All the answers about domestic recycling

  In 1998, the Spaniards watched with curiosity the first yellow and blue recycling containers that today are part of the urban landscape. It’s been 20 years, but do we really know how to use them? To the container of plastic containers and paper, and the oldest green for the glass, then the organic waste […]


In 1998, the Spaniards watched with curiosity the first yellow and blue recycling containers that today are part of the urban landscape. It’s been 20 years, but do we really know how to use them? To the container of plastic containers and paper, and the oldest green for the glass, then the organic waste has been added, but do you know in which of them you should put a light bulb?

In none of them. If you want to be a good recycler, you should take that bulb to a clean point, as well as waste oil, or a napkin used as a waste container. Recycling involves a small effort that begins with information and awareness but allows a new life to be given to packaging, reusing many materials or reducing the consumption of precious resources such as water and energy. A commitment to the care of our planet that must also be promoted from the neighbourhood’s own communities.

If you consider recycling a tedious activity, with Recyclit you can dispose inorganic waste, organic waste and recyclables knowing that you are using an innovative solution made with the most reliable and durable items in the market.

In the yellow container

The general recommendation is that all plastic bottles and containers, such as hygiene and cleaning products, tubs, trays, wrappers and, never forget, plastic bags should arrive at this container. It is also the destination of metal containers such as cans, aluminium trays, aerosols, deodorant cans, caps and metal plugs, etc. Brik-type containers, such as milk, juice or soup, also have their way to recycling.

Doubts and errors:

– What do I do with the yoghurt containers? Throw them to your yellow container, to be able to be clean of waste.

– Can I throw a box of wine wood? It is one of the points where there is no consensus. It is recommended that wooden boxes of small size, such as wine, cigars or strawberries, be thrown into this container, but as we say, it is best to ask your city council the question.

– Can I throw a plastic toy? This is one of the big mistakes of domestic recycling: the yellow container should reach the plastic containers, cans and bricks, not all the plastic utensils that you want to undo.

In the blue container

It is the right place to recycle paper and cardboard containers, food packaging, footwear or frozen products. Here you can also put the wrapping paper and the paper for daily use, such as magazines or newspapers or books, in the latter case think before if you cannot give them a second life.

Doubts and errors:

– Can I throw the milk brick? No. The most common mistake made with the blue container is to introduce this type of container so popular in Spain, which as you know contains cardboard but also plastic and aluminium, so the place indicated is the yellow container.

– What do I do with napkins, used tissues, etc? When they have organic waste, they should not be introduced in the blue container but in the remains one.

In the green container

To the green go only the glass containers, bottles, jars of jam, vegetables, yogurt, of cosmetic products, etc. This means that there should not be mirrors, ashtrays, porcelain, ceramics or tableware, which are normally recycled through the channel of clean points.

Doubts and errors:

– What do I do with the plugs? You must remove them from bottles and jars and throw them into their corresponding container: the plastic or metal ones will go yellow, and if they are made of cork, they will turn brown.

– Where do I throw a light bulb or a fluorescent tube? Never to the green cube, you must take them to a clean point of the town hall or collection centre.

– A glass has been broken, what do I do with the pieces of glass? You must deposit them in the remains container.

In organic waste container (brown)

Very established in some localities, for many other municipalities it is a novelty, and where they still do not work, it will soon. Here are all the organic waste with which you can make compost. It is the right place to throw leftovers of food such as peels and fruit skins, waste meat and fish, vegetables, coffee grounds, infusions, etc.

You can also deposit small plant remains of flowers and leaves, cork stoppers and sawdust or cardboard and oil-stained papers.

Doubts and errors:

  • Can I pour the dust to sweep? No, the right place is the rest cube that we will see next.


  • What do I do with the cigarette butts and the ash? Also, in the remains container.

Remainder container (gray container)

We just explained, here are all the waste that is not packaging or that does not have a specific collection system in your municipality. As previously mentioned, it is the place to deposit discarded bottles or toothbrushes, sanitary textiles such as compresses or used paper tissues.

Doubts and errors:

– Where do I throw the diapers? All remains of sanitary textiles or hygiene, such as nappies, tampons, ear swabs, wet wipes, dental floss, and household waste such as band aids, tape, bandages, gauze or cotton, go to the waste container.

The clean points

They are spaces or vehicles, in the case of mobile clean points, enabled by the municipalities to collect for free the waste that by its size or danger cannot be deposited in the containers enabled on the street.

Doubts and errors:

– What can I take to the clean point? Appliances, electronic devices, light bulbs, used oils, CDs, VHS, pruning remains, containers with traces of paint and varnish, etc. Here, footwear and clothing must also be worn when there is no specific collection system.

– What do I do with the remains of cooking oil? Some municipalities have special containers, others recycle them through the clean points. Typically, it is delivered in plastic containers, such as water bottles.

– Where do I deposit the batteries? Like batteries, they have highly polluting components so it is very important to take them to hazardous or specific waste containers, which you will surely have close to your home, or to the clean point itself.

Remember that with Recyclit you can dispose inorganic waste, organic waste and recyclables knowing that you are using an innovative solution made with the most reliable and durable items in the market.