Creativity. That process of generating something new and useful at the same time. Composed of an engine, curiosity and search for change or improvement, and its gasoline, imagination.
We must not forget that creativity accompanies the evolution of our world. Howard Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences argues how each person is unique and unrepeatable and possesses certain characteristics and abilities that should not be objectified, but… How do we translate creativity into the contribution of value through digital strategies?
Bear in mind that here at Applied Innovation we have a team of professionals with a unique combination of leadership and experience to prepare your people to adapt to change.
The importance of creative meetings
How do we translate creativity into the contribution of value through digital strategies?
In creative meetings. They are necessary to foster collaboration through different points of view, but if they are organized inefficiently or in the light of diffuse objectives, we are likely to be shipwrecked, losing valuable resources, the first one, time.
The call for this type of meeting must have a clear and concise purpose: to generate ideas linked to the continuous improvement of business, products, services … In short, they must be focused on the achievement of profitable ideas.
There is a phrase from the great Picasso that says: “When inspiration comes, may it find myself working”
Undoubtedly, for that fact to occur in the work environment, we must create a defined game map, some guidelines that channel the stream of water that is the imagination towards paths, heading to the mouth that we want to reach, the sea where the objectives are achieved. For this we must always keep in mind several key points for a creative meeting to come to fruition:
1) Define the theme and objectives of creative meetings
Specifying the theme and its associated objectives is vital to have that beacon that illuminates and guides our imagination towards the creative process. We have to be aware of the problem or need that the meeting has to solve.
2) Adequate place and punctuality
A comfortable, bright place with the right temperature will always be an appropriate starting environment. Sometimes, even holding creative meetings in unusual places or while walking outdoors can be helpful.
There are also digital environments such as corporate social networks that are designed to optimize, improve and enhance processes, co-create, group ideas turning them into strategies, manage knowledge.
And what about punctuality, it is essential for the time of the meeting to be as planned.
3) Call for attendees and creative meeting time
Having clear the theme and objectives of the meeting, we will choose the attendees based on their relationship and profiles. They can be by affinity to the projects, by specialist profiles … The meeting will be more fruitful if we choose the right assistants.
4) Take care of the weather
We will create a participatory, relaxed, pleasant and if possible, fun environment. Creativity and fun are a perfect marriage. The freshest ideas usually come from moments and people who are having fun. Having a mind on other tasks or thinking that the meeting is a drag on working hours will not favor the creative process. Time is the eternal enemy of creativity. Looking sideways at the clock will only give ideas without direction and little enthusiasts.
5) Select the role of the moderator of creative meetings
The moderator of the creative meetings should know and know how to choose the right techniques, manage the times, encourage participation, schematize on the board specifying the abstract in visual processes, create relationships between ideas … What could translate into an inspiring leader.
Creative meetings will lose meaning if we launch ideas and do not nurture them from a criterion, common sense or strategic approach. For this it is important:
- Motivate the participants.
- Generate participatory dynamics.
- Synthesis of ideas.
- Pick information.
- Make an extract or summary of the creative meetings.
6) Choose a technique for generating ideas
There are many techniques that can be applied in creative meetings: the well-known Brainstorming or brainstorming, brainwriting or method 6-3-5, six hats to think (tool combined with lateral thinking that favors creative decision making in groups) … But we are going to focus on an example of a creative process called ‘Note and Vote’ and used by Google Ventures:
Phase 1: Individual
Notes: write down all the ideas in sticky notes. You have to focus on the quantity of ideas rather than quality.
Self-editing: review the list of ideas and choose one or two that are your favorites.
Phase 2: Group
Share: attendees share their best ideas one by one. It is highly recommended to write these ideas on a board to get a better view of the set of ideas.
Vote: each assistant decides what is the best idea on the board.
Share: attendees share the votes. You can comment on the decision, but not change your vote.
Decide: the moderator or coordinator of the meeting makes the decision. He decides, taking into account the votes or not.
Celebrate: in less than 30 minutes of meeting it is only necessary to celebrate the conclusion drawn and congratulate on the joint creative process. Surely it will be an idea that brings value.
Different techniques can help
For ideas to appear, you can try different methods of interaction in the group. Making an interaction so that each team member thinks of solutions for different stages of the process can be good advice. Here, it is worth innovation and creativity so that each team member has more ease in creating and interacting.
Did you like the advice? Remember that the most important thing is to achieve the objective of the meetings, that is, to have interesting ideas that add to the business. If you have any advice or suggestion on the matter, be sure to comment below.
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