Rooftop photovoltaic installations are an energy generating system that has its photovoltaic solar panels installed on the roof of a building, home, business or industry. The urban environment provides empty spaces in the upper part of certain buildings and can avoid, inherently, the potential use of soil and the generation of negative environmental effects, photovoltaic solar energy being one of the most environmentally friendly renewable sources.
The maximum size of a roof system will depend on the area of the roof, so these systems are usually small compared to photovoltaic floor systems. In residential buildings they usually have a capacity of between 5 and 20 kilowatts (kWp); but in commercial or industrial buildings it can reach up to 1-2 megawatts = 1000-2000 kWp (or more in particular cases of large industries).
The typical dimensions of a photovoltaic panel (power from 280 to 340 Wp based on efficiency and the number of cells of which it is composed) is approximately 1mx2m, so 1kWp of panels cover approximately 6 to 7 m2 of roof.
In addition to the size of the roof, the solar energy of the roof system is also influenced by other factors such as the position, orientation and inclination of the roof. At Lee Meehan Roofing, we want to recommend top material that will make you feel protected. Contact us today for more information and we will be glad to assist you.
Position, orientation and inclination
The location of the building can limit the installation area of photovoltaic solar panels and reduce the generation of solar energy due to shadows created by buildings or vegetation in the area.
While photovoltaic plants installed above ground (with fixed structure) are always oriented directly south in the northern hemisphere and north in the southern hemisphere (Azimuth angle = 0 °) and with an inclination equal to the latitude of the angle of inclination ≈ 30 ° / 40 °), rooftop solar power systems are linked to the orientation.
Orientation and inclination of the ceiling. In general, photovoltaic solar panels that are oriented directly to the east or directly to the west will generate 20% less electricity than if they were to the south, and if you change the slope from 30 degrees to 15 degrees, your production will then only be 15 % lower than if your panels will be installed in conditions of maximum power. Even with this decrease in performance, rooftop solar systems will produce enough energy for all your needs.
Rooftop solar energy mounting systems
The mounting structure of the sunroof systems depends on the type of roof:
– Inclined roof mounting systems: when it comes to residential solar installations, solar panels are often found on sloping roofs. These often use rails attached to the roof through profiles with bolts or screws under the tiles. The photovoltaic panels are placed on the rails and fixed with clamps.
– Flat roof: The systems or set of solar panels for shops and industries are often found on large flat roofs. Solar mounting systems for flat roofs are generally ballasted with few penetrations. The weight and the position of the concrete blocks and the inclination of the photovoltaic panels (generally between 5 ° and 15 °) are chosen according to the resistance of the roof to avoid lifting caused by wind or other movement.
– Slope roof: They are typical of industrial roofs. The photovoltaic panels are mounted on the inclined side of the sheds with structures equivalent to those used for inclined roofs, but anchored, directly, to the shaped metal sheet.
– Curved roof: In addition to the classic polycrystalline flat panels, thin-film flexible panels with lower productivity can be used, but with greater aesthetic adaptability.
Photovoltaic modules can also be used to replace conventional building materials in parts of the building.
Considerations of the weight of solar systems on roofs
On average, the distributed weight of conventional photovoltaic panels is approximately 30-60 Kgs / m2. The number and position of the charging points must be calculated appropriately, but generally, such charges are acceptable.
Other main components
The inverters (series type) are usually mounted on the exterior wall of residential buildings or directly on the roof for commercial or industrial buildings, but can also be installed in special technical rooms, next to electrical cabinets and other main components.
The biggest advantage of rooftop photovoltaic installations is the possibility of directly consuming the energy produced by the photovoltaic plant (self-consumption), reducing the power consumption of the electricity network and reducing the costs in the electricity bill.
To determine self-consumption, the average use of public services must be compared with the amount of energy generated by the solar roof system.
A set of solar batteries can add about 25-30% to the initial cost of the solar roof system to achieve a day autonomy and ensure the power supply at night in addition to sufficient power during cloudy days. You can also reduce consumption at those times when the utility of the power is expensive.
Why including a solar system on your roof?
Guaranteed electricity
Solar Panels are guaranteed for up to 25 years and there is evidence in accelerated time studies that can produce electricity for 50 years or more, with minimal degradation.
Reliable and Secure Electricity
Each panel or solar module is guaranteed for 20 years or more! and there are system reports running as much as 40 years. The systems are reliable, durable, able to withstand the onslaught of hurricanes and can provide clean energy to you and your family. They require little maintenance and with the option of batteries can provide power during electrical blackouts.
Solar or Photovoltaic (PV) Solar Systems are modular and expandable, may increase their capacity in the future as their needs are altered.
Safe Energy
Reduce dependence on coal, natural gas and other energy sources dependent on prices controlled by others and reduce the susceptibility of manipulations in the market.
The Solar Energy Source is the Sun and is virtually inexhaustible and available everywhere: Energy is provided by photovoltaic panels and there is no need for a complicated distribution system.
Lee Meehan Roofing is where you will find top experts with a lot of experience in the field. We pride ourselves in being a reliable option for all building owners and families who want to hire experts that will take care of delivering top quality roofing.