In this article we are going to focus on understanding what we should consider when buying office furniture. Although many times we practice the purchase of office equipment quickly, the truth is that we should first take into account a series of technical aspects.
As a friend who works in the sale of equipment and furniture tells us… “We must ask ourselves and always know what the desk, chairs, footrests or other office furniture should look like from a technical aspect, both to work better and more efficient, and not to have future health problems.”
To give us an idea of the importance, an important brand of office equipment launched an ergonomics study in which it was proved that around 85% of office employees experience lumbar back complications from the age of 50. Be lighter or more acute, of course we have to take note!
Chairs, office tables, shelves or cabinets, counters, screens and desks are necessary so that every worker can do their daily work. Therefore, it is essential to make a technical review as a guide on the choice of furniture for offices, regardless of whether several people work or is for oneself … What are the office furniture we should buy?
The perfect furniture for an office is available here at Davis Furniture. Choosing Davis Furniture as your provider of beautiful pieces of furniture such as our Australian made office tables with unique colours and textures is a great choice that will surely exceed your expectations. Contact us now!
Furniture functions according to type of tasks
It is necessary to know the benefits that the furniture should have in relation to the type of job; Be a position of Manager, technician, administrative or customer service) and daily tasks.
In the following scheme, concepts are clarified to have a global vision of work furniture according to position – task and its benefits:
Postular risks derived from a bad habit
Postural risks in the office originate mainly from two causes; the first is to adopt bad postures and the second to always maintain the same posture. In both cases, there is a direct relationship between postural problems and their causes due to; the furniture, the organization of the environment and the organization of work.
How can we verify, some of the postural problems may be derived from office furniture and its regulation. For this reason, buyers increasingly demand more furniture designed with ergonomic criteria to minimize bad postures and inappropriate movements.
Although we are always thinking about the risks of ergonomics in offices, it is applicable both for home with that small work corner, as for business centers, coworking spaces, academies, conference rooms, training classrooms … etc.
It is very important to recognize that in the long run we can have health problems if we do not take corrective and effective measures to sit well in the company before.
How to choose the office desk
An office desk must be functional and have enough space to work with a certain order. Today, most jobs need space for a computer and various accessories, so the office table will have to be wide enough to hold them and also have space to place folders and different papers.
In the characteristics of the worktable should have:
It must have sufficient dimensions in order to allow the placement of work material and equipment.
The table surface should be matte with the simple objective of avoiding reflections.
The color of the table should be clear with the intention of reducing the contrasts between the furniture, the environment and the work team.
The table materials should not transmit heat or cold (They should be materials with low thermal transmission)
If office tables with integrated wing are used. The wing should not be used as the main support to avoid the adoption of forced postures at work.
The office table and the required workspace can be tested in the following table derived from the UNE Standard where it advises us and provides ideas on the dimensions of the work surface:
Dimensions of the office tables
It is also recommended that it contains several drawers for storing material and documents, so that it can be easily accessed if needed at any time. In some cases it may contain a hidden keyboard tray, although in reality, many workers are not convinced by this system.
Recall that there are several storage systems and large collections in cabinets and drawers outside the desk with good design and that are very functional.
Office chairs: how to buy the right one
This is possibly one of the most important points when we practice the purchase of office furniture, although in reality, we often forget it. We have armchairs or armchairs, waiting chairs, community chairs, office chairs, auditoriums, waiting … etc. A wide range of products, but the basis of usability and ergonomics, is almost the same for all cases.
The market offers us to provide spaces with an important range and sampling in items for sale of office furniture with new items, which are reasonably higher prices or the alternative of equipping an office with second-hand furniture. They are relatively cheaper 2nd Hand Office furniture and also offer price guarantees, so it is an interesting option for those who want to acquire more accessible equipment.
The current trend in office furniture is that we spend more and more hours sitting, either in the office or in our home office. So caring for our body is not only about a healthy life, but other factors that directly affect health appear and among them, it is worth highlighting and responding correctly to … What is the best chair for the office?
Choosing Davis Furniture as your provider of beautiful pieces of furniture such as our Australian made office tables with unique colours and textures is a great choice that will surely exceed your expectations. We are proud of being the best option for our Australian customers. Call us today!