Tips for renovating your home on a budget

  Are you renovating because you want your home to look more beautiful and feel more comfortable? Tips for renovating your home on a budget .Think of your home renovation plan as a business plan or as your special project that is starting from scratch. If you hire a specialist, he will plan for you, […]


Are you renovating because you want your home to look more beautiful and feel more comfortable? Tips for renovating your home on a budget .Think of your home renovation plan as a business plan or as your special project that is starting from scratch.

If you hire a specialist, he will plan for you, but if he wants to save money, the first step is to take over the project yourself. Here we share with you some DIY ideas to help you renovate your house without spending a lot of money.

Bear in mind that for specialised renovations, granny flats and the more, you can contact us today, here at LA Webb Construction we will turn your bathroom into an elegant area where comfort meets sophistication

The key to renovating your home on budget, but flawlessly, is primarily to plan the entire process effectively.

Divide and conquer

As mentioned above, effective planning is the key to an effective renovation. If you are renovating, then you need to focus on both the biggest and the smallest. You may have heard the phrase “everything is greater than the sum of its parts”, you can apply the same strategy to your home renovation project and design a renovation plan for each area. If you hire a specialist for renovation, he will assess your requirements and then renew them. In this case, since you yourself will be in charge, we recommend that you brainstorm about the adjustments that the house needs in the company of your family, and thus together decide what arrangements are to be made and in what order they should be made.


Since you want to renovate your home without spending a lot of money, it is important that you decide what the total spending limits are.


You will be amazed at how many options you have once you start your research. The beautiful lamp that you liked in a high-end store can be bought at a lower price from elsewhere. So, take advantage of online shopping and thrift stores.

Doors create the first impression

The first impression of your house is your door. If you can’t completely replace the door and if your current door is in good condition, you can repaint it.

Paint affects lighting

Paint affects the lighting and when renovating your home you can opt for a new paint. In that case, if you already have a budget, shopping for different color palettes may seem counterintuitive. If you are on a budget then go for a black and white palette, it will give your home a modern and sophisticated look and you are guaranteed that you can never go wrong with black or white.

Small rooms don’t have to look small

If you are renovating to make a small house appear larger, you can achieve that goal by using mirrors.

Kitchens and Storage

If you are renovating your house it is because you surely want to clear and maximize its storage as well. Using your kitchen to its fullest capacity can help you minimize storage problems. To do this on a low budget, you can use DIY kitchen cabinets, recycled material storage, or take advantage of thrift stores.

If you already have cabinets that are sufficient for storage, then you don’t need to replace them, you can just repaint them to make your kitchen look like new.

The light comes through the windows

According to Marc Appleton, “half the experience of living indoors is seeing the outdoors.” So, when remodeling your home, install large windows. However, you may not have the budget to change your windows, in that case, play with paint and paint your windows a shade lighter than the rest of the room to maximize the light coming through them.

Bathroom renovation

You would be surprised by the amount of cheap and quality products you can buy to renovate your bathroom. A coat of paint or a change in tiles can make a big difference.

Renovation of the flat

If you have a limited budget, our recommendation is to use your apartment as a reference for other improvements, since renovating the apartment can be very expensive.

The key to renovating or redecorating your home beautifully and inexpensively is to come up with a goal, draw a complete picture of what you want, and then renovate each part of your home step by step.

If you have a little more budget, let your imagination run wild by changing some spaces in your house. You can change the kitchen floor or decorate your walls with vinyl, a very creative and inexpensive way to personalize your home.


Be creative! If you make your own shelves and place them on the walls of your bedroom or bathroom, then use deformed fruit boxes to your liking and hang them on the wall. You can also paint them in colors to give an even more cheerful touch to your bedroom.


Fill your walls with memories! You can build your own memory board. What better way to always keep in mind the special moments than creating a unique space that helps you keep them close all the time!


Decorate, build or renovate your home in a simple way


For those who would like to have the house as they want (according to their personal style), but do not know where to start, we have many things to tell you.


We can take advantage of this quarantine to try, play, assemble and disassemble with what we have at home and add some new objects. Rethinking each space, each corner of our houses to give it a new look. They can do this by distributing things in another way that they already have, thinking about what they can eliminate, what they can change the environment and what they can buy to accompany these changes.


The idea is to contribute ideas so that everyone feels more comfortable and at ease in their home, which today is also a workplace in many cases.


We leave you 5 tips to renovate and set your home:


  1. Before buying, let’s try moving the furniture around: in another location it has a completely different personality!
  2. Let’s add plants to all environments, they fill the place with life.
  3. Mirrors are the ideal object, because in addition to decorating they serve to illuminate darker environments.
  4. The house is prettier when it feels vivid: add photos and travel memories to your surroundings.
  5. An easy way to assemble a mosaic of pictures to decorate a wall: you replicate the measurement of each one on newspaper, and you assemble the sketch on the wall by gluing it with masking tape.


Remember that here at LA Webb Construction you will find skilled professionals who are proud members of the Western Australia Master Builders Association and dedicated to building luxury kitchens in Perth.