The elasticity of companies to adapt to change, the creation of comprehensive experiences for customers and the availability of data are, in the opinion of experts. If you want to create your online ecommerce store or website or want to improve the one you already have, contact us here.
The keys that mark the immediate future of ecommerce.
- Stress the relationship with customers about ecommerce
Selling online is obviously much more complicated than doing it in a physical store. The reason would be as simple as that we are human beings and not digital, something that is evident, but that some ecommerce businesses seem to forget. There are some who conceive it as if it were a vending machine, a sample book where we exhibit products and forget about the rest. It is a serious error because you do not understand what the real needs of your clients are.
- The trip of the clients… And the product
In increasingly hybrid business models, where customers use different channels before completing a purchase is essential to know what is known in English as the costumer journey, i.e. the complete tour for each channel that customers do. It is the best way to find out who they are, how they behave, the factors that determine the purchase decision and what their needs and expectations are. Of course, none of this would make much sense if the trip ends with the acquisition of a disappointing product that is the first thing anyone should consider.
- The omnicanality
The consumers themselves have been responsible for resolving the debate between the analogue or the digital. Once the coexistence between both environments has been clarified, it is now a matter of “seeking a healthy balance”. We think we are going to reduce physical spaces that will be compensated with an expansion of digital spaces but they will be complementary. The proof is that many businesses that have been born digital have also opened up physical spaces.
Anyone must first be a merchant and then, if you want to add, electronic. In the end, what we find are more complex scenarios where the challenge for those who coexist in both environments is knowing how to exploit omnichannel well. Each brand has its own ecosystem and its obligation is to understand it and to evolve with its clients if it wants to preserve them.
- The client’s experience
Many times, we buy because we need it, but there is also a very interesting purchase that is related to making us feel important or feel better after a bad day. It is what is known as compensation effect. If we are able to link our product to an emotional need, the sale is much easier.
To that customer experience that all consider essential, adds the qualifier “global” understanding that it must occur at each point of the trip, from the moment in which a product is consulted to the customer service once acquired.
- The importance of data
It is no longer just about the metrics that indicate the evolution of your business, it is also about collecting data that will guide you in the strategies. We have data that validates me if the experiences that we offer with the correct ones or that have to be corrected, that allow me to establish purchase patterns and, from them, to progress and detect trends.
Electronic commerce is growing by leaps and bounds, making it clear that the future of shopping is digital. The e-commerce is reinvented to offer ideas that seem out of science fiction, but that are very close to becoming reality to break down the barriers that separate the two worlds: the physical and the virtual. The online shopper is demanding, and does not want to give up anything, his shopping experience from home must be flexible, intuitive, personalised.
The future of e-commerce: everything you can imagine is true
In Spain, only 19% say they buy online every week, while that figure increases to 50% in the United Kingdom. So, what are the news that will increase these numbers? To know what will be of the future of purchases we have to look at China. What is now a trend in the Asian country will become, in a few years, a boom in the rest of the world, as evidenced by the electronic commerce data collected annually by the consultancy PwC in its Total Retail report.
The Chinese are the first to adopt new consumption habits that open the way to other countries, the figures show that the country of the rising sun is a perfect indicator of the trends that will prevail globally. The electronic commerce sector in China is the largest in the world and Alibaba – which has already revolutionised the way to sell, buy and pay in the country – is the main responsible. Every November 11, the Internet giant celebrates the “Bachelor’s Day” and on this date online sales reach the ceiling, becoming the perfect barometer to draw conclusions about the operation of the sector.
This year, 11/11 has left something very clear: The good health of the sector and, above all, the rise of ecommerce. Smartphones are the protagonists of online shopping in China and 82% of users used them to make their purchases on “Single Day”, according to Reuters. A figure that increases with respect to the previous year, which was 69%.
These isolated figures are surprising enough, but they are still clearer compared to those of other countries with powerful e-commerce markets, such as the United States, which ranks second in terms of turnover. During the Black Friday of 2015, when the Christmas shopping season opens with huge discounts, only 22% used their phone to make purchases over the Internet.
And if the phone will become a key purchasing tool, augmented reality (RA) and virtual reality (RV) will revolutionize ecommerce as we know it. Pokémon Go! made all eyes look at augmented reality and, after an overwhelming success, the trend was declining little by little, although according to Forbes figures, the game continues to enter about two million dollars a day. Thanks to the success of the app we now know that, not only has great potential, but also users show a great predisposition to use technology.
Remember that here at Website Connection we can help you set up your online store and improve your sales volume considerably.