One of the most frequent complications of diabetes is one that affects the feet. Losing a toe, foot or even a leg as a result of diabetes is the nightmare of many patients. This can happen when the blood flow to the lower extremities is reduced. For example, if there are wounds that are not treated in time and the blood supply is very poor, they can become infected and cause serious complications for the patient to keep feet healthy.
Here at Happy Feet Pedorthics we can help you find the best option for you, we’ll assist you in the selection of shoes for your daily routine.
In this article we bring you some tips to take maximum care of the health of your feet.
- Control, control and more control
Do not wait to get scared to start controlling you. Control your glucose levels regularly, and also your blood pressure and cholesterol level.
Add to your routine the glycosylated haemoglobin test (HbA1c), since it is the most effective to visualise glucose levels over time.
Remember that it is advisable that your blood pressure is below 130/80. The fluctuations in tension are normal, but if you notice that they persist over time, contact your healthcare professional for advice.
Excessive cholesterol is not only bad for the heart but also for diabetes and for health in general.
- Take the habit of checking your feet daily
Do minute inspections of your feet every day. Choose the time that best suits you, before taking a bath for example, at night before bed or early in the morning. Be sure to check well for wounds, red spots, blisters, sores, swelling, or infections of the skin or nails. Remember that lack of control can also lead to peripheral neuropathy, causing a lot of discomfort and pain.
- Hygiene also for your feet
Get used to washing your feet daily with warm water (never hot) and dry them well to avoid infection between your fingers. Keep the skin soft, lime the calluses (not the cuts), use talcum powder to prevent rubbing and apply moisturising cream (avoiding the space between the fingers). Cut the nails straight by carefully filing the edges. If you want to use cosmetic services to get a pedicure go to specialised places that know how to deal with this condition and are sensitive to your feet.
- Very hot or very cold?
Protect your feet from extreme temperatures. Avoid walking barefoot during the summer and make sure to use sunscreen to avoid burns. Both cold and heat dry the skin on your feet causing bubbles and blisters that can easily become infected. Use good socks and proper footwear to keep your feet a little warm during the winter.
- Your shoes are your best ally but they can also be your worst enemy
It is very important to choose the shoes well. You need comfortable shoes that protect your feet. If you go barefoot or with open shoes you are more susceptible to scratches or hurt your feet without realising it. Always remember to wear clean and sporty socks that allow perspiration.
Having a good hygiene of the feet to keep them healthy, follow a healthy diet, exercise regularly and above all control your glucose levels are the keys to prevent complications that affect your feet.
Taking care of your feet when they are low temperatures
Keep in mind that low temperatures can cause great damage to our body, and not protect our feet properly. We will provide you with more information about this.
Issues that must be avoided
– To spend a lot of time with the immobilised feet: In the event that it is inevitable, it is recommended to periodically massage them and perform exercises specific to help activate circulation.
– Sudden changes in temperature: When we arrive from the street with very cold feet, we should not approach them directly to strong sources of heat, as could be stoves or hot water bags, because it can enhance the appearance of chilblains due to sudden changes in temperature.
– Bad sports practices: It is very important to pay special attention to the way you walk and run, because, with low temperatures, it intensifies the ease of injury or suffering some type of biomechanical alteration.
– The consumption of certain products: For example, alcohol contributes to the dehydration of the epidermis and, consequently, also increases the risk of the appearance of chilblains. Tobacco, on the other hand, hinders circulation through nicotine. But in addition, there are other products that are not convenient to abuse, especially if you suffer from any abnormality, for example, dairy, because they increase the feeling of cold, or caffeine, because compresses blood vessels.
Tips to take care of the cold
– Use socks made of natural fibres, preferably cotton, because they will help our feet to breathe.
– Use appropriate footwear, that is of the correct size and does not tighten so as not to hinder circulation. In addition, it is preferable that it also be natural materials, breathable, and with non-slip sole.
– Pay special attention to the drying of the feet after washing them and their subsequent hydration with creams, taking advantage of them to massage them and thus stimulate circulation.
– Increase the consumption of water and certain foods. A good hydration will prevent the feet from getting cold, and products like cayenne, cinnamon
or pepper, and some vitamins like E, K and C can also boost a favourable circulation.
– With the arrival of Christmas and the increase in the use of festive shoes, it is advisable to use booties that protect the cold properly.
In addition, in the event that high-heeled shoes are used, we should try to make them as wide as possible, for greater stability than we help prevent slips and falls.
Finally, we should consider that, in the case that the sensation of cold is maintained, we could be indicating that there is some kind of pathology, therefore, it would be advisable to go to the podiatry clinic for an expert to perform a personalised diagnosis of the situation. On the other hand, we must take into consideration that the most vulnerable groups must take extreme precautions, and take special care to be more prone to suffer foot problems from the cold.
Here at Happy Feet Pedorthics we’ll assist you in the selection of shoes for your daily routine.