Here we leave some homemade solutions very easy to do to get these insects away from your home. When it comes to bacteria or insects, the opinion is unanimous: we always want them far away from us and our home.
Remember that in order to ensure your house or business is completely safe from bugs, cockroaches and other insects, contact Brisbane Terminator today.
However, there is a particular insect whose presence puts our health at risk. Why do they appear? Why do they represent a risk to our health? And most importantly, how to eliminate them? Here we tell you.
Can cockroaches transmit diseases?
These insects have a varied diet which includes human food, which has the consequence that they can contaminate these foods when they are within their reach. In this sense there is no solid evidence that can make the link directly between cockroaches and any particular disease, however it is important to understand that because they live in contaminated environments including sanitary drains. In addition to the aforementioned infectious pathologies, an association between home infestation by cockroaches and cases of asthma in the members of said dwelling has been demonstrated.
It is much easier for an allergy to be triggered by the dust mite in the room than by the cockroaches, therefore, it is rare. It is a cause of respiratory allergy but it is not one of the most frequent. One would have to live in an environment full of cockroaches so that really an allergy is stimulated by the antigen.
Why they appear and how to eliminate cockroaches
These insects tend to hide in damp places, but also in cracks or dry and warm recesses, especially without access to light. According to the media, these insects usually hide inside the kitchen and bathroom furniture, especially in the cracks and crevices. They can also be positioned in the drains of the kitchen, bathroom, laundry, gas outlets, heating or air conditioning, electrical boxes, ceiling, among others. That’s where they can enter the home. Another place where you can find refrigerators, stoves, ovens, freezers, microwaves and other appliances.
They tend to hide in damp places, but also in cracks or dry and warm recesses, especially without access to light.
What to do?
It is recommended to vacuum the curtains and furniture, especially under the armchairs, beds, mattresses, cushions, carpets and, above all, in the gaps between them and the walls or windows. It is also essential to empty and clean shelves of books and shake them, check cabinets, desks, wall clocks, radios, computers and televisions. they say in the manual. In short, all those places where the temperature is warm and dark must be checked.
In the document on these insects, collected by the Argentine site, explain that an easy and accessible solution is to place chopped bay leaves in the places where insects can enter. They tend not to resist its smell and they move away immediately.
Onion and boric powder
A homemade recipe is to make a mixture with onion and boric powder.
- Half an onion should be cut into small pieces and mixed with half a cup of flour, a little beer or water, a pinch of sugar, and 3 or 4 teaspoons of boric powder.
- Place the mixture in a container and mix everything until it has a not so liquid result.
- To put the mixture in the places where cockroaches abound, you can use drinks caps.
- It is important to keep pets away from this mixture because it can be toxic to them.
Place lavender sprigs or bags with pieces of this plant in the places where the cockroaches come from. Its aroma, pleasing to the human nose, tends to ward off these insects.
Sugar and baking soda
To eliminate them you can make a mixture between these two ingredients, it will make them move away since they have an acidic stomach and the sugar candy will attract them.
What cockroaches have wings?
Some of these 10 species have wings, but not all are good flying. In fact, many of them are not able to fly. Some cockroaches can jump short distances and an even smaller number, including the Americans, use their wings to glide from high places. Despite this ability, American cockroaches are not common flyers. Some specific types such as Pennsylvania Wood males or brown cockroaches are considered big fliers. You can also see Asian, Australian cockroaches or the green cockroach flying over the air, but none of them can be called an expert pilot.
Everything is based on the proportions
Cockroaches are relatively large insects and therefore their proportions do not allow them to manoeuvre quickly in the air. Flying constantly that way would make them an easy food for birds. That’s why they prefer to use their quick legs before their pair of wings. Cockroaches have 3 pairs of legs that help them cover distances of 50 times their body in a matter of seconds. Each leg has a different length, are covered with fungi and have pointed spines, which allows them to crawl on virtually any surface.
In summary, it would be correct to say that you will hardly find a cockroach flying in your kitchen or bathroom – in human houses they prefer to use their legs and move silently, with more dexterity than you can imagine. Although, you can find cockroaches flying easily in economy class and business on airplanes. We strongly recommend that, if you ever see a cockroach in your home, fly it or not, exterminate it with the help of Brisbane Terminators. This will ensure that any cockroach problem is solved.