That phrase, that song, that rhyme, those slogans, that is in your head when you hear the name of the brand or meet you again after a while … can you identify what are the elements that make a slogan transcend in this way?
It is extremely difficult to express a complex emotional concept in just a few words and this is precisely the purpose of a slogan. That is why we have great respect for the brands that have done an excellent job with their slogans. Those who have deciphered how to convey their value proposition to their consumer profiles in just a brief and ingenious statement.
If you are looking for inspiration for your own slogan, do not miss some of our favourite slogans of all time. Before analysing specific examples, let’s quickly review the definition of slogan and what features make it stand out.
At Website Connection we truly believe that nowadays it is essential to have a highly responsive website that makes customers feel comfortable using it.
What is a slogan?
The slogan is a word or phrase that gives a distinctive and attractive message about a brand. It is aimed at a target audience, sets a specific value proposition and can be interpreted as a concise statement of the mission.
Thus, an advertising phrase is a motto that identifies a product or a company, although it is also in the political sphere.
Companies have slogans for the same reason they have logos: advertising. While logos are visual representations of a brand, slogans are auditory representations. Both formats capture the attention of consumers more quickly than the name of a company or product. In addition, they are easier to understand and remember.
What is the objective? Leaving a key message of the brand engraved in the minds of consumers so that, although they do not remember anything more than an advertisement, they still remember the slogan.
Characteristics of an outstanding slogan:
- Easy to remember
- It includes a key benefit
- Distinguish the brand
- Convey positive feelings about the brand
Do you go around and around several ideas to create the slogan of your company? Leave the worry, because there are formulas that will help you create an incredible result.
- It is easy to remember
Is the slogan recognized quickly? Will people remember it in a second or two? A short and attractive phrase can have a great impact on ads, videos, posters, business cards, brand promotional products and other media.
- Includes a key benefit
Sell the benefits, not the features of what you offer, since a great slogan makes it clear to the audience how a company or product can help you.
Think like your audience and ask yourself the question “What is the value that distinguishes me and how can I improve the life of my ideal clients?”
- Distinguish the brand
Does your soft beer have the best flavour? Or perhaps the least number of calories? What makes your product or brand different from the competition?
- Convey positive feelings about the brand
The best advertising phrases contain positive and optimistic words. For example, the slogan of Reese’s peanut butter candies, “two great tastes that taste great together,” arouses positive feelings about Reese’s in the public. While a slogan like Lea & Perrins, “meat dressing that only a cow could hate,” uses negative words. The first leaves a better impression on the public.
Now that we have seen what a slogan is and what makes it work, we show you some examples of the best brand slogans of all time. If we omit any of your favourite ones, let us know.
Take a look at some of the most striking slogan has all of the following characteristics or, at least, a good part of them:
- Nike: “Just Do It”
- Apple: “Think Different”
- Dollar Shave Club: “Shave Time. Shave Money” (Save time. Save money)
- Nike: “Just Do It”
Nike’s message didn’t take long to have an impact. The brand became more than a symbol of sportswear: it began to represent a mental attitude. It encourages you to think that you don’t need to be an athlete to be fit or overcome an obstacle. If you want to do it, just do it. That is all.
But it is unlikely that Kennedy & Weiden, the advertising agency responsible for this slogan, knew from the outset that Nike would promote its brand in this way. In fact, Nike products used to attract marathoners almost exclusively, who are among the toughest athletes there are. The “Just Do It” campaign expanded the funnel, and there is no doubt that some brands should spend time creating a slogan that reflects their message and resonates with the target audience.
- Apple: “Think Different”
The first time this slogan was used was in the Apple commercial called “Here’s to the Crazy Ones, Think Different” (This is a tribute to the crazy people. Think differently). It was a tribute to all consecrated visionaries who challenged the status quo and changed the world. The phrase itself referred to the IBM campaign, “Think IBM” (Think of IBM), which was then used to promote the ThinkPad product.
Shortly after, the slogan “Think Different” already accompanied all the Apple ads, although at that time, the company had not yet launched any notable new product. Suddenly, people began to notice that Apple was not simply a computer equipment: it was something so powerful and so simple that it made any non-expert user feel innovative and the latest technology.
According to Forbes, the price of Apple shares tripled during the year following the launch of the commercial. Although since then the slogan no longer appears, many Apple users still have a sense of belonging for being among those who “think differently.”
- Dollar Shave Club: “Shave Time. Shave Money ”(Save time. Save money)
Dollar Shave Club has been the protagonist of several lists on our blog, such as promotional product videos and marketing campaigns for the holidays. In other words, we can safely say that when it comes to marketing and advertising, these people know what they are doing. And his slogan “Shave Time. Shave Money” reflects your knowledge perfectly.
This ingenious phrase incorporates two of the advantages of services: price and comfort. It is a precise pun that perfectly represents the overall tone of the brand (slogan is an English pun with “save” and “shave”). The company sells razor blades for up to $ 1.
At Website Connection we truly believe that nowadays it is essential to have a highly responsive website that makes customers feel comfortable using it. We will work towards helping you achieve your goals in the shortest time possible. Contact us today!