Do not forget when planning your commercial premises, the importance of the outdoor signage or canopy, which is usually your first contact with the client. In this article, some recommendations to make the most of it.
The commercial poster allows, in a simple way, the main poster of your business must attract the attention of potential customers, whether they are walking or driving, and direct, make known the existence of your company and inform about products and services. You market. It is a reminder of your brand and a good permanent graphic advertising tool, which allows you to attract potential customers.
Here at Morning Star Press we’re proud of helping Australian businesses have excellent posters printed with vivid colours that call the attention of customers and new-comers while providing a professional and reliable image.
What aspects should you take into account to make the most of it?
Its main purpose: communication. You need to be clear about “what you want to communicate”. The idea is to attract the attention of potential customers, whether they are walking or driving. By looking at it quickly they should be able to get the short message: the name of your business? A slogan? The products you sell? Your differential aspect?
- Simplicity, to be recorded in memory. The less information you have, the easier it will be to get your message, and also remember it. Perhaps it only reaches with the logo of the company, and if necessary, the activity can also be added. It is not convenient to fill it with the brands of the products that are marketed: that implies an information overload, imperceptible in a few seconds.
- Balance and harmony of the parts. It is essential to show coherence between the text, the image and the blank spaces. The arrangement of the different elements must be harmonious: keep in mind that the reading is done from left to right and from top to bottom.
- Location and shape: look around you. When deciding where to place it, it is important to guarantee its visibility. Think that nothing obstructs the poster once placed, such as other posters. The sense of movement is also important. Is the street one-handed? Can you see it from the corner? Are there traffic lights to stop passersby? Is it at the level of the view of who passes? Not confused with neighboring premises? Also think about what type of signage is more appropriate given the location: front, overhang so they can be seen from other streets, canopy or vertical on the sidewalk.
- Size: measuring distances. The size of the poster must be directly proportional to the distance that separates it from the clients. If the idea is to be seen by the moving vehicles, it should be larger than if the focus is on pedestrians walking on the sidewalk. It might even be wise to make two different posters.
- Colors and contrasts. Colors influence to attract attention, we chose bright colors, but few … Like images, an excess only produces confusion. If there are several, they must be consistent with each other. Also, check that the chosen colors contrast with the background.
- Simple typefaces. The choice of typeface to use should be based on readability or visibility. They must be clear, especially if the distances are important and the time the pedestrian or driver has to observe is minimal.
- Day and night? Even if your business does not work at night, it is good to make the most of the visibility to make yourself known. The lighting options are various, depending on preferences, the area or the activity: lighting from inside or from behind or with external lights that point to the front of the sign.
- It is authorized? Depending on the area where your business premises are enabled, the regulations or legal requirements to be able to place outdoor signage may vary (tax categories, size restrictions), but in all cases you will need a municipal authorization to avoid problems.
- Think your message very well. What, how, why and why: it is essential to answer these questions before making your poster. So beforehand, always think about what message you want to convey and its primary purpose.
- Your target audience is everything. Another essential: to know who you are addressing. It is not the same to make a poster to capture the attention of a child than an adult; of a university student, than of a high executive. All audiences can have something in common, but the language and the way to capture their interest changes.
- Your company is many things, you have a lot of information to give, but don’t give it all at once: they won’t read you. Simplify your message as much as possible so that it arrives as directly as possible. People of modern life do not have much time;)
- Take care of typography. The typography of an advertisement must first of all be legible. This also implies proper size and correct use of upper and lower case letters. Extreme care must be taken in advertisements that are based solely on word games, since the form of the letter must also be in accordance with the sensations that one wishes to convey. Below are some examples of the importance of using typography and good text-only ads.
Configure text and image properly. Centered image, text just below: this composition is usually used when what is intended is a mere presentation of the product. When we do not use the centered alignment, the product or the protagonist of the image is also usually placed on the left and the text more to the right so that the visual weight is balanced, since with few exceptions, on the contrary, it tends to appear unbalanced.
When you want to attract attention with the image, it takes up most of the space and the text is placed in a much smaller size in one of the corners of the poster.
Contact us today for more information and make a top poster with the help of true professionals with a lot of time offering excellent services to Australian businesses.