It seems we have been eating ice cream all our lives, but the cone is barely a century old.
The ice cream cone made of biscuit is nowadays one of the essential components of an ice cream, but before its discoverer had the great idea, it was served in plates or cups. But from that moment when the public tried it, the invention toured the world and nobody can stop finishing their ice cream by eating the delicious crunchy cone.
In 1904, at the San Luis Universal Exhibition in the United States, there were two adjoining stores. One was occupied by the French ice cream maker Arnold Fornachou and the other by the Syrian baker Ernest Hamwi.
Fornachou sold a lot of ice cream to visitors, but one day he ran out of plates and cups to serve them. And when he saw that his neighbour was selling cookies called zalabia, he rolled them up and began serving inside ice cream.
The idea was great, because the ice cream was kept inside the cookie and the public could eat it after finishing their ice cream. In this way it was that both traders had great success at the fair and the cones became very popular. Without a doubt, they achieved the perfect combination that has reached our fashionable days yet.
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Ice Cream Cone Recipe
To make ice cream cones you need a waffle maker, which usually has a cone-shaped plastic utensil that shapes ice cream cones.
- 100 grams of flour
- 50 grams of butter
- 60 grams of sugar
- 60 ml of milk
- 1 vanilla branch
- Start beating the butter at room temperature together with the sugar until a homogeneous mixture is achieved. Then add the milk along with the vanilla, and beat again until a cream forms to set aside.
- Heat the iron to make waffles to cook the dough. It is convenient that you spray it before with a little release spray so that it can then take off easily.
- Then, pour with a spoon a little dough in the centre, smooth it with a spatula and close the iron until it is fully cooked, approximately for 2 or 3 minutes, depending on the temperature of the iron.
- Once the dough is cooked, roll it over the cone of the machine to give it the classic cone shape and go placing the ice cream cones one by one in a large dish or bowl until they cool completely. And that simple, you already have the complete and delicious recipe.
What would happen to your ice cream if the cone didn’t exist?
Because after giving ourselves to the craziness of a creamy ice cream the cone makes us return to the earth. Its crunchy presence puts an end to the journey of snow, nature and original sin, because an ice cream is pure gluttony. In addition to healthy, as well as nutritious, it is pure gluttony. (But look at the kids at the door of the store screaming for ice cream, you will tell me if they throw themselves on the floor for a soup)
The cones have several stories about their origin, some say they were invented by Vittorio Marchionni, an Italian from Cadore who went to America. It seems he wanted to sell ice cream to school-age children and this was his invention. Others say that the cornet appeared in 1910 officially in Italy, when the inventor of the sweet wafer cone Goivanni Torre de Liguria, exhibited it in Turin.
Before the existence of this great invention and for centuries, ice creams were served in plates or bowls, or even on cookies, but in 1904, during the St. Louis Universal Exposition also called Louisiana Purchase Exposition, the creature born today occupies A teenager who had an ice cream stand finished the dishes to serve them and asked his neighbour to stop, Hamwi, a pastry chef from Damascus, his zalabias, replacing the missing dishes. The zalabias are very thin cookies of Persian origin, sprinkled in sugar. The zalabias were rolled up like cones, and there you have the original cone, which supported the ice cream. The one that complements the ice cream. They say that day for Hamwi had not been very fruitful, and that Fornachou, to his envy, had had no truce with his ice cream sales. But you see, he was killed by success and could not continue selling because his dishes ran out. That was how for both the need brought them happiness.
But we know, the story always has several versions, and here is another: The owners of Doumar’s Cones and BBQ de Virgina, were the first to sell the cones at the fair in Sant Louis. The newspapers gave faith to the love of people to the cones, that is known, but how do you explain that they are still standing, mouth, and a thousand loves, and if not ask the Tere of the horchatería Uncle Che, what would happen if one day in midsummer runs out of cones. What we have clear is that several newspapers of the time testify to the success of this invention and affirm that ice cream cones spread rapidly throughout the premises of the St. Louis Exhibition. And it was also learned from the press that mechanization of the cone was obtained from the inventor Fredderick Bruckman, who made the machine to roll the cones. In 1959 the Spica ice cream factory devised a formula to keep the flavor and texture crispy, even after freezing. But to be fair we can also assume that the ice cream cone is born from the wafer. In the Renaissance it was served as dessert, only available to aristocrats and bourgeois, see if we are to believe that all past time was better, so wafers in these days that we have to live, and so accessible.
The truth is that so much was the value and weighting of the wafers in the Renaissance that were devoted to the celebration of the Mass. And this is how the host arises. It is made of wheat flour, while there are different wafers and they are made with rice flour. With the passing of time this has solidified as one of the most practical ways to eat ice cream.
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