Are you moving homes? Looking for a reliable removalist? Here at Adelaide Furniture Removals, we provide excellent local, country and interstate removals! Do you have too much stuff and feel like you should get rid of some unused and unwanted items? Well, this is your chance to have a garage sale! Garage sales are an excellent way to turn your clutter into cash. Even though many people enjoy online shopping and going to shopping centres, there are still times when shoppers are looking for treasures among unwanted items, plus they may find unique items for a bargain! Here, we will go through several basic steps, tips and hints to make your garage sale a success.

First things first, pick a date and make sure the date doesn’t conflict with any holidays or special events that compete for attendance. The best time to have a garage sale is on the weekend as most people don’t have work. Saturday is also the best day for a garage sale as Sunday is usually a day for people to relax and spend time with family. A good time to start your garage sale would be in the morning around 8-9am and run for about 4-5 hours.
Promote your garage sale
It is very important to advertise your garage sale in order to attract buyers. There really isn’t much point to having it if no one knows about it. You can promote your sale online using garage sale sites, an advertisement in your local newspaper, and also street signs and community notice/bulletin boards. Putting up street signs around your neighbourhood are one of the best ways to promote your garage sale.

Almost any item will sell at a garage sale if it’s a bargain. Things you might think nobody would want might sell. You’d be surprised as to the items people may find of use to them. Remember as the saying goes, another man’s trash is another man’s treasure! You can declutter and downsize your house by going through each room and picking up anything you don’t want or haven’t used in months. Garage sales are also great for selling small items all the way up to larger items such as bicycles, furniture and even boats.
Setting up for the garage sale
When setting up for the garage sale, the best way is to lay out most items on a table in categories. Don’t pile things on top of each other as that will just get messy and this way, people can see what exactly what is for sale. If you’re selling clothing, a good idea is to display it by hanging it up either on a clothes rack or using a string of cord between two poles. Larger items should be displayed in front of the tables or on the front of your driveway or lawn, this will attract possible buyers as they drive by.

When choosing the price of items, don’t price them what you paid for. Most people go to garage sales to grab a bargain. A good rule of thumb is to keep most items under $5. You could sell smaller items for $1 or $2 and raise the price for more larger or valuable items. Even through a couple of dollars may not seem like a lot, if you have a lot of items to sell, by the end of the sale, it can definitely add up to quite a bit.
Usually, at garage sales, people are always looking for good deals which involve bargaining. Bargaining is a big part of the tradition and you should be willing to bargain, as almost everyone that will come to your garage sale will try to bargain with you. If someone tries to offer you a very low price, you can always give a counter offer. Remember, your main goal is to sell everything. You don’t want to be left with a bunch of unwanted stuff. If there are leftover items you can always donate it!