A LED reflector is ideal for illuminating large spaces, sculptures, signs and other objects, but also for lighting gardens and workshops when working. To save energy we recommend the latest LED reflector. Here you can learn about what types of LED spotlights are currently on the market and what are their benefits.
Find more information about premium LED products here at Lighting Australia.
The most important thing is the luminosity and the type of use
Before starting the search for the LED floodlight (sometimes called LED halogen), we explained several aspects that will make selection and purchase easier. The most important thing is to know the purpose of the reflector and how it should be efficient, that is, what its luminosity will be.
Today, LED floodlights are available in the 10 to 100 Watt range. Do not forget that they consume between 50 and 80% less electricity than halogens, so the 100W LED floodlight will easily replace 500W halogens. Also, the most expensive models have a lifespan of up to 50,000 hours. The voltage is usually 230V, but there is also a low voltage of 12-24V. For color temperature, we recommend daily white (more than 5,000 Kelvin), which promotes concentration and less tired eyes.
Types of LED reflectors
In addition to light intensity, LED reflectors differ in appearance, which also determines their use. Below are the most common types.
- LED halogens
The appearance is very similar to classic halogen reflectors. They are mainly in black and silver colors and in a wide range of performance, for example, for garden lighting, the power of 10 W.
- Standing
They have a support to fit into the ground.
- Slim
Reflectors that have less depth (take up less space), so they can be easily placed on the facade, under the gutter, …
- Laptops
Ideal for activities that change location, for example, when building a house, repairing a car, … They are equipped with a handle and a stable support.
Reflectors with sensor
The types mentioned above can also be supplemented by a PIR sensor / sensor, meaning they automatically turn on in the event of a move and automatically turn off after the set time.
The most modern option is a solar LED reflector, which does not need electric power at all. Ideal solution for places where electricity is not supplied.
Why do LED Lights burn ou?
Protect and extend the life of your LED luminaires avoiding future problems or melts by installing the equipment correctly and in the right place.
Led bulbs or lamps can also go out of business. A poor quality light bulb can get damaged but it is not usually normal, the most common cases for which the LEDs break or melt are in most cases for reasons of bad installations.
Without going into technicalities we will try to see what happens and how to solve these cases, so we can enjoy the long life of LEDs without wasting our money.
Why do the LEDs melt?
It is always possible that a low quality of the luminaires influences the duration of the same, but we are going to focus on more common cases of failure.
Voltage fluctuations or power surges, common in many places where light is consumed, destroy the electronics of these lamps in a short time.
Excessive temperature, having a led lamp “enclosed” in a ceiling light, globe, …, where air circulation is not possible, causes the life of the lamp to be shortened. The LEDs are semiconductors and with working temperatures above 40/45 degrees they begin to degrade.
In the same line we should not install led lamps with other models of light lamps, example of putting in a common point of light, several energy saving light bulbs and at least one LED.
Fluorescent light bulbs, fluorescent tubes, low consumption downlights need to start in order for them to light, this they do with a small “spark”, a small surge.
We can see this very well in the fluorescent tubes that after several very rapid ignitions finally turn on 100% to light properly.
Energy saving light bulbs also produce this effect although less visually than in tubes.
Combining these models with this technology can be a consequence of shortening the useful life of the led.
The poor quality of the cables, the connections, the devices that coincide on the same line, and above all, the lack of grounding.
If the led bulbs stay on for a short time … after turning off the switch, the leads from our installation are almost certainly playing tricks on us.
If to all the above we add somewhat obsolete switches, humidity near the light bulb, household appliances that produce some uncontrolled discharge and few or no earth connections in the installation will cause us to have voltage fluctuations shortening the life of the LED.
Basic recommendations at the time of installation
Try to include in all the lines the “earth connection”, there are a multitude of bulbs, lamps, lights that do not connect to this phase, and this complicates the life of the led.
Install all LED bulbs or all of low consumption, but we must not mix both things in the same light source or line.
If a led lamp has reached its maximum operating temperature after a few hours of use and has not failed in the first days, it will possibly not fail in the following years. Possibly, with the arrival of summer it causes a temperature rise in certain places of more than 30ºC, which may also affect the led.
Do not install Led bulbs in ceiling lights or completely downlights, the lamp will have a hard time cooling and will lose properties in a few days.
If several LED lamps are purchased and all fail, “something happens” in your installation. If some fail, watch what can happen at a specific point and if none has ever failed you, or you have been lucky, or everything has been done perfectly.
Not everywhere you must or can install a LED light, if a modern led lamp has perished quickly, there are more options for lighting.
To finish: It does not matter the brands, nor the prices, if the installation is bad, old, with branches, old cables, bad connections, etc … we will have problems with the LEDs and surely with the other electronic devices in your home. If everything is correct, as it should be, we will have LEDs for many years.
When we can know that the installation suffers some disorder, or that some of the previous points can be met, the lamps with LED SMD technology “Surface Mount Device” or surface mount, allows that even if any of these LEDs is damaged, they have a device They supply them so that others continue to function at full capacity. Therefore, these SMD models are usually more effective than the so-called “Chip on board” COBs, which although they are of better quality, suffer much more from these deficiencies.
At Lighting Australia we offer you all the information you need for successful LED installation and use.