The most critical common point among convertibles is precisely the characteristic that makes it such, its roof. This element constitutes a piece of wear more in our vehicle and a key point in the attention that we must provide in the usual maintenance and care of our car.
For aesthetics and comfort, the roof requires a series of periodic care not too demanding, but necessary if we want to ensure the good life of our convertible. Care that goes from simple washing to the treatment of the transparent back surface or the maintenance of the rubbers and that we will address in this your car in a dedicated way to the roof.
A care that we will analyse from its cleaning, treatment and slight restorations to the attention of other points just as critical as the gums that are responsible for offering a more tight cabin or the subsequent glass / plastic, taking advantage of the good weather is already with us and It may be a good time to treat our roof until the arrival of winter and rain.
Here at JB Prestige automotive service you will find a team of qualified professionals for the task.
The first step: cleaning
We begin the treatment of our roof for its cleaning, moment that you can also take advantage of to make a good detail to the rest of your car. Soft roof convertibles offer two canopy possibilities, in polyester canvas, water repellent, or vinyl, more economical and waterproof.
In both cases, even more pronounced in those of canvas, their cleaning and care is essential to avoid that in case of rain, an odd drop makes an appearance in our cabin, in the case of vinyl, it is more likely discoloration Of course also for aesthetic reasons.
We start with the roof washing. For this, we need plenty of water and a shampoo-free shampoo, detergent and alcohol-based products, there are specific shampoos for this purpose and they also offer particular qualities depending on your roof is vinyl or canvas.
The process is simple, the same one that we would use to clean the body but with the precaution of avoiding the direct impact of the water if we use a pressure lance or hose, especially in the rubbers and the points where the roof joins the windows and bodywork. Before you proceed to moisten it and apply the soap, we can use a vacuum cleaner to remove the dust that exists on the surface.
If the convertible is going to remain parked in the street for a long time, a hard top is a good investment.
A soft bristle brush, watch out for the hard bristle brushes that damage the fibers of the canvas roofs, can help us a lot in this process, but we can proceed to clean the roof with our own hands. If we opt for the brush it is totally inadvisable to use it on the transparent back surface to avoid scratching it, even though it is soft bristles. At this point it is more advisable to use a towel.
After washing it is time to dry the surface, for which we can use a suede or a microfiber towel, preferably with light pressures and not dragging along the surface of the roof.
The washing tunnels are discarded and as for the pressure lances my advice is that if the convertible is going to be washed with one of these lances, it will be applied at a reasonable distance and that if we are going to wash the car with this system, it will not apply to the roof, or if it is done, do not directly apply the water jet, much less, if we do not want to end up with water in the cabin, in the tires.
Make our waterproof roof again
Once the roof is clean and dry, treat it. When the convertible leaves the factory, the roof has a water-repellent treatment. This treatment is responsible for waterproofing the roof, to make the water slide on its surface. Over time, the action of the sun, rain and successive washes, this treatment loses its effect until it disappears. If the water does not slip as well as when you bought it, it may be time to treat the roof, depending on the use, it does not hurt that it is waterproofed once a year.
Loss of color, damage to the back vinyl and loss of impermeability are common evils that can be remedied by the passage of time and inclement weather
After cleaning, we can go to some of the suppliers of cleaning products for convertibles and buy a boat to give our roof a waterproof treatment. From personal experience and to cite an example from knowledge, we can go to Renovo, one of the most common signatures in cleaning and convertible care treatments. In addition, not only is it responsible for repelling water, it also protects the roof from ultraviolet rays.
Has the roof lost the original tone?
We have our clean and waterproof roof, ready to withstand one more winter the downpours, but what if our roof no longer looks as good as when you took out the car from the dealership? In such a case it is not too much to apply a dye to the roof. Many users recommend and apply shoe dyes, which also have a fairly comfortable applicator.
There are a good number of cleaning products firms with a range of products specialising in convertibles. To apply a roof paint restorer, after cleaning the first step and check that the roof is dry, applying it better in the shade to avoid drying too quickly, we can apply one or two layers of product, waiting for it to dry between layers. layer, following the proportions that the manufacturer of the product cites in the package. After applying it, let it dry and take effect, following again the time estimated by the manufacturer, at least 3 hours and after that, we can proceed to apply the waterproofing layer to complete the process.
Here at JB Prestige SAAB we pride ourselves in providing the best services for European cars in our area. If you think your brakes are not working well or you need assistance with any other kind of vehicle repair, do not hesitate to visit us and we will be happy to give you timely assistance at the best prices in the market.