Diet is what provides us with energy to move, maintain our body temperature, grow, regenerate our tissues and achieve as much vital function as we can imagine. In other words, we feed ourselves in order to live.
Food plays a very important social role and the different ways of preparing food are part of the culture of each region and race. However, and despite this, nutritional disorders are common to all parts of the world.
“A diet that meets all the appropriate characteristics is essential to achieve a good state of health” In both developed and developing countries, nutritional disorders are present. In the former due to excesses and abuses in the way of eating, and in the latter due to lack of one or more nutritional elements. This is why from all points of view the relationship between food and health is essential.
The man from his childhood must learn to eat. Learning to eat properly and put it into practice at an early age will not only prevent future illnesses, but also provide both physical and psychological advantages compared to those who are fed imbalanced or poorly.
Contact true professionals with years of experience helping people follow a good diet that can help you keep your health status untouched.
The average daily feed
An adult person of approximately 70 to 80 kilos needs to consume an average 2,000 (kilo) calories per day of a varied and balanced diet. Only from the variety of foods will you get the macro-nutrients (carbohydrates, proteins and fats) and the micro-nutrients: vitamins and minerals. Therefore, a diet that meets all the appropriate characteristics is essential to achieve a good state of health.
- Macronutrients are the only source of energy for our body, and thanks to them we grow and maintain vital functions.
- Carbohydrates must be present in 50% of total calories, they are an important energy source, each gram provides 4 kilocalories.
- Proteins should constitute 20-25%, they are essential for tissue growth and regeneration, they provide 4 kilocalories per gram.
- The lipids, with 20-30% of the total caloric, fundamentally have energy value, 9 kilocalories per gram consumed.
- Micronutrients, on the other hand, do not provide energy and are consumed in small quantities. They are necessary for the macro nutrients to be properly metabolised and thus build and maintain our body.
- Vitamins are involved in all processes of obtaining energy from food, and in the formation of tissues from proteins. They are also antioxidants against free radicals.
- The mineral elements intervene in numerous functions of our organism. Thus calcium and phosphorus form bones and teeth; iron, copper and cobalt red blood cells, etc.
What foods to include in which food and how to balance correctly?
To obtain these 5 nutrients (hydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals) properly and daily, our diet must consist of the following food groups:
- Dairy group: milk, cheeses, yogurt, etc.
- Group of meats, eggs and nuts: poultry, veal, fish, seafood, eggs, hazelnuts, nuts, almonds, etc.
- Vegetables and fruits. The ideal is to consume every day great variety within the whole range of fruits and vegetables.
- Cereal group: breads, pasta, cookies, rice, grains, legumes and flours
All these foods must be consumed in a rational, balanced and balanced way. It is no use eating only one food. Therefore, it is important to know in what quantities we can take them without falling into deficiencies or excesses.
Additionally, there are and must respect certain tips for good nutrition that will allow you to eat properly and properly regulate your appetite.
The secrets of a healthy, healthy and nutritive dinner
Someone once said that you have to eat breakfast like a king, eat like a prince and have dinner like a beggar. And the truth is that your diet should not be that way, but there is something that is not lacking reason for this saying: one of the keys to a balanced diet is how you deal with the last meal of the day. In this article you will find some secrets of a healthy, healthy and very nutritious dinner.
At dinner, it is best not to overdo it.
Since, as we have said, dinner is the last meal of the day and that after dinner we do not usually move too much or burn many calories, it is best not to go over with food intake. Only then will we be able to maintain the line and rest properly. In general, they estimate that a good dinner should not contribute more than 20% of the calories of the whole day.
What nutrients should star in our dinners?
As with all meals of the day, a dinner should contain hydrates, proteins and fats. But it is better if we concentrate a greater amount of carbohydrates at breakfast and leave the proteins for dinner since they concentrate many calories, satiate us and do not accumulate in the body like the other two nutrients.
But not all types are advisable for dinner. Proteins, for example, must be lean. That is, they should be those in skinless chicken breast, fish, fresh cheese or dairy. Hydrates should be low glycemic, so better if they come from sources such as fruit, vegetables, brown rice or legumes. And fats should be few and of quality: olive oil, avocado, nuts …
Some tricks that will come in handy
- Pay attention to the types of cooking. Grilled better than fried. And if it’s fruit or vegetables, cook them quickly so they don’t lose their nutrients.
- If you come from sports or know that you are going to have a long night of dancing, for example, you can take a greater amount of hydrates. This will replenish the ones you have spent or have more energy to give everything on the track.
- For drinking, water or sugar-free drinks are always more appropriate.
- Desserts, better if they are fruits, jellies or dairy without added sugars.
Remember that the help of an expert is an excellent option to avoid health problems. Here at Parkwood Green Medical we will assist you and help you adopt proper dietary habits that will ensure you feel fine.