Carrying out a healthy lifestyle is more complicated than it seems. The first and most important thing is to change the ‘chip’ and put aside the old habits that end up slowing progress, such as ‘pecking’ in the vending machine, spending hours in front of the computer or skipping meals during the day. Choose the most professional corporate fitness in Melbourne today here at Push the Tempo. Contact us today.
As a personal trainer you often meet people who, despite having a lot of willpower, get confused in the strategies and do not achieve their goals either. In this sense, all experts warn that the main problem is inconstancy, reflected in the abandonment of all attempts at diets and exercise plans that are usually made, to a greater extent, during the months of September and January. In addition, he explains that “we must be aware that we are beings of habits in all areas of our lives, and that not having done something always means that it is okay”, so, when we seek to change, we must do it in all the senses, and the first step is to open the mind to new procedures in order to obtain different results.
In fact, the most inciting obstacles to throwing in the towel to those who begin to take their health seriously are psychological: to believe that you cannot, to excuse yourself in the lack of time or to think that it is not worth the effort. Therefore, it is essential to start forgetting quick results in the short term and admits that health care is “a long-term career”. These are the six tips you need to follow to start a healthy life:
- Be aware of what has been done so far and what needs to be changed. It cannot be improved without having recognised and analysed the errors that have been committed. It is the only way to not repeat them again.
- Forget the “I have to” and integrate the new habits from the “I want”. It is not an obligation, but a decision that is born from the desire to improve the quality of life and, therefore, to be happier. Inside and outside.
- Make a list with all the benefits that the change would bring and another with the negative consequences of not doing so.
- Analyse the environment Context always influences, for better or worse, the decisions one makes. Some studies have even shown that, for example, being with people who have bad habits encourages them to have them.
- Create a definitive action plan, either alone or with the help of a professional. Both in the field of nutrition and sports, many times the mistake is simply the lack of organisation. Therefore, a good diet with a control of physical activity is vital for everything to start working.
- Celebrate the successes achieved and repeat what is working. There is nothing better than ending the week with the feeling of having done a good job. It is then when you play some whim and enjoy the results.
The importance of avoiding habits that are bad for your health
Everyone knows that a bad habit is a repeated action that in the short or long term will affect health or well-being. Trying to eliminate them completely is extremely complex but the fact of becoming aware of it is already a big step.
There are no obstacles for those who decide to change to improve. First of all, it would be advisable to make a list of the incorrect habits, that is, take a moment and write them down (all those that you think may be harmful to your health and that you want to banish from your day to day). After that, analyse if there is any relationship between that incorrect habit and some fact of daily life.
The next step is to solve it and re-score to replace those bad habits with other healthier ones that generate the same “reward”, that is, the changes you will try to carry. Find a healthy activity that replaces that bad habit and turn it into a lasting action that with the passage of time forms a new habit and overcomes the old “incorrect” habit. That is, the real solution is: “be aware of the habit you want to change, be aware of the moment and why that habit is triggered to finally find the action that replaces it with another better habit, which repeated over time will adhere to permanent form “. There is no more, that is the true solution.
It is possible to relapse again and again and return to the wrong habit, but it is that leaving bad habits requires effort and perseverance, it takes time for it. You can start by changing just one habit; the benefits achieved after this will allow facing the second change with more security and illusion and one change leads to the next, causing a cascade effect of habits. There is no need to demoralise in the face of stagnation, good habits always give benefits. The athletes continue to train to improve their brands and some never achieve it, but they are still there, trying, knowing that this is the only way to stay on top (on top, whatever). Changing a nutritional habit is easier than improving a brand.
How many athletes are there that after leaving the competitive practice modify their body composition in an alarming way? It is not because they have left the sport, they will continue practicing (although at another level), what happens is that their life takes a turn and they no longer see the need to take care of themselves as before, the pressure is much lower and their habits change ” to worst”. However, that does not happen to many other athletes, who really always had correct habits and during their sporting period, both training and meals revolved around the competition. Once that disappears they do not train as before nor eat as before; They are aware of it.
Here at Push the Tempo you will find a qualified corporate personal trainer to develop a premium exercise routine for you.