Should you go to a psychologist? Yes! Here’s why

In order to divulge what are the principles that should govern a psychological intervention, it is important wanted to unmask those procedures that do not adhere to empirical evidence and that confuse or deceive patients who come to consultation. This reflection is quite frequent in all areas. Either because people tend receive negligent treatment or […]

In order to divulge what are the principles that should govern a psychological intervention, it is important wanted to unmask those procedures that do not adhere to empirical evidence and that confuse or deceive patients who come to consultation.

This reflection is quite frequent in all areas. Either because people tend receive negligent treatment or because they attend with disbelief to the show that some media give when they say they talk about psychological issues.

There are three main functions that people attribute to therapy: to let off steam, to get to know oneself better and to receive advice. None of these three, strange as it may be, should be the goal of intervention of a good psychologist, because if so, it is not surprising that people question our role in society.

Remember that here at Parkwood Green Medical you can receive psychological assistance from top qualified experts in the area.  You want to know why you it is always a good time to visit the psychologist? It is always a great time to visit the psychologist, here you have 5 reasons:

  1. To let off steam

It is very convenient for a psychologist to limit himself to exercising a passive and listening role for months and even years. A mannequin could do the same function. And all for what? For the person to relieve himself by telling someone his problems? To “get the anguish from within”? If someone wants to drain something that they do not want anyone else to know about, a psychologist is an excellent professional to help that person with that.

  1. A space and time for yourself

Yes, maybe it seems something very obvious and insignificant, but it is necessary. When it takes a long time putting the needs of others before yours, I assure you that it becomes a precious commodity. When you do not find external support or are afraid to worry those you love with your problems; Find a time and place reserved only for you and to express what worries you, it is comforting.

In fact, psychotherapy may be one of the first things you do to start taking care of yourself and paying attention.

  1. Feeling heard without value judgments or dogmatism

The psychologist does not hear your problems, he listens to you as a person: your language, your gestures, your emotions, your reactions, your choices, etc. Observe, collect and evaluate, but does not examine you to qualify your behaviour as good or reprehensible.

You need to know yourself in depth and make a thorough assessment of your thoughts, feelings and behaviours to know how to look through your eyes. He is deeply interested in knowing how you see the world and how you interact with him, but in the sessions, you will not feel judged or condemned, because that is not the role of the therapist or part of their competencies.

Sometimes in the midst of the pain you feel, you tend to avoid thinking about what scares or worries you, and even deny it. In psychotherapy you will find help to become aware of what is happening to you, to verbalise your fears, to realise the part of responsibility (not guilt) that you have in your problem. The therapist will mirror you and reflect what you are transmitting and externalizing. And you know that knowing what happens to you is usually the first rung on the ladder of recovery.

  1. An objective and professional point of view

A psychologist will not comment from their experiences or values, or from affection, since they do not have a link with you. I will propose you: an explanatory hypothesis of your problem from Psychology as a science, following clinical criteria to establish a diagnosis.  In a psychology consultation you can identify and change distorted thoughts and behaviour patterns that generate discomfort, as well as develop new skills to achieve your goals. In short, you find an advice that gives you resources, techniques and strategies so that you can solve your problem yourself.

Should you visit a psychologist right now?

These are some cases in which a visit to the psychologist is kind of critical and should be among your priorities:

  • You are abusing substances to alleviate negative symptoms: When things get difficult, it is easy to go through substances that will alleviate symptoms momentarily, such as alcohol. What may seem relief at first may be a very serious complication in the future.
  • Relatives and friends are worried about you: The same has been a friend who asked you if everything was going well or a family member who told you he sees you changed. People who know you can know if you are going through a bad time in your life. If you are receiving this type of feedback, it is better that you begin to reflect on what is happening in your life.
  • You cannot not stop thinking about the negative aspects in life: Everything that happens to you in life has a negative tinge. Catastrophist thoughts are your first reaction to everything that happens and it’s costing you to live day to day, since you do not feel like doing anything. It is normal to go through a period of grief when you end a relationship, lose a job or fail to enter the university you want. If this state of mind persists for many months, you should make a change as soon as possible.
  • You have great difficulty sleeping: If you have great difficulty resting, disconnecting from situations or falling asleep, and this is affecting your daily life and your work, you should go to a specialist to solve it and return to normal.

Going to the psychologist is a good idea, because waiting for things to change on their own you already know that it does not work for you. In psychotherapy you have an opportunity, not the only one, to be an active agent of your life.

Have you ever thought about going to the psychologist? Are you aware of the great advantages of letting you help professionally? Here at Parkwood Green Medical you will find top-qualified experts in the area ready to assist you.