The situation of the labour market is very complicated, more than ever. There is a huge increase in demand and, on the other hand, the supply of jobs has decreased significantly in recent years. In addition, new forms of selection make the candidate have to prove their worth in less time.
Always keep in mind that before going to your first job interview, specially if you have no previous experience, you need to start by learning about the company in question, know its values, read news about its progress and investigate. The more you know them, the better you can present yourself to them. Remember that at Sydney Resumes we will help you achieve your professionals goals starting with how you introduce your competencies to companies and businesses.
Today we will give you these 5 tips to learn how to sell your professional profile in only 2 minutes but if you want a more professional and specific service don’t hesitate to contact us. We’ll be happy to answer all your questions.
Tip 1: You are a product: you have to sell yourself
You have to be aware that you are in a market and that the product is yourself. The current labour market is very competitive, therefore, first of all, we must keep in mind that it is a product and, as such, we must know how to sell. In this sense, professionals say “there are very good candidates who are rejected because they do not know how to sell, and people who, professionally, are mediocre and, nevertheless, get a job because they know how to sell themselves very well”. An experienced interviewer may identify them, but if they are very skilled they can pass the selection interview perfectly. In addition, today there are many companies that use the telephone interview as a first filter, so it is necessary to know how to summarise the curriculum in a short time and in an attractive way so that it arouses interest and provokes a face-to-face interview.
Tip 2: Know what product you are
Once you are aware that you are a product that is “for sale” in the job market, the next step is to really know what type of product you are. “It would be, a little what it is to know yourself. Know what I can offer and to whom. This must be very clear before facing any selection process, “say professionals in the area, to which they add ” if we are a product of “high-end” may not be in the right place, and the fact that we are a ” common product “, is not negative either, only that we will have to be in the place that corresponds to us to avoid losses of time and effort”. Each product has its audience, and each type of candidate, too. So, the following question is a must: “taking into account that this is the product, where are the companies that can best assess my qualities and experience?
Tip 3: Why me and not another? Highlight achievements
At the time of conducting the interview it is vital to highlight the achievements. But, as professionals say, “highlighting the achievements is not only to list what has been done, for example, I have been responsible for HR, but to underscore what has been achieved in that position. Thus, for example, we will talk about “I have achieved a cost reduction of up to 20% thanks to my management in this company”. It is not so much about repeating what is already in the curriculum and what the interviewer already knows, but about emphasizing the values that can differentiate us from the rest of the candidates. In this way, you can answer the question of “why do you have to hire me and not someone else”.
Tip 4: Trust
Showing self-confidence is essential to capture the interest of the person interviewing. If you do not believe in yourself or, at least, do not pretend, you will not get the company to believe in the candidate. However, in the field of the labour market, a nuance must be taken into account. That nuance is that, at least, we must “pretend” that trust, because you are not always sure of everything and nerves can play tricks. Especially if the candidate has been unemployed for a long time or his personal and economic situation is delicate.
Tip 5: Script to sell in just 2 minutes
Finally, we elaborate what would be a possible script to “sell yourself” in just two minutes. First, name. Then, “professional label”, that is, if you are a psychologist, lawyer, expert in, etc. It is about describing ourselves in a “tag” or keyword. On the other hand, comes what would be our “tweet”, or what is the same, briefly highlight the professional and academic career. Then, it would be time to show what strengths are directly related to the work in question (here different factors would be different to other candidates). And, finally, to describe in a concise way what benefits can be offered to the company taking into account the strengths of each one,” for example, if you manage time well as a strength, the benefit you give is that you are very efficient and competitive. , if your strength is that you know the sector very well because you have 30 years of experience, the benefit you give is that you save the learning phase and you may bring contacts with you, etc. ”
Keep in mind that in most cases companies choose workers that can work as a team and get along with their colleagues, allowing a collaborative and fluid work. However, do not renounce individual work, since there may be instances in which you must carry out some work on your own, without the support of others.
At Sydney Resumes we will help you achieve your professionals goals starting with how you introduce your competencies to companies and businesses. Contact us!