Creating a high performance culture is the result of a systematic, constant and prolonged training over time. Each stage in the creation of high performance culture is of vital importance because if any fails, the possibility of generating that collective habit that impregnates excellent teams is nullified.
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- Select based on “who”
In a process of creating a culture, it is necessary to select those who are going to create and develop it, leaving behind those people who suppose a proven blockade and training the skills of those who stay or join.
- Understand the strategy for improvement
Know and share the great roads that we need to travel to achieve our objectives. Understand their twists and turns, their difficulties and the challenges they will offer us.
- Co-sign a purpose
If the people of a team co-create and feel involved in defining the purpose of a team, it is when the commitment to improvement processes becomes a reality. As experts explain about what motivates us, “all human beings, by their nature, seek a purpose, a greater and lasting cause than themselves”. We all look for meaning and purpose in life. And a high performance team too.
- Transfer leadership
Leaders create leaders. Only if a team leader is able to empower their “players” by making them leaders of the team is when the collective leadership is strengthened. The shared responsibility of the members of a team leads to asking for explanations when a member of the team does not comply with the shared values. “The power of the wolf is in the pack.” The influence of a team leader reaches a limit. From there it’s a question of the players. It is the “costume” itself that must be the guarantor of the established agreements, of compliance with the agreed standards and guardian of the most essential values of the team.
Promote a learning environment where continuous improvement is the way to achieve the best version of a team. Structured learning environments for the structure to follow the strategy. No matter how much motivation one has, without structure, the strategy will fail miserably. A team needs its learning environment to have the proper structure to make the strategy viable. Learning environments need to be designed to permanently challenge the status quo.
We do not know if we end up being the result of our environment but it influences us greatly, so it is important to try to find the most suitable environments for the purposes that we define as a team.
- Transform patterns into actions
Possibly the most important of the 6 steps. Make reality through common sense actions, which does not mean they are common practice. To look for simplicity and daily life in the actions that will build, like fine rain, a new culture with high quality standards.
Culture is subject to cyclical processes of growth and decline that require that changes be brought about in moments of growth to avoid protracted phases of decline.
The changes, in the success.
5 keys to handle yourself emotionally in your company
Understanding and managing your emotions, your emotional environment and relationships with colleagues, bosses and collaborators is becoming more and more essential in hypercomplex professional environments.
The arrival of artificial intelligence will bring with it an ostensible decrease in the number of daily interactions between people in organisations. Many of the daily tasks that have traditionally been done by people, will be replaced by applications based on algorithms, which will give us almost obscene immediacy all the information we need.
For this reason, the interactions between human beings will be reduced and nevertheless they will have a leading role in the good progress of the business projects in which we are immersed.
And this is why we need to know how to handle ourselves with sufficient guarantees so that those moments have a high positive impact.
The constant variations in the needs of the markets require that the companies (and ultimately the people who direct and work in them) have the necessary flexibility to provide adequate, agile responses and with the greatest guarantees of success.
Within organisations, as living organisms that are, there are also an infinite number of interactions between workers that condition the emotional life of the company.
Stay with these 5 keys so that this collective emotional life is a little better:
Rejection: Join and do not separate. Diversity is complex but exciting if you go beyond the label that we put on each person (and logically the one we also wear hanging around our neck). Try to understand the differences and we know of those that tend to unite and not separate.
Celebrate with intelligent enthusiasm the achievements, being aware of the fragility of things. Do not go crazy thinking that having succeeded in something, you have a guarantee that you will have it again. Do not be arrogant.
Envy: The most powerful social emotion. Do not constantly measure yourself with others or with what others have achieved. Challenge yourself and look at the successes of others as a stimulus to keep moving forward.
Frustration: Who does not tolerate the frustration properly goes from being a child to being an elder without being an adult at any time. There are many things out of your control. Life is not usually fair. And even then, it is worth living it. In companies too.
Anger: You have the right to get angry and express it. But do it the right way and at the right time. Anger gives you wonderful information regarding your most core values.
These 5 emotions and moods are common in work environments where sometimes we are not aware of them and instead of managing them they are usually the ones who handle us. Realise and you will have taken the first step to start using them intelligently in favour of everyone.
Here at Applied Innovation we have a team of professionals with a unique combination of leadership and experience to prepare your people to adapt to change.