Financial intelligence is the ability of a person who generates money to attract more money, learn how to manage it and make economic abundance. It consists of a combination of personal skills with the ability to develop financial habits and use technical skills such as accounting, management and understanding of investments and laws.
To learn to have financial intelligence, you need analysis, experience, training, learning … While there is no career in Financial Intelligence, a Master’s Degree in Financial Engineering will shape the world of financial values, the consulting industry, banking and financial management necessary to develop the full potential of your financial intelligence.
These skills can be applied both at a personal and business level, where the latter requires an expert training capable of facing the new financial reality. A professional trained in a Master of Financial Engineering develops the ability to analyse financial challenges and take positions of financial responsibility in banks, capital investment companies, insurance companies, consulting companies and finance departments in large companies. In addition, your financial intelligence will allow you to start your own businesses with the financial security that your knowledge brings.
Here at Prickly Pear we have a professional team that will identify any growth opportunities for your business, we help you consolidate your business ideas.
Advantages of its application
If companies look for professionals with a great financial intelligence it is because this is a determining factor in the midst of such an unpredictable economy.
In-depth knowledge of complex financial products, project and financial product analysis capabilities, and leadership visions enable these experts to face the challenges of the increasingly global financial industry.
In addition, this financial intelligence allows applying and developing recognized financial theories, engineering methods, management tools, and computer-assisted and mathematical techniques, while recognizing the limitations of economic and financial models.
Applying financial intelligence in your company will allow you to have complete control and knowledge of your financial movements:
- Optimise and capitalise on capital. Thanks to financial intelligence you will have skills to maximise resources.
- Detect opportunities and sources of income. The deep knowledge of the financial system together with the investment skills allows to detect and predict future successful businesses.
- Plan the financial future. Among the most demanded and most responsible knowledge in a Master in Financial Engineering is to design and recognize the models and limitations of the new financial system.
- Achieve a positive balance. Money grows when it is invested with intelligence. Knowing the various investment instruments will allow you to submerge only the necessary risks.
- Interpret financial statements. A financial statement can offer an overview of the situation of a company. Therefore, to be able to interpret it, you will have in your possession valuable information to make decisions.
Financial intelligence to achieve successful business
Currently the jobs are being automated, this means that companies need fewer and fewer people, currently only 10% of traditional businesses remain after 5 years, this means that by 2020 40% of employees go to be temporary, the majority of traditional business owners, work more hours than their employees, and the truth is that they sold us a plan that worked a long time ago, but this has begun to change but why did it work more than four decades and currently does not work?
It happens that this plan was designed in the industrial revolution, in the boom of factories and companies that needed a large workforce, a case of this is to implement mandatory public education, not to create great dreamers or creative people, but to generate in many people who would be rewarded for changing these dreams for their own time, that is hard work with which they would get their retirement in old age.
However, nowadays we are in a different era, technology has revolutionised the way we live, it has even offered us new ways to generate income, we live in the information age where people are rewarded for their leadership, their new ideas, big dreams and to create connections either of a person with another person, a business with another business, a product with a business or a product with a person.
Now the question is to which of the following plans do you belong to?
The first is being employed, where you change your time and effort for money the second is being self-employed where you have your own business or profession and everything depends on you, there you change your time, efforts and knowledge for money, the next way is being an entrepreneur , where you have a system working for you and the fourth way is to be an investor where you put a lot of money so that more money is produced.
The reality is that 95% of the people are on the left side and only 5% on the right side, the people on the left side of the quadrant depend 100% of their own effort, while those on the right side, have created or acquired systems that give passive or residual income that does not depend on how many hours work per day and even more impressive 95% of the money is on the right side and only 5% is on the left side is incredible truth.
Remember that thanks to technology you can work intelligently, with a purpose, and develop your unique talents, technology has changed how we live life, and even as we do business, it is not too late to make the change.
For this we have created a series of agile strategies that allow you to have residual income from any place, with any person and at any time, so that you plan your future and make your dreams come true, and in this way achieve to have in your life a financial freedom. Are you ready to change your financial intelligence and also boost your business’ results?
Prickly Pear collects the expertise and knowledge of skilled consultants with years of experience working with businesses creating tailored strategies that help you achieve your financial objectives. Call us today!