The bovines depend to a great extent on their vision, they are sensitive to light, to noise and they are very perceptive, hence the need to know their behaviour and give them a good management. It is essential that people who are dedicated to the breeding and management of livestock are concerned about knowing their psychology and behaviour so that in this way they facilitate their work and can solve problems in a correct manner.
Here at Victorian Hoof Care Services you can forget about your cow’s hooves since we will take care of them properly and help you keep your horse healthy and strong. But today we will focus on tother aspects that are also very important to have in mind when you’re taking care of cattle in order to ensure they are healthy and free from common issues that affect their productivity. Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can help you.
The bovines depend to a great extent on their vision, they are sensitive to light, to noise, they are very perceptive, they prefer to walk in a herd and one could say that they are animals of customs. Experts explain that it is vitally important that all livestock farms begin to implement good animal husbandry practices because they bring with them countless benefits. They also indicated that some of them are: stress reduction, early identification of diseases, ease of handling, increased production, among others.
Important aspects about cattle care and management to keep in mind
The experts in animal management explained that there are some aspects that should be taken into account to better understand the cattle, their vision and their tendency to group. The vision of the cattle is peripheral at a 360 degree angle, they have a blind spot in the back, most practices are done by touching the back of the animal without warning to soften it. The person in charge of the animal should never be located in the blind spot of cattle because he will not know where they need to move.
One of the keys to animal management is that dogs, shouts or blows are not needed to drive the animal where it is needed. Implementing these practices facilitates tasks, decreases stress and increases production. This type of management is seen a lot in Argentina and the US.
The cattle see laterally but cannot define the distance. It is necessary to become familiar with the concept of ‘escape zone’ or ‘security zone’, this depends on how wild or gentle the animal is. If the animal is uneasy or agitated, that means that the operator is within that area and should move away a little. If a person approaches half of the animal forward, it will move backwards and if the manager enters the escape zone halfway back, the cattle will lean forward.
Experts also pointed out that cattle are gregarious animals, that is, they are animals that live in a group or in a herd. Knowing this allows you to realize that if a specimen moves away or isolates it could be some sign of illness. Bovines are sensitive to sudden changes between light and dark, for this reason care must be taken when removing them from the pens or when moving them through the sleeves. On the other hand, the lights should not be aimed directly at your eyes. Excessive noise distracts the animals, these will move more easily if the cries and other sounds are reduced.
Strictly follow this type of rules will benefit the copies, the people who are responsible for them and the business because it will help them to be much more productive.
The importance of the tail in cattle
In dairy cows, the hair of the tail is usually shaved. The tail of the animals is an essential part to combat ticks and flies. Know what care should be taken with this limb of livestock.
In cattle, what is known as tail or tail, is the rear end of the body of the animal. It is a flexible appendage that in some cases is covered with hair and others in showy forms. But how important is this part for livestock?
Experts explain that depending on the animal, the role played by the tail is different, but in cattle it is essential for its health. In cattle, the tail serves to scare away insects that could transmit diseases. Similarly, it serves as a stopper that prevents animals like ticks adhere to the end of the rectum. It has been shown that the care of the tails in the livestock depends on each producer, since there are different actions for a health in this part of the animal.
Although in some cases the owners cut the tails of their livestock, in others, as in specialized dairies, what they do is shave the hair of the tails so that they do not get dirty with dirt or mud and affect the production of dairy.
Also, in some cases the bovine producers prefer to cut the root tail so as not to have problems with the dirt in the farm. In this case, a veterinarian must perform the surgery. When this area of the animal is going to be cut, the tail is necroed with special bands. This does not affect at all to the development of the animal.
It is clear that the tail of the cow is not only an extremity of the body but a vital part to combat the ticks and flies that generate so much stress.
Remember that you need to take care of your cattle’s hooves as well, here at Victorian Hoof Care Services you can forget about limping because we will take care of cattle’s hooves properly and help you keep your cow healthy and strong for dairy production. You can trust real experts in the area with many years of experience in the field of hoof care.