Set aside the classic work meetings – sitting around a table, with Power Point presentations and notebooks in hand – and organise meetings that allow them to feel more at ease. How about going out to coffee once in a while? You can contemplate it in the budget of your company. Or why not ask for something to eat to share while discussing projects?
Do you remember when, in How I Met Your Mother, Ted placed margaritas vending machines in the office to win over his employees? Margarita Fridays may be too much for you, but you may consider joining the Happy Hour trend at work. One day a week, or when they want to celebrate a special event, offer a toast to your employees in the office. If Dropbox works, why not you?
We offer you the perfect option to keep your employees distracted from time to time with excellent shows and spectacles including our magicians’ and clowns’ shows. At Comedy Clowns you will surely find the best entertainment choices to make you party or event more enjoyable.
Today we will detail the things your employees and yourself can learn from a skilled magician
Before seeing a magic trick for the first time, a child is filled with excitement and amazement, staying with a thought of great possibilities. That is why great magicians know exactly how to get people’s attention and make them believe in what they are seeing. Selling a belief is the center of magic, as well as business.
In many ways, to have a startup you must also have these characteristics. Many times, we turn to them to run my business. Here are four keys to my varied experiences.
- Focus on the audience. The most important part of acting is being aware of the people around you. His enthusiasm and reactions are what will guide each presentation and those that will make the magician fix his messages and approach. The presentations will vary according to the audience. Be it a card trick that impresses a child or a mental one that catches the attention of adults, the important thing is to sell the impossible.
It has taken me years to adapt my presentation as a magician to give a message as an entrepreneur, depending on the people we see: a client, partner, investor or even an employee. It is important to enter each meeting knowing that both parties will benefit. A customer may want to hear how the magic of technology will help their business. An investor, on the other hand, will want to understand the growth strategy and know how to recover his investment.
- Summon the power of persuasion. A magician has a difficult task: to convince an audience that what seems impossible is indeed possible. After all, people know that if you enter a box and they cut you in two, you will not be able to walk without a scratch.
Just like magicians, an illusion that pushes the limits of the human mind, business leaders need to persuade others to believe in their vision, strategy and product to follow them. Successful companies give a solution to a problem. A true leader and visionary will try to convince customers to make the purchase maybe before they fully understand why they will need it.
For example, do you remember when the first iPod came out? The best magician Steve Jobs convinced people to buy something that he didn’t really need until he showed it to them. Even so, Apple sold 600,000 iPods from its introduction in 2001 to 2002.
- Make it personal and relevant. An important element of magic is mystery, something that the person can see but does not know how it happens. In business, this mystery or secret sauce refers to the value of the company or unique differentiator. Likewise, a good magician never reveals his tricks and will continue to improve them by adding new ones to the repertoire so that the act continues to improve.
Companies must do the same, continue to improve and innovate to create new barriers and distance themselves from their competition. Just as change and evolution are important for success, personalisation is imperative. Doing magic taught me that the value of personal touch is immeasurable and invaluable. Seeing the astonished face in the audience or making eye contact with someone in a magical moment is invaluable.
- Share a magical moment. When a tiger appears in an empty cage, when the magician disappears into the air, when David Copperfield flies over the audience with no strings attached to his body, that is the magic to which everyone responds. After having lived in both worlds, we can say that the atmosphere of a startup is very similar.
There is nothing like the moments when the client understands the product and nods, noting that the entrepreneur has impressed him or when an investor sees the light, the business potential in an idea, dream, technology, etc. There is nothing like that feeling when a leader realises that his audience has experienced that magical moment.
Decoration? Also important
To begin, it is important to take into account the tastes of the entertained, for music, food, decoration, and the party show, but do not make a theme party as if it were a child, there are many event organisation services that put together parties for adults as well as those of children; Nothing more wrong. A magic and humor show, with a wizard for adults, is a good idea for the animation of events, after the main course or dessert.
Nor do you make the party for adults very emotional, first contemplating the age of the entertained, we do not want him to be sad or decompose in the middle of the birthday party. If you managed to locate a youth friend or someone important in your life with whom you have no contact for a long time, think well before surprising them.
This is Comedy Clowns, the best option to ensure entertainment will be present in your parties and events.