Walking is a wonderful and easy way to stay healthy. You can do it almost anywhere, at any time, throughout the year.
We can incorporate walking into our daily life walking to the shops, walking to work or getting off the bus some stops early. It is not a large and expensive project to take on, such as joining a gym.
Occasionally, health experts call it walking as a “lifestyle exercise” because you can usually spend time without too much change to your daily routine.
Because it is very easy to fit into life: people who walk tend to keep up. Let’s look at the health benefits of being on the move.
Bear in mind that here at Happy Feet Pedorthics we will help you feel comfortable wearing the right type of shoes according to the activities you do. Contact us now to learn more.
When walking
- 6-12 miles per week reduces the risk of premature death by 20-30%.
- It helps protect against cardiovascular diseases (coronary heart disease and stroke).
- It reduces health risk factors such as high blood pressure and cholesterol.
- It decreases the risk of cancer (especially bowel and breast cancer in postmenopausal women).
- Reduces the possibility of becoming a type 2 diabetic.
- It is a good way to fight weight gain and obesity.
- It can benefit skeletal muscle health (for example, osteoarthritis, lower back pain).
- It can improve mental health, happiness and well-being.
Before you start:
A pair of shoes or slippers is all the equipment you need; Anyone who is comfortable and understanding and does not cause blisters will be perfect.
Here are some tips for buying a pair of good walking shoes / sneakers:
- Buy at the end of the day when your feet are slightly swollen, this ensures a good fit.
- Have your feet measured and fit your shoes with the biggest foot if one is a little bigger.
- Make sure there is enough space in the toe box to move the toes.
- There should be approximately 1/2 inch between the toes and the end of the shoe.
- Look for lightweight and breathable materials for comfort.
- Make sure there are no seams inside the shoe to irritate your foot.
- Choose shoelaces for better stability and foot control.
- Make sure the heel is tight, without leaving the shoe.
- Consider buying two pairs of walking shoes and rotate them to give each pair of air time between walks.
- Other things that really help …
- Wear loose clothing that allows you to move freely.
- If you are walking to work, you can wear your usual work clothes with a pair of comfortable walking shoes, changing, if necessary, to more formal work shoes when you arrive.
- For long walks, you can drink some water, healthy snacks, sunscreen and sun hat.
And how can we help?
Of course, as you embark on your new adventures while walking, you may want to face some of those problems with your feet like the following:
- Thick and ingrown toenails
- Corns / hard skin.
- Heel cracks.
- These are uncomfortable discomforts that can decrease your pleasure of walking.
Therefore, make an appointment at our clinic and we can help you make sure you enjoy all the wonderful benefits of walking.
Plantar warts, what are they?
They are small raised bumps that usually develop on the skin and are also known to have warts.
It has been found that most of these are caused by human papillomavirus (HPV).
Children often run the risk of developing plantar warts due to direct contact with another person’s wart, the use of public showers and swimming pools, not wearing shoes or thongs in public places and a compromised immune system. Very often, they will develop on the feet, knees and hands.
You may also develop one or more of the following symptoms:
- Small spots reddened in black or deep inside the wart.
- High or flat warts.
- Pain experienced when squeezed.
What are the causes and risk factors of plantar warts?
The virus gains access to the skin through direct contact. It is presumed that skin inoculation occurs in places that may be contaminated by others with plantar warts, such as communal showers. Plantar warts are observed in all age groups, but they are more common among children 12 to 16 years of age and rare in the elderly.
Risk factors for the development of plantar warts include use of public showers, skin trauma, and weakened immune system due to certain medications used or diseases.
How to treat a plantar wart
In some cases, a plantar wart will resolve naturally. Other cases may require treatment. You can treat a plantar wart in different ways, either by seeing your doctor or by treating the wart at home. The treatments include:
- Salicylic acid cream, a topical cream that can “burn” the wart.
- Liquid nitrogen, which can be used to “freeze” the wart.
- Curettage, which involves cutting the wart.
- Laser therapy to burn the blood vessels that feed the wart.
- Salicylic acid cream, liquid nitrogen and laser therapy are the most common treatments. Both require multiple treatments for several weeks to remove the wart or warts.
If your wart is deep or if it reappears, you may need to see a doctor. Your doctor may combine different treatments, such as laser therapy with salicylic acid, for more effective results.
To prevent a plantar wart, consider the following tips:
- Always cover your feet in shared community spaces, such as swimming pools, locker rooms or bedrooms.
- Ask your doctor about receiving the HPV vaccine, which can help prevent warts, although more research is needed.
- If you have a wart, change your shoes and socks daily.
- Keep the wart covered and wash your hands often to avoid spreading plantar warts to other people.
Here at Happy Feet Pedorthics we can help you find the best option for you, we’ll assist you in the selection of shoes for your daily routine. Measuring your feet is the first step in order to make your new shoes fit accurately.