol, blood pressure, body fat, glucose tolerance, functional capacity and stress.
  • Maintain a positive physical health base, maintain healthy levels of trunk flexibility, abdominal strength, flexibility, muscular strength and endurance, body fat, functional capacity and stress.

The success of a correct Physical Conditioning

Bearing in mind that there are no “magic formulas” or immovable parameters in relation to the intensities, volumes or types of training to achieve the proposed objectives, the success of a correct conditioning lies in the ability to constantly adjust the physical activity to the person and not the other way around, our professional strength and conditioning coach in Melbourne will provide you with an efficient training plan.

For any physical activity to be effective and have the expected results, it must be well programmed, adjusted to the needs of each person and carried out in a systematic way. This planning of physical activity, called training or conditioning, in addition to ensuring the adherence of users to the activity and to achieve the predetermined objectives is the basic tool that the personal trainer has to prevent unnecessary risks and injuries.

Properly scheduling a training plan means correctly organising workloads and breaks. In this way, the body has the capacity to react to the stress generated by exercise and can overcome it, thereby increasing their level of physical condition. One of the main benefits of looking for the help of an expert strength and conditioning coach in Melbourne is that your resting days will always be considered.

Principles of Training and Fitness

The set of general norms that make possible the planning, controlling and organising of the training are the so-called training principles that although they have been applied traditionally in the high performance, must be considered to define the concrete objectives to be achieved with the training in the scope of physical activity for health. This is easily achievable with the help of a qualified strength and conditioning coach in Melbourne.

It is always important to remember to stay in shape, either changing your body composition, improving your athletic performance or simply improving your health. Do not rush, there is no magic trick technique that changes your physique during the night. Great physicists develop over years of work and constant progression. With a strength and conditioning coach in Melbourne you can set a time frame for this procedure and achieve your goals progressively.

The gyms we train in have changed considerably over the years, but the human body does not really, we move in the same way and our physiology has not changed dramatically at any stage, so why would we suddenly need 5 types of curl of biceps to grow arms?

Here at Push the Tempo you will find highly qualified professionals committed to your health care and well-being. Turn your lifestyle into a healthy one with the help of our strength and conditioning coach in Melbourne. Contact us today!