Common diseases among the elderly: Precautions

  Society has evolved in an incredible way. The advances of science, technology and medicine have achieved miraculous things. Life expectancy has increased and mortality has been reduced. However, it’s been demonstrated that the most fragile sector facing diseases and that requires more care is the elderly. Contact true professionals with years of experience helping […]


Society has evolved in an incredible way. The advances of science, technology and medicine have achieved miraculous things. Life expectancy has increased and mortality has been reduced. However, it’s been demonstrated that the most fragile sector facing diseases and that requires more care is the elderly.

Contact true professionals with years of experience helping people with issues the elderly around you may be facing.

The most common diseases among the elderly are:

Arthritis and osteoarthritis

Arthritis is characterised by inflammation and swelling of the joints. Osteoarthritis usually comes from a severe arthritis. Arthrosis appears due to the degeneration of the articular cartilage generated by age; this generates pain when we move and other motor difficulties. Almost all elderly people suffer from osteoarthritis in one of their joints. It is usually more common in women.

However, these patients can lead a normal life and reduce pain following a treatment based on anti-inflammatories, infiltrations and rehabilitation.

Mental diseases

Mental illnesses are serious conditions that influence our mood, thoughts, feelings and daily actions. Different mental illnesses attack our brain. They usually cause cognitive, emotional, functional and movement disorders, according to the disease.

1 out of every 4 people in the world will suffer a mental disorder throughout their life. In the last stage of life, we ​​find several mental illnesses, but what are the main triggers of mental illness?


Osteoporosis appears as a consequence of the decrease in the amount of minerals in the bones. Falls in older people are very dangerous, but if the patient suffers from osteoporosis should be taken more carefully, since this is more risk of suffering a fracture.


Almost all older adults suffer from diabetes. Stress, bad eating habits and inactivity are the main causes of this disease. If the patient follows the treatment indicated by the doctor, he can lead a normal life, without the disease influencing his day to day.

Food imbalances in the elderly

Obesity is a serious problem for our society and is increasing. It is one of the main causes of predictable death. Obesity in the elderly is more common than it seems. Statistically, among those over 60, 35.5% of men suffer from obesity and more than 40% of women also.

Because the elderly often lose their appetite leading to a situation of malnutrition. The intake of vitamins, proteins and liquids decreases causing dehydration, gastritis, anaemia, among other diseases and disorders.

Obesity and malnutrition are not only a matter of aesthetics, but can lead to diseases, disorders and / or pathologies much more serious.

Influenza and pneumonia in the elderly

Seniors are very susceptible to the flu. This virus, in people older than 65 years, can lead to serious complications such as pneumonia or other respiratory problems, to the point of requiring hospitalisation.

The prevention of influenza is essential in the elderly. in order to prevent other diseases or respiratory pathologies. Preventing the onset of pneumonia in the elderly is very important, since it is the third cause of mortality in adults living in developed countries. More than 40% of those over 65 who suffer from this respiratory pathology are hospitalised and may have complications. In addition, pneumonia increases the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Relapses of pneumonia in the elderly are very worrisome for their health and can lead to low life expectancy.

Heart diseases

The infarction is considered one of the first causes of death among the elderly. Smoking, obesity, hypertension, cholesterol and diabetes are risk factors that can lead to a heart attack.

The most common symptoms before a heart attack are:

  • Dyspnoea
  • Shortness of breath
  • Dizziness
  • Chest pain and left arm
  • Fatigue or extreme tiredness
  • Sleep disorders
  • Sleep disorders in the elderly are especially common.

Elderly people, apart from changes in their metabolism and the possible appearance of diseases or various pathologies, also tend to see changes in their sleep cycle. Older people tend to have a lighter and shallower sleep than young people.

There are several types of sleep disorders, but the most common in people over 60 are Insomnia and Hypersomnia. In order to prevent sleep disorders, it is essential to establish a time schedule and adopt good sleep habits.

Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue

Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue are the most common pathologies, but they are the most misunderstood of today. Many doctors do not consider them a disease, but they forget the difficulty of the patient to survive day after day with all its symptoms.

The majority of patients with Fibromyalgia and / or Chronic Fatigue feel misunderstood and end up falling into depression. Therefore, it is very important that these patients receive the greatest possible support. These diseases affect their motor and non-motor functions and make the day-to-day endless and very expensive.

Many professionals confuse these diseases with each other, since they are similar and can go together. Both diseases are characterised by chronic pain and extreme physical and mental exhaustion. However, it is essential to know their differences in order to treat the patient properly.

Auditory and visual problems

Age tends to naturally wear away some of our sensitive functions. The ear can develop some degree of deafness and the sight can develop visual problems. It is essential that people over 60 years of age maintain an annual visual and auditory check to be able to detect this natural wear and tear of the senses and treat it with the appropriate treatment.

Deafness in older people can lead to social isolation, as it causes problems of communication and understanding. It is very important to help the elderly solve this problem with hearing aids to improve their quality of life and self-esteem.

The most common visual diseases among the elderly are:

  • Tired view
  • Glaucoma
  • Myopia
  • waterfalls
  • Ocular tension
  • Presbyopia

Loneliness and depression in old age

Loneliness has become a serious health problem for our elders. Situations of loneliness in the elderly can lead to social isolation and cause sadness or fear. All this is not the most serious, but loneliness is a risk factor for the onset of depression or other neurodegenerative diseases.

Depression in the elderly can worsen and lead to the appearance of dysthymia, the constant weight of sadness. Living alone during old age can become a great challenge to face the day to day. Loneliness; a dark corner for our seniors full of sadness, difficulties, fear, insecurity and lack of self-esteem.

Families should help older people not to feel alone and let them see that they play an important role in the home and in society. Home caregivers are the best solution to give older people the company, attention and affection they need when their family members cannot take care of them.

Here at Parkwood Green Medical we will assist you and help you with any speech problems you have.