Tips to maintain Hygiene:Diseases transmitted by insects

Diseases transmitted by insects are an important cause of diseases of children and adults worldwide. Below we give you information about West Nile virus, Lyme disease and Rocky Mountain spotted fever. Here at Brisbane Terminator we will provide you with the services you need to ensure the order and having a hygienic workspace or house. […]
cocroach, insects

Diseases transmitted by insects are an important cause of diseases of children and adults worldwide. Below we give you information about West Nile virus, Lyme disease and Rocky Mountain spotted fever. Here at Brisbane Terminator we will provide you with the services you need to ensure the order and having a hygienic workspace or house.

Today we will review some of the most devastating diseases related to insects:

West Nile virus

In the United States, West Nile virus and outbreaks of several types of encephalitis receive extensive coverage in the media. These diseases are transmitted by mosquitoes to humans through bites.


  • Most cases of West Nile virus are mild, and people have no symptoms or only have a fever, headache and body aches.


  • In less common cases and occurring mainly in older adults, the nervous system is affected, and symptoms may include severe headache, high fever, neck stiffness, confusion, seizures, sensitivity to light, muscle weakness and loss of consciousness.

Lyme’s disease

In some areas of the United States, Lyme disease is a major health problem. One of the insects that transmit the disease is the deer tick. These ticks are tiny insects, about the size of a poppy seed and of colour between black and brown.


  • The first symptom of Lyme disease, and the most obvious, is a rash. It consists of a red spot surrounded by a ring of light red colour that has the appearance of a circle of target shooting and that normally enlarges day by day.


  • In addition to the ring-like rash, some children have additional symptoms such as fever, fatigue, headache, muscle and joint pain, and swollen glands.


  • Occasionally, children have an eyelid and / or commissure of the sagging lips (paralysis of the facial nerve), or severe headache, vomiting and stiff neck (meningitis). Weeks or months later (without antibiotic treatment), some children develop swelling of the knee or other joints (arthritis).

Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever

Despite its name, Rocky Mountain spotted fever often occurs today in other regions of the United States, such as North and South Carolina, Oklahoma and Tennessee. This bacterial infection is transmitted by ticks.


  • Fever
  • Intense headache
  • Confusion
  • Sickness
  • Vomiting
  • Rash: Most people also have a rash that starts with red, flat spots that turn purple over time. The rash begins at the ankles and wrists, extends to the palms of the hands and soles of the feet, and then to the arms, legs and trunk.

If your child has been bitten by an insect and shows any of the above symptoms of West Nile virus, Lyme disease, or Rocky Mountain spotted fever, call your child’s doctor.

The 5 Most Dangerous Insects to Humans

Insects are everywhere. And although most are beneficial to the environment, there are some that can cause harm to people and animals because they are carriers of diseases.

In addition, they are capable of inflicting painful stings that cause health problems, and even death. There are five insects of which we must be very careful. Today we will tell you which ones:

  1. Cockroaches

Insects responsible for numerous gastrointestinal diseases and the spread of infectious diseases; they live in places where there is heat, humidity and food, such as kitchens, food pantries, food warehouses and places where garbage accumulates. They can transport pathogens such as bacteria, cysts and parasite eggs, on the surface of their body or through their digestive tract, eliminating them through vomiting or defecation.

Its control is based on a good knowledge of its biology and habits, being of primary importance the cleaning and general cleaning, the disposal of garbage in covered containers, among others.

  1. Bees, wasps, and ants

Their bites usually cause an immediate and painful reaction on the skin. The allergic reaction to the bee sting occurs when the person is sensitized to the poison by a previous sting. Usually, the bee’s venom is not toxic and only causes local pain and inflammation. In the case of ants, the pain is due to the injection of formic acid at the time of the bite.

Luckily, the dose is very small, and the situation does not go beyond the burning we feel. However, there are people in which the stings of the ants also provoke allergic reactions.

  1. Mosquitoes, fleas and bedbugs

Their bites cause itching before pain. In most cases, bites and stings can be treated at home easily; however, some people have severe allergic reactions. Most people experience localised pain, redness, swelling or itching. You may also experience a burning sensation, numbness or tingling.

Fleas are insects that lack wings, suck blood and feed on dogs, cats, humans and other species. Fleas prefer to be guests of cats and dogs, but in their absence, they are installed in humans. The bites often occur around the waist, ankles, armpits and on the back of the elbows and knees, causing small welts that can cause itching and bleeding.

  1. Lice

These small parasitic insects can spread through intimate contact with other people. There are three types of lice: head, body and pubic. Body lice can reach 2 to 3 mm. long, while pubic lice are much smaller. They feed on human blood and deposit their eggs and faecal matter on the skin (they can also deposit their eggs on clothing).

The infestation of lice in the body causes intense itching. When body lice are not feeding on blood, they are lodged in the folds and seams of clothing; therefore, this type of louse is transmitted through contact with infected clothing and bedding, as well as through direct contact with an infected person.

  1. Leishmania

It is a genus of tiny protozoa, whose parasitic life cycle includes the gnat or sandfly, and an appropriate host such as man, among others. The infection can cause a skin disease called cutaneous leishmaniasis, which affects the mucous membranes in many ways.


Children love and need to be outdoors. The chances of your children getting West Nile virus, Lyme disease or Rocky Mountain spotted fever are very low. The best way to protect yourself and your children is to follow the recommendations in this article and see the additional information on the use of insect repellents. If you have any concerns about insect bites, talk with your child’s doctor. Keep in mind that most of these conditions can be controlled by preventing pests from staying where you live and contact Brisbane Terminator today, we will know what to do.