A heart attack emergency, a blow to the head, choking, seizures … We give you a series of tips to know how to act, quickly and well, in the face of some emergencies.
Would you know what to do in an emergency? Acting promptly and appropriately can save up to 40% of the injured. Although this percentage refers, many times, to traffic accidents, the truth is that it can be applied to any type of emergency.
For example, the chances of survival in a heart attack decrease by 10% for each minute that passes without doing anything.
The negative fact is that most people doubt what to do and many do not act. And according to the expert “it is always better to do something than to do nothing”.
Remember you can visit a qualified professional here at Northcote Medical. Call us now, our team of experts will be happy to assist you and make sure you know everything you need to know about our services.
What to do if you are in an emergency?
It may be the case that you suddenly find yourself in front of someone who has an accident and needs your help. But depending on the type of emergency you suffer, the way of acting is different.
We present eight different situations and the best way to react in each of them.
1) Before a possible heart attack
If there is no breathing or pulse (is unconscious), place the person face up, with arms and legs stretched out; unbutton clothing, belts, tie… Although word of mouth has always been recommended, some experts say that if you don’t know how to do it, it is better to focus on cardiac massage.
Cardiac massage: is performed by pressing the center of the chest with both hands giving 100 compressions per minute.
To locate the pressure point, draw an imaginary line from nipple to nipple. In the middle it would be the point where to give the cardiac massage.
Place the heel of your hand and press with the other. Your pressures should sink the sternum a few inches.
Keep your arms outstretched and do it safely.
And of course, you have to call the medical services.
2) When someone is choking
You should encourage them to cough without patting their back. But if the cough is not effective and the person begins to turn purple (or their face turns blue, which would be more serious), the Heimlich maneuver should be done.
Heimlich Maneuver: To do this, position yourself from behind and surround it with your arms so that your fists are below their sternum.
Three fingers above the navel would be the area where you should place your fist.
Compress 5 times up and back.
If it is a child (non-lactating), stand on its side and slightly behind. With one hand, hold it by the chest and lean it slightly forward. With the other hand, give up to 5 strong claps in the center of the back (and upwards) with the palm of the hollow hand.
3) If an electric shock is received
The person suffering from an electric shock should not be touched. You must remove it from the electrical source with a towel, broomstick, rope…
Then, if the person is conscious, place them on their side and with one knee resting on the floor (this is known as a lateral safety position and allows the body to stabilise).
Cover it so that it does not lose heat suddenly, since that could damage the body more. And remember that in these cases, and although apparently you have resuscitated well, it is essential to see a doctor.
4) Before a blow to the head
To know its significance, if the person is conscious, study their pupils.
When they are unequal in size or, if they are not reacted or contracted by applying light to them, there may be brain damage. If, on the contrary, they are excessively dilated, the blow could also have affected the brain.
Better to see a specialist as soon as possible and be alert the next 24 hours.
5) If you suffer from poisoning
If you have ingested a poison, take small sips of water but it is important not to vomit (do not give milk) because the poison would harm you again. Take them to the emergency room and take the substance that he has supposedly ingested.
Milk should not be drunk if a toxic substance has been ingested
They are symptoms of intoxication if the heart and / or breathing are faster or slower than normal, stomach pain, nausea, vomiting, having dilated or very constricted pupils, having a dry mouth or salivating excessively.
6) If there is a possible hip fracture
To know if it has happened it is important to know the symptoms:
In addition to intense pain (which can radiate to the entire pelvis), swelling appears in the area, the affected leg cannot support the weight of the body and it will also look shorter than the other and in a turned position, towards the outer area.
It is preferable that you call medical services to see that person. And, while you wait, you can immobilise them by placing something thick and padded between their thighs but without ever moving their legs. And, of course, without sitting it down.
7) Faced with a seizure crisis
In the face of a crisis of this type, you should not try to hold the person who is suffering it.
Lay them down in a safe position (the knee of the lower leg bent as a support base), separate everything that poses a risk and protect them by placing cushions or jackets around them to avoid hitting them.
Once they come to, don’t give them anything to eat or drink; keep them lying down and explain what happened.
If this is the first time, take them to the doctor.
8) When an object enters the eye
First of all, try to get the person to open their eye a little and pour plenty of cold water. It is important that you do not rub it. If you see the foreign body (dust, eyelashes, dirt, fibers …) and it is in a superficial area, you can try to extract with the tip of a sterile gauze or, failing that, a clean handkerchief.
But if it is nailed, it should never be touched, as it can damage the cornea. In this case, cover with a clean gauze and go to an emergency department.
Here at Northcote Doc we will help you treat any issues and have them under control. Contact us today and enjoy the services of true professionals in the health area.