Before moving, it is important that you know everything you need to do so that your new home is ready to be enjoyed without problems.
Imagine how terrible it is to get to your new home and not have electricity, gas or water. And in case you have those services, your surprise will be worse when you see that the air conditioning or heating does not work, there is an electrical problem or leaks, among other things. To avoid these nightmares, take action in advance. Here are the most important things to keep in mind.
Remember that here at LA Webb Construction you will find skilled professionals who are proud members of the Western Australia Master Builders Association.
- Make an inspection of your new home in time.
Check the electrical circuit box or board, making sure that the labels next to each switch that, for example, say: Kitchen, Bathroom, Room, etc., are located correctly. Do this operation by removing or disconnecting each switch (one by one) to find out which room in the house they belong to. You can also hire an electrician to check the condition of the electrical box (panel or board) and if it is necessary to repair or replace it with a new one.
- Check fire alarms and carbon monoxide detectors to see if they work well, need batteries or need replacing.
- Buy fire extinguishers.
- Have a professional inspect the air conditioning / heating unit, the water heater, etc.
- Locate the water stopcock. It is important to know where the stopcock is, to be able to close it quickly if necessary.
- Report your address change at the post office and contact the credit card companies.
Before moving, you must notify your address change at the post office to make sure you start receiving your correspondence in your new home. Contact the credit card companies to avoid omitting the payment of an invoice, because it arrived at your previous address or was lost.
- Contact the utility companies.
When you arrive at your new home you will want to have basic services, such as electricity, gas, water and sewage, cable, Internet, telephone. So, contact those companies in advance to set the date of transfer of those services to your new address.
- Update the important documents.
One month before moving, update your driver’s license, your vehicle registration and your voter registration card.
- Change the bolts.
If the house is empty and you have not yet moved, it is a good idea to change the door locks. Otherwise, change them the same day you move. Better safe than sorry.
- Check the status of your home address sign on the facade.
Your home address number should be clearly seen, especially if you will make the move with an agency. In addition, you will need your address to be distinguished well for the mail carrier, postal delivery services, restaurant delivery services and your visits to see them. Buy a new sign if necessary.
- Identify emergency exits in case of fire or catastrophe.
Make sure the whole family knows how to leave the house in case of fire or any other catastrophe. Generally, everyone thinks of the main door of the house as the best option to escape outside, but it is good to have extra options if you cannot use the main door.
- Fumigate and do a deep cleaning.
If your new house is empty and you have access to it before moving in, be careful to spray. Even if you don’t see insects, they are very likely to exist. You will not want to spray with strong chemicals when the family is present and the furniture is already in place. Once the fumigation has taken effect, it is a good time to do a deep cleaning of floors, walls, windows, etc. As the house is empty you can clean even the most hidden corners, which will not be so easy once the curtains and furniture are in place.
- Check your inventory list to see if your belongings arrived well.
So, you have made the move yourself or with a moving company, check what you have against your inventory list to make sure all your belongings arrived well. If you used a moving company, you can claim lost or damaged items. And if necessary, you can claim your insurance agency.
- Have a medicine cabinet ready.
Moving is conducive to someone scratching, hitting or simply giving them a headache. Keep it ready because it will continue to be very useful in the future. Place it in a place in the house where adults can access it, away from the reach of children, regularly checking that the medications are in effect. At the door of the medicine cabinet, put a label with the telephone numbers of your local emergency contacts. With these preventive measures, you can send your new address to all your contacts and have a party to open your new home.
Bear in mind that you can not take the same thing from point A to point B. When you get to a new home, it’s like starting from scratch; New life, new energy, new blur opportunities and new account. And when you take ALL things without CLEARING, it’s like taking the past to a new space.
Free yourself from attachments and start from scratch! We recommend you to support yourself with signs that will help you to debug in the process before moving. Remember: donation, garbage, friends and family and recycling.
Normally cleaning and packing our house takes a lot of time and when there are more family members involved, we all want to move forward and do things in our spare time. Which means that when you want to use the cinnamon tape, you obviously can’t find it because “someone” used it more. And so, with scissors and down, etc.
Remember that here at LA Webb Construction you will find skilled professionals who are proud members of the Western Australia Master Builders Association. Contact us today to learn more about our services.