The “magic” or “instant” formulas to lose weight with Healthy dietary in a short period of time do not exist. To avoid losing battles, specialists shed the three axes to which you must pay attention to feel better – and live without “prohibitions” -: varied diet, regular exercise and management of emotions.
Remember that the help of an expert is an excellent option to avoid health problems. Here at Parkwood Green Medical we will assist you and help you adopt proper dietary habits that will ensure you feel fine.
1 – Without prohibitions: incorporate a varied diet
“‘I start on Monday’ or ‘in January I start with everything’ are phrases that you surely hear very often. The important thing will be to understand that there are no magic solutions: making a correct diagnosis and understanding where we are will allow us to set real goals. So, if what we want is to lose weight, the first step without a doubt, is to think about when the increase began and why.
These are some recommendations to incorporate healthy habits to the table of every day:
- Recover the family table with a single menu; return to that moment of meeting where the purpose is to share, nourish and have a good time, but where the focus should not be the food.
- Have a house with food security, where we do not collect food that may be the focus of our uncontrolled emotions.
- Respect all four meals, giving us time to sit down and eat quietly.
- Avoid repeating the dish and make half of it are vegetables.
- Increase fibre consumption in fruits, vegetables, legumes and whole grains.
- Decrease the consumption of sweets, sweets, sugary sodas, as well as cold meats, sausages and fatty products.
- Always prioritise homemade food, decreasing the consumption of industrialised products.
- Hydrate every day with plenty of water.
- Do not reward yourself with food.
When we talk about varied and balanced diet, we must include:
- Fruits and vegetables, as they provide vitamins and minerals.
- Cereals and derivatives (bread and cookies, rice, pasta, whole grain flour, legumes), as they provide carbohydrates, fibres and vitamins of the B complex.
- Meats (chicken, cow, fish) and eggs, since they provide iron, proteins and vitamins.
- Dairy products (milk, yogurt, cheeses), as they provide protein and calcium.
2 – Climb more stairs: add regular physical activity
The recommendation of the World Health Organization (WHO) to which the great majority of scientific societies adhere is 150 minutes per week of aerobic activity of low to moderate intensity (as fast walk) divided into 5 weekly stimuli (sessions) 30 minutes, or 75 minutes of moderate to high intensity physical activity, for example, jogging, playing a sport, going to the gym or making a general conditioning plan divided into 2-3 weekly stimuli (sessions) of 20-30 minutes.
The type of exercise depends on many variables: the taste of each one, age, sex, previous physical condition, body weight (normal weight or overweight / obesity), previous diseases (if you have osteoarthritis of the knee or hip, must be something with minimal impact), the availability and accessibility to sports centres / clubs / squares, free time available, etc.
Respect the basic rules of training in terms of the acronym FITT (Frequency, intensity, time and type or mode):
* Frequency: minimum of 3 weekly stimuli, even splitting in the same day (if you do not have time to do 30 minutes in a day, you do 15 in the morning and 15 in the afternoon). When one starts in a sport or physical activity it is always better to do a few times a week a lot of times. With the running of the sessions (8-12 weeks) you can lower the number of weekly stimuli by increasing the time per session, to finally increase the intensity (expressed in increase of loads, or increase in speed, or decrease in recovery periods, for example).
* Intensity: go progressively from low intensity, to moderate and high. With the new training proposals, such as the HINT (High Intensive Interval Training), from the beginning you can do jobs that combine low intensity with brief stimuli of high intensity.
* Time: minimum per session 30 minutes and go increasing it by 10-15% every 8 to 12 weeks.
* Type: refers to the type of training you do: aerobic, bodybuilding, a sport, etc. There is a principle of the sport that says that you only improve what you train, so if you want to improve playing tennis, you have to train tennis (the principle of specificity), or if you want to improve at running I must train mostly running, although it complements with other things (gym or stretching, for example).
3 – Avoid binge eating: manage emotions
When it comes to incorporating healthy habits, emotions (and, above all, anxiety) play a fundamental role. In order to avoid binge eating or snacking -attitudes that generate frustration after a while- it is important to detect what activates the intake , that is, if you are eating because you are really hungry or for another reason, we often eat out of boredom, or eat too much because we do not pay attention to signals from our body, such as satiety, being able to recognise real hunger and satiety ( after eating a moderate portion of food) it is essential not to overeat. It is very important to carry out the four daily meals: if we skip any of them, there is a risk of eating too much in the next meal “.
“Binge eating” is something that nobody usually does with fruits or vegetables. On the contrary, “this emotional disorder that is reflected in the food is very strategic and always seek so-called ‘anaesthetic’ intakes, basically refined carbohydrates (pastries, sweets, baked goods, pastries) and alcohol. is to stop struggling against food, this is not the problem, and neither is your body, if there is something to focus on when we want to see ourselves and feel better with our body is in the emotionality prior to eating. something not less is also learning emotional nutrition resources so that whenever the emotions want to come to light and we do not know how to address them, food is not the only option.
Contact true professionals with years of experience helping people follow a good diet that can help you keep your health status untouched.