A good security in the information, includes from the personal, confidential or commercial information, susceptible of being misused by unauthorised users. According to the LOPD, it also includes employees who handle this type of documentation in order to comply with this security in the information and not incur in the legality.
We infer therefore that any information contained within a company is a confidential document that must be duly guarded according to the Law. If you work for a company that handles personal data of clients, employees and suppliers, all this information is confidential, exclusive use of the company and therefore should be treated as such.
Here at Secura Bags we put at your service our destruction service in any format and with the guarantee that gives you the certificate of destruction valid before any agency.
What information should be protected in confidential documents?
We must take into account what means the company in question has to collect this data, online it will be one way and offline format of another. But in any case they must be protected by the integrity of the business that will train employees to take charge of compromising situations.
Involve employees by including them in a first-hand information of the corporate user manuals of how the company complies with the law and more specifically in the protection of personal data that it handles.
Any information produced by a company must be protected, patents, registered trademarks, copyright information, etc. Confidential information that can cover any type of documents, trade secrets, business plans, marketing strategies, tax or financial information, etc.
What happens if confidentiality is failed?
The incorrect treatment of any confidential document by a company or an employee culminates with the imposition of a serious infringement according to the Spanish Agency for Data Protection (AEPD). A monetary penalty that can vary in severity and amounts from 60,000 to 300,000 dollars, depending of the country.
In the world in which we live, we are all aware that information is power, so that this information falls into the wrong hands can be used against us both personally and in our professional career. If it is at a professional level, the free use of confidential data can cause serious damage to the company in which we work, such as the loss of privacy of employees and customers, leading to financial losses, brand reputation, etc.
How to guarantee the compliance of the LOPD?
In order for the documents to remain confidential we must ensure that the LOPD is properly complied with in several aspects: employees, storage and destruction of confidential documents. Limit the number of people authorised to access this type of documentation and allow those who are required to see it. It is one of the ways in which the company guarantees the correct use.
Use of the services of a Document Destruction Company to regulate business documentation with data contained in digital media and on paper. By destroying this type of confidential documents, we have the guarantee and security of eliminating a possible breach of confidentiality, preventing it from falling into the wrong hands and respecting the law.
Confidential destruction is not an issue that large or small companies can do on their own without breaking the LOPD. In order to obtain a certificate that certifies this type of confidential destruction, they must place their sensitive documentation in the hands of qualified companies and in this way be completely sure of the correct destruction, whether in paper format or computer equipment.
Difficulties of confidentiality
The protection of confidentiality, so important for the moral integrity of people, requires constant effort and various specialised strategies to be carried out. Today more than ever, the defence of the secrecy of personal data becomes necessary.
Difficulties of confidentiality Societies, eroded in their axiological texture, tend to act without consideration, without the least respect for the privacy to which every citizen is entitled. The following case will give us a guideline to understand to what extent services such as All-Safe are needed, to promote a healthy social dynamism in contemporary cities.
Serious lack
A recognised medical institution, the Hospital Clinic, recently opened a disciplinary file to a former resident. The aforementioned inmate acknowledged that he had left in the public thoroughfare, near a dumpster, confidential files of people who had received heart transplants. The discovery of the culprit took place just a week after the newspaper El País, denounced the discovery of the documents. The research developed at the request of the Hospital Clinic, at the end indicated as direct responsible for the lack of a former resident who left the institution in June 2008. Therefore, that person is not currently part of the staff of the Clinic.
Privacy in danger
The files left in the trash, in full view of everyone, very close to the location of the Clinic, included about 40 pages in which there was a record of the follow-up performed on patients who had undergone heart transplants. The documentation was dated March 2007. It seems that the resident kept all this information at home during the time he worked at the Hospital Clinic. When this person decided to change his address, it was easy for him to leave all those files in a container for recycling paper and cardboard.
However, part of these documents, due to the patent negligence of this individual, remained outside the container, exposed in plastic bags. It is worth mentioning that it was the offender himself, when the discovery of the confidential files became public, who went to the Clinic Hospital to take responsibility for the lack and to deliver a letter in which he apologises for the mistake made, for imprudence but without bad faith. Finally, Hospital Clinic made clear that it has a system for the destruction of documentary archives to properly dispose of obsolete documents or those backed by another format.
Remember that with Secura Bags you’ll get rid of all documents you no longer need properly.